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Do you make your husband...

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  • #16
    Re: Do you make your husband...

    We like to conserve water, too.

    For those who wash scrubs at home, I thought you'd be interested in this unique little study (sorry, abstract only): ... rom=pubmed (If you follow the link, there are more links to the right with similar studies.)
    PURPOSE: To determine the presence of pathogens on scrub attire that had been either laundered at home or in the hospital. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Quasi-experimental research design with a convenience sample. The left front shoulders of home-laundered scrubs (n = 30) and hospital-laundered scrubs (n = 20) were cultured during the first 2 hours of a single workday. For the home-laundered scrubs, data were collected concerning home washing procedures, water temperature, pets in the home, and donning procedures. RESULTS: No pathogenic growth was found on either the hospital- or home-laundered scrubs. In addition, no relationships were found between home washing procedures, water temperature, pets in the home, and donning procedures. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results of this pilot study suggested that scrubs laundered both at home and in the hospital were free of pathogens, and that differing home washing procedures made no difference. Further investigation is necessary with larger numbers of subjects.


    • #17
      Re: Do you make your husband...

      I already answered the question but one thing to mention is that DH never comes home in scrubs, technically they're not supposed to leave the hospital in them. He only showers at night if he's been working out or working in the yard. He needs his morning shower to wake up.
      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


      • #18
        Re: Do you make your husband...

        He usually goes running or works out in the evenings and obviously showers then, and of course when he rides his bike to work. He wears a uniform and puts the doctor coat over it so what he typically does is change the t-shirt they wear and rewears the pants and jacket. If he's in a week where he can ride his bike to work, he leaves his uniform in his office with a stack of clean undies and t-shirts and changes after he showers there. I do hate the smell of the hospital soap, too.



        • #19
          Re: Do you make your husband...

          This has been most enlightening! DH and I used to shower together - but since I barely fit in our current shower, we don't anymore. Our old shower had 2 shower heads, so no one got cold! (Didn't help conserve water, though!)
          Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


          • #20
            Re: Do you make your husband...

            Originally posted by GreyhoundsRUs
            This has been most enlightening! DH and I used to shower together - but since I barely fit in our current shower, we don't anymore. Our old shower had 2 shower heads, so no one got cold! (Didn't help conserve water, though!)
            We're in the shower-power crew, too. One of my favorite things is to shower together. It's not a sexy as it rarely leads to extra-curricular fun, but it is so nice because there is nothing else we have to be dealing with. We can just talk and aren't interrupted by the phone or the child...although the stupid pager is ever present!


            • #21
              Re: Do you make your husband...

              This thread brings back good memories! For the first few years of our marriage, DH and I always showered together. After we had kids, one of us needed to be available for them, plus we only had shower stalls, with a separate tub, and there wasn't room for both of us in there. We are putting in quite a nice custom shower in our new master bath, so maybe we will start showering together again! I love having someone wash my hair.

              About wearing scrubs....DH would happily live in them. We went out to dinner tonight (the lady in solo practice that DH and his partner share call with on the weekends is trying to recruit a partner and she asked DH and I to have dinner with her and the candidate) and DH was wearing scrubs......I am over it. He is on call often enough that it just saves time for him to wear scrubs. It cuts down on laundry, after all.

              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

              "I don't know when Dad will be home."


              • #22
                Re: Do you make your husband...

                Normally a morning bather.


                • #23
                  Re: Do you make your husband...

                  Dh usually washes in the morning, but will wash at night if he's worked out, feels gross from the hosptial, or was around particually icky things at the hospital. We seperate his scrubs from the rest of the laundry - they don't even make it into the bedroom and I wash them weekly in hot water. For awhile he was returning his scrubs to be washed at work but now that we live further away and he still walks there & back its easier to wash & keep them here.
                  Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


                  • #24
                    Re: Do you make your husband...

                    He'll only shower at night if he went to the gym after work. Otherwise, it's morning only. I'm also still fighting with him not plopping on the couch in scrubs after work. They're technically not suppose to wear them out either but everyone does.


                    • #25
                      Re: Do you make your husband...

                      The other half needs to shower in the morning in order to function. He will shower at night if he went out for a run or to the gym. I am the same way - I don't really wake up and feel refreshed unless I shower first thing in the morning.

                      The scrubs come off as soon as he come in. They are technically not supposed to leave the hospital, but he always brings them back in the next day for a new set.

                      I actually get more grossed out by the sneakers that he wears around the hospital. That's because he insists on using them to work out in, hike in, etc. Yuck.
                      Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                      • #26
                        Re: Do you make your husband...

                        Originally posted by v-girl
                        Garrett only showers at night if he has gone for a run. Otherwise he's a morning showerer.

                        Ditto....DH showers if he has gone on a run. Otherwise it's in the morning. I probably need it more after traveling on the NYC there is a germ fest!
                        Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


                        • #27
                          Re: Do you make your husband...

                          Originally posted by GreyhoundsRUs
                          shower when they come home from the hospital?

                          DH and I are both morning showerers because we need the extra wake-up in the morning. Recently, I've been thinking that he may be coming home with some hitchhikers - the microbial kind!

                          Do you encourage your SO to shower before bed? Is it even something to be worried about?
                          It depends... DH is in Surgery--- so unless he has been in the ER oncall, I usually just make him change out of scrubs/lab coats right away. And wash hands!!

                          This usually curbs the germies.

                          DH's LabCoats get hung up seperate in the laundry room from everything else.


                          • #28
                            Re: Do you make your husband...

                            He showers in the morning and sometimes after work depending on what he saw during that shift. I shower at night after the kids are asleep so he'll usually jump in with me then, too.

                            He changes out of his scrubs as soon as he walks in the door, but then they get thrown in with the rest of our laundry. I'm much more worried about all of the germs that are floating around public places. :huh:


                            • #29
                              Re: Do you make your husband...

                              DH showers at night and in the morning. We normally work out at night so he showers after that. He has also been on Ortho rotations for the last 5 months so there is normally cast residue and blood and other surgical and non surgical residue. Who knows what will happen on his research block (I can't wait for the research block!) He showers in the morning to wake up.


                              • #30
                                Re: Do you make your husband...

                                My husband never showers after working. He is a morning showerer. The only time he will shower at night is if he has been working in the yard or exercising.

