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weekend plans?

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  • #16
    Re: weekend plans?

    Celebrating my last day of work (today)!!!! My nephews are coming into the city on Friday and DH and I will take them and my sibs to the MET and Central Park. Then on Sunday we will pack for our trip to Martha's Vineyard for a week TOO HAPPY...and the best....seeing Eddie Vedder in concert at a theater that's only 6 blocks from our house on Monday.

    This is going to be the best weekend ever!!!
    Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


    • #17
      Re: weekend plans?

      Oh!! and we are buying our new iMac (24" screen) on Friday...I am so excited that I had to tell all of y'all since I am not really speaking to anyone in my office right now
      Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


      • #18
        Re: weekend plans?

        Originally posted by Tenacious D
        Oh!! and we are buying our new iMac (24" screen) on Friday...I am so excited that I had to tell all of y'all since I am not really speaking to anyone in my office right now
        Ahh you don't need have all you need in this fabu bunch of folks !!


        • #19
          Re: weekend plans?

          Kelly, I'm really sorry to hear about your grandmother. Mine went through a similar stage. That stage sucks for everyone involved.

          Deb, while Hamptons sound fab, it's about 5 hour drive from where we are, so I think I'll pass (their Poconos place is only 45 minutes away).


          • #20
            Re: weekend plans?

            What is this "weekend" of which you speak? DH is probably working. Eddy and I have a birthday party on Saturday and the farmer's market on Sunday.


            • #21
              Re: weekend plans?

              Thanks to *Lily* we will be going shape singing tomorrow night and go to a wedding reception Saturday night. Rest of the time householder yoga and trying to fit into our older kids schedule while hubby is home for 5 days.


              • #22
                Re: weekend plans?

                Tomorrow night we will probably go out to celebrate with a friend who was accepted into medical school at Ross this week. We are very happy for him because he has been trying very hard the past 4 years to get to this point.

                On Saturday, we will make our annual pilgrimage to the beach. We will sit on the beach all day and enjoy a picnic lunch. I will sit and read a good book, while the other half boogie boards. If I do not fry, I will consider our annual trip a success. The hair color that my avatar has closely resembles my own, and I also get the pale skin that goes along with said hair color. We might then stop and visit the other half's parents and sister. They just got back from some tropical locale and apparently have some gifts for us.

                Sunday will be relaxing, grocery shopping, etc.

                I hope everyone enjoys their weekends!
                Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                • #23
                  Re: weekend plans?

                  Not sure yet but we should do something....DH is off until next Thursday!!! Someone wanted to switch a shift that he had on Monday. EM is nice.
                  (He has 9 nights in a row afterwards though)

                  We went out today and got a great deal on a washing machine, our first appliance , which is being delivered Sunday, but no other plans. Pathetic!


                  • #24
                    Re: weekend plans?

                    We're going to my grandfather's 95th birthday party on Saturday. Then on Sunday DH and I are going whitewater rafting with some of my siblings in the Poconos. It's nice to actually have plans for once!


                    • #25
                      Re: weekend plans?

                      Wait, I lied- was it Angie or Nellie who warned us all about the "no good deed goes unpunished" phenomenons for volunteers. Tomorrow I'll be at a Board Meeting from 8:30am until 2:30. Then Sunday I had forgotten that I'd signed us up to do set-up for the Neighborhood Association fundraising BBQ/picnic.

                      My husband and son however, are going to the movies with one of the other school Board member's husbands and their two daughters. (The girls were adopted from China so they and Nikolai think it's cool to hang out with other people who come from someplace else)



                      • #26
                        Re: weekend plans?

                        I'll be "scouring" eBay for maternity clothes .....I stored my maternity clothes from Xander at my parents when we went to Australia and they "lost" them....


                        • #27
                          Re: weekend plans?

                          Originally posted by sarahB
                          I'll be "scouring" eBay for maternity clothes .....I stored my maternity clothes from Xander at my parents when we went to Australia and they "lost" them....
                          Oh sarah that sucks maternity clothes are not cheap. Happy e-bay'ing.

                          We're all sick! Adele has had a runny nose since Tuesday or Wednesday, we just figured it was because we think she's closer to getting a tooth but DH came home sick yesterday and I woke up at 3am not feeling well. So I'm trying to head mine off before it really gets here and of course who's up with Adele? Me. Ugg
                          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                          • #28
                            Re: weekend plans?

                            No plans. Still trying to recover from having a cavity refilled. Why does it still hurt? My whole jaw is just sore, and my gums are all inflamed. On the bright side, I can't eat very well, so I'm not stuffing myself like a sausage.

                            I have to get the house in tip-top shape. I have a baby shower I am throwing next weekend, and my ILs will be here the 12th.

                            So, yeah, lots and lots of fun here. Chad is on call all weekend.
                            Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                            • #29
                              Re: weekend plans?

                              Today, I will be painting dd's room. I have already taped alot of it off and I'm just waiting for Dh to take the kids for a "Daddy's day out" and off I go.

                              Tomorrow, we will be hanging out with relatives who are coming into town for a visit. :| I wish I had more exciting weekend plans to share. :|
                              Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


                              • #30
                                Re: weekend plans?

                                Well, the compost for our garden never arrived yesterday like it was supposed to. And DH came home from rounding and is sacked out on the bed. So our Saturday plans are shot.

                                I think, if the kids will give me a spare moment, I'll unpack my scrapbook items and get started on a page layout.

                                Everyone please have double the fun for me!

