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I need your help!

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  • #31
    Re: I need your help!

    Originally posted by shrinkjamie
    Alison, I went to LC for grad school. It's a fantastic college! I actually miss it very, very much, and still sometimes walk around its beautiful campus.
    You know, I didn't even know they had a graduate psych program! The campus is what made me fall in love with the school. I cry with homesickness every time I see photos of Tryon Creek. We were married at Flanagan Chapel.


    • #32
      Re: I need your help!

      Originally posted by Lily
      Is that part of the surgeon in him, that he has attention to detail? because I could wear a burlap sack with flipflops and my IM husband would say, You look totally perfect. I love the man but style is not his strong suit (unless I buy it! )
      Actually, I have one of DH's ex-girlfriends to thank for that. After his divorce (first marriage, 7 years ago), she took him to Seattle to do some serious shopping. She taught him a lot about style, and he does have a great eye for what will look good. Me, not so much...being born and raised here in Portland (Hillsboro to be exact, if anyone here knows where that is!), I am a serious tomboy at heart.

      Lily, my DH says the same thing when I put on a pair of his scrubs, i.e., "honey, that looks fantastic!". And it's interesting...he has extreme attention to detail at work as a surgeon, but here at home, he's a bit spacey and forgetful. I find the incongruency endearing.
      Married to a peds surgeon attending


      • #33
        Re: I need your help!

        i have a friend who lives in hillsboro. he loves it there. he's from new england originally, was a traveling nurse and fell in love with it. he bought a house, got a dog...and makes some serious money at some local hospital. he tries to get me to talk dh into moving out that way.
        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #34
          Re: I need your help!

          Originally posted by spotty_dog
          You know, I didn't even know they had a graduate psych program! The campus is what made me fall in love with the school. I cry with homesickness every time I see photos of Tryon Creek. We were married at Flanagan Chapel.
          Yep, they have quite a few grad programs in psych, actually. My masters is in counseling psychology.

          I LOVE to hike the trails in Tryon Creek.

 ex-husband and I got married at Flanagan Chapel, too! It is THE most beautiful setting for a wedding. The marriage didn't last, but the pics are stunning, LOL!
          Married to a peds surgeon attending


          • #35
            Re: I need your help!

            Originally posted by Lily
            Jamie, re: details. I try to remember it's a godsend. While he puts the dishes in the washer, and never realizes there is grease on the stovetop and BQ sauce on the counters yet considers the kitchen clean, he also never thinks, "wow, the dimples in her ass are really distracting." Mostly I think he just thinks, "boobs. Awesome."
            we MUST be married to the same man.
            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


            • #36
              Re: I need your help!

              Originally posted by shrinkjamie
              Hillsboro to be exact, if anyone here knows where that is!
              I know exactly where that is. DH grew up in the Tualatin/Tigard area and I'm originally from east of Vancouver.


              • #37
                Re: I need your help!

                Originally posted by diggitydot
                Originally posted by shrinkjamie
                Hillsboro to be exact, if anyone here knows where that is!
                I know exactly where that is. DH grew up in the Tualatin/Tigard area and I'm originally from east of Vancouver.
                One of the most wonderful years of our life together was spent living right at Cornelius Pass and the 26, just a sneeze from the Hillsboro border.


                • #38
                  Re: I need your help!

                  Last edited by weeniegeniewife; 09-23-2010, 11:25 AM.
                  Married to a peds surgeon attending


                  • #39
                    Re: I need your help!

                    I had to google Reed.

                    I had no idea what that was!

                    And, I didn't know about the farmer/hunter pants, either.
                    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                    With fingernails that shine like justice
                    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                    • #40
                      Re: I need your help!

                      Mike Rowe can rock a pair of Carrharts like no other ....

             ... ber=177680

             ... ber=177680


                      • #41
                        Re: I need your help!

                        Originally posted by spotty_dog
                        Originally posted by diggitydot
                        I'm so homesick for Powell's Books.

                        Portland, :imissu:

                        birdie, it's awesome to hear of another graduate from the PNW liberal arts enclave making it to med school! And congrats on your daughter for getting into Reed, it's an awesome school, hippie reputation notwithstanding. (At LC we were of course just wannabes to the Reed level of hippiness! )
                        A friend of mine went to Reed and talked about a naked slip and slide? Something about naked hairy hippies doing the slip and slide that was too much even for him.

                        Alison, my kids did a camp at Tryon Creek. I wish they had an adult camp at the same time. I love it there and think it is such a treasure to have close by.

                        Glad you found something to wear! Have fun at the party, Jamie.


                        • #42
                          Re: I need your help!

                          Looking forward to seeing pics!

                          DH and I used to go to juggling at Reed on Wednesday evenings - only the best of the best PNW hippie fashions happen on Reedie *jugglers*, let me tell you.

                          One of the girls we knew from juggling several years ago worked at the reactor while she went to school there, and went on to do something with nuclear engineering. She was also on the school's women's rugby team.
                          Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                          • #43
                            Re: I need your help!

                            Originally posted by spotty_dog
                            One of the most wonderful years of our life together was spent living right at Cornelius Pass and the 26, just a sneeze from the Hillsboro border.
                            You lived at the Roadhouse?

                            There's a Freddy's complex right at 26 and CP, now. It's the one the Roloffs go to when they go to a Freddy's on "little people, big world"

                            And... "the" 26? Oh, Alison. :tsk: Where did you pick that "the" up?
                            Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                            • #44
                              Re: I need your help!

                              The Portland area is really something else - it is hard to explain to folks who have never been here. We like it. We have friends that work at Reed and Reedies for friends and have even gone to the Wednesday night juggling sessions when our kids were younger. Unique and quirky are very limiting adjectives for Reed but I can't think of better ones right now.

                              I should also say that my middle daughter is planning to go to Reed and study linguistics but she volunteered for a year in a favela in Sao Paolo and is now doing some sort of wilderness tracking program (making skin kayak and bow and arrows etc & living in woods) for a year and THEN going (she and we are assuming she will be accepted).

                              Back to fashion - one thing I have heard makes a great difference when you use a personal shopper at Nordies or Saks is that the personalized tailoring really pulls it together. I am looking forward to the "night of" pictures, sort of like an adult prom.


                              • #45
                                Re: I need your help!

                                I don't have anything to contribute to this thread, I just wanted to observe that it's taken some interesting tangents!

                                -Wife of urology attending.
                                -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

