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Not sleeping SUCKS

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  • #16
    Re: Not sleeping SUCKS

    I have been struggling to get a good night's sleep for months now. First, I went off my meds for RLS because they are a class C drug. The rebound from that was tremendous.

    Then there was the cold turkey quitting caffine. Now it is the fabulous combo of being entirely too warm (we are avoiding the AC in a desperate bid to save money - this lovely 1920's bungalow leaks like a sieve) and having to pee every couple of hours if I have more than a few ounces to drink after 4 pm!



    • #17
      Re: Not sleeping SUCKS

      What a timely post! I was a GREAT sleeper until I married DH. He is on-call 27 days out of each month (yes, you read that correctly!), and therefore his pager is constantly going off. He is so used to it that he returns the call completely coherently, then crashes right back to sleep. Meanwhile, I am up for another hour trying to get the adrenaline rush from the pager going off to go down.

      I am in a serious cycle of insomnia right now, and it is so incredibly frustrating. The past few nights, I've slept MAYBE an hour each night. I am BEYOND frustrated. I was in tears this morning because I felt so crappy from not sleeping.

      And I'm not even pregnant! I don't have anything else to add to this thread other than I am sorry you're not sleeping well either.
      Married to a peds surgeon attending


      • #18
        Re: Not sleeping SUCKS

        And .... we're back. I've actually been sleeping well the past couple of weeks (it's all relative, right?). But as of 7:40AM, I've been up for 4 hours. :badday: It's not the baby, either. My sweet, darling oldest child picked up some bug at school & brought it home to share.


        • #19
          Re: Not sleeping SUCKS

          Ugg there is nothing worse IMO then being sick when you're pg.
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #20
            Re: Not sleeping SUCKS

            I am a horrible sleeper as well and boy do I love to sleep. It only gets worse when DH is on call or on an away rotation - like now. My mind just races for hours and then all of a sudden it is 4am. I send good dreams out to all of you tonight.


            • #21
              Re: Not sleeping SUCKS

              we're getting the first sickness too.
              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

