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Do you make the bed(s) every day?

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  • #16
    Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

    I'll toss the comforter over the bed, smooth it flat, and toss the pillow shams on...about once a month!

    But, it does make me feel better/cleaner when I do!
    Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


    • #17
      Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

      I make the bed every day. Max, not so much. But I have to laugh at what Cheri said since Max is almost 6'8'' so he kicks violently agains the covers and accuses me of trying to "trap" his feet if I tuck in the cover to the bottom of the bed on his side. I've tried to explain that I don't like the look of his sheets hanging beyond the comforter but it doesn't get me very far. Usually he just threatens to sleep exactly diagonal on the bed and leave me with no space.

      Oh well, I think it's kind of funny that his feet hang like 5 inches past the end of the bed when mine go nowhere near the bottom.
      Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
      Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


      • #18
        Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

        I don't make the bed when I wake up.

        Dh makes it before we go to bed at night.
        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #19
          Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

          Yes, it gets made every day by one of us. It doesn't take any time and I feel lots better getting into a bed that looks neat at night instead of one that reminds me of my many failings as a housekeeper. Neither of us, btw, likes to have our feet feeling trapped at night, and DH (who is *maybe* 6'3) refuses to even consider having a bed with a footboard.
          The boys beds....not so much. They are supposed to pull their covers up to the top of the bed each morning and I would say they do it about half of the time. I am going to have to start doing surprise bed checks.

          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #20
            Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

            Originally posted by alison
            I don't make the bed when I wake up.

            Dh makes it before we go to bed at night.

            It doesn't take any time and I feel lots better getting into a bed that looks neat at night instead of one that reminds me of my many failings as a housekeeper.
            This is a big part of the reason why I do it. I hate walking by an unmade bed later in the day, felling like it needs taking care of.


            • #21
              Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

              See, I read Home Comforts and it made me think about what's getting in the bed all day long. In my case, the answer is lots and lots of pets. Now that we have a black bottom sheet, it's kind of gross to see the fur build up! We have a flat sheet and a down comforter, so I leave those off for a bit to air the bed then pull them up, nothing fancy. I don't always do it, but I do try.

              I try to do Eddy's crib once a day too but that's less likely to be done. And the guest bed (in a closed room) has been unmade since we last used it, probably weeks ago.


              • #22
                Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

                Originally posted by Vanquisher
                Seriously? No offense, but you people are freaks. What's the point of making a bed anyway? I make mine when I know someone critical is going to be looking in my room (almost never), and sometimes when I change the sheets, which is probably way less often than all of you people who probably think I am a disgusting slob, and you probably aren't far off, but if you come visit me, I'll put clean sheets on your bed, and make it too.
                Heidi and I may be the same person. It's so hot here our comforter sits in a pile on the floor in the corner of the room. And instead of washing pillows (which I just found out you're supposed to do) I buy new ones. Macy's had some on sale last weekend. I bought 6 (including 2 King size) for about $40.
                Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                • #23
                  Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?


                  I do not make my bed. But when I change my sheets, I make hospital corners and it's all pristine so when I toss the blanket and sheet back as if I were making the bed, it looks good. Honestly,I am far too rushed in the am to give a good rat's ass and I am so tired by the time I go to sleep that I'm just happy I have a bed. sheets are superfluous at that point of exhaustion.



                  • #24
                    Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

                    Originally posted by alison
                    I don't make the bed when I wake up.

                    Dh makes it before we go to bed at night.

                    [quote:af0bf]It doesn't take any time and I feel lots better getting into a bed that looks neat at night instead of one that reminds me of my many failings as a housekeeper.
                    This is a big part of the reason why I do it. I hate walking by an unmade bed later in the day, felling like it needs taking care of.[/quote:af0bf]

                    This describes me exactly. I'm feeling like a big freak here since it seems like most people don't do it!

                    -Wife of urology attending.
                    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                    • #25
                      Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

                      Ummm, yes! BUT that is about the only houseish thing I am guaranteed to do every day. I am a wierdo and can't get into the bed to sleep unless it's made.....serioulsy I don't have OCD and it is my only "thing" around the drives DH mad as he is also tall (6'6) and instantly kicks the sheets untucked as soon as he gets into bed so that his feet can hang over the end.....


                      • #26
                        Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

                        I'm one of the freaks! I have to make each bed every morning! I'm cumpulsive about it. To me, it's the one big thing I do that makes my house seem picked up. The truth is, though, with two kids home all of the time, it's rarely picked up.

                        My Dh is 6'3 and he has to untuck the bed sheets at the foot of the bed every night, too. It drives me crazy having to re-tuck that in each morning. But, I'm sure that drives him crazy too!

                        I forgot to add that I love the feeling of getting into a made bed at night. It's very comfy to me.
                        Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


                        • #27
                          Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

                          yes, on most days. it's the pets. if someone pukes (or in the case of a couple weeks ago) pisses on my bed, most often i only need to wash my comforter. i also take a lint brush to the comforter every other night. (cat hair, people!)

                          dh doesn't care. he annoys me with the loose sheet thing. i have to have tight sheets. i cannot get in an unmade bed. the sheets have to be pulled up, wrinkle free, and tight. the comforter has to be even and aligned just right. in the middle of the night, if the blankets are hanging off the side of the bed too far on dh's side..or mine..i will seriously fix it all. and i'm not above ripping the pillow out from underneath dh's head(even when he is sleeping, or at 2am) and adjusting them, fluffing them, or flipping them until *I* think he looks comfortable. i like cold pillows and sheets. i sleep with a fan a foot from the bed blowing on me.

                          yes, clearly i have issues.

                          oh yeah...the babes attempt to make theirs too.
                          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                          • #28
                            Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

                            Originally posted by migirl
                            I have to make the bed every day . . .
                            What about you? Do you make the bed(s) every day?
                            not within minutes of waking up, but I have to make the bed as well. I like getting into a freshly made bed. Count me in as one of the freaks!


                            • #29
                              Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

                              Count me in the freaky club, but only recently. I used to not be very consistent about making my bed, until I figured out that making it, improved my mood for the day. Also I have trying to teach the kids to be more self-sufficient, and part of it is having a clean room, which involves making the bed. They are doing it, and even Reed, the 2 yr. old likes to put his pillow on the bed. My kids don't like sleeping with covers, have a small blanket on their bed, so not much is involved in making their beds. Lorien's crib I straighten up in the morning, only because when I get her up, Reed has thrown all of the stuffed animals from the top bunk into the crib, which is knee to waist deep on Lorien. I get him to help so I am not doing it all myself.

                              Dh doesn't make the bed as he is off to work at 530 or 600 am.
                              Gas, and 4 kids


                              • #30
                                Re: Do you make the bed(s) every day?

                                No, I don't but I am going to start because my kids are going to have to make their beds every morning. Have to walk the walk.

