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Favorite Season?

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  • #16
    Re: Favorite Season?

    I love fall as well... I grew up in the Caribbean so we didn't have seasons to speak off. But after 4 years in New England for college, there is nothing like the crisp weather of fall. It may also be because I love wearing comfy sweaters and boots. :P And because I love cooking in the fall... comfort food all the way!


    • #17
      Re: Favorite Season?

      i voted fall. nothing like it for this new england girl. fall is the best! apple cider, leaves
      (leaf peeping), crisp air, trail riding, thanksgiving!! my favorite holiday. :P feeeed me!! sweaters, jeans, fleece, gloves, your breath in the air, pumpkin picking, the first frost...i could go on and on.

      west virginia's fall doesn't start until november.

      I grew up in the Caribbean so we didn't have seasons to speak off
      so not true! there was hot, hotter, hottest, rain, really rainy-can't hear youself talk because it's pounding the windows and roof so hard rain, hurricane season, FEAR of hurricanes, humid, thick you can cut it with a knife humid, can't breath humid.... moving to the caribbean from vermont was a HUGE, HUGE weather adjustment. when we stepped of the plane i thought i was going to DIE. trust.
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #18
        Re: Favorite Season?

        So true rainbabes. Growing up there I guess I got used to that sort of weather. This whole snow situation was more of an adjustment. Hurricane season is horrible, I feel for everyone right now. My DH is on an away rotiation in Miami right now, not a fun ride. Where did you all move?


        • #19
          Re: Favorite Season?

          apple picking, windows open all day and night, jeans and a fleece and the cool air does it for me. makes the holidays feel like they are right around the corner.
          Wife to PGY5 ortho resident
          SAHM to 3


          • #20
            Re: Favorite Season?

            I love all the season in their own way. The first real snowfall of winter where it isn't too cold and everything is beautiful and crisp and white and pillowy all at the same time. It is dreamlike. Then comes the reality of day after day without sun and the grey, dirty snow...

            Spring and the return of the sun and the joy of all of the new plant life. The neighbors coming out of their houses and getting the kids together to play and see how much they have grown over the long winter. (Then there are the rains and all of the mud.)

            Summer's long, lazy days of being able to stay up later, the neighborhood kids playing together, the impromtu parties. I like the heat and would rather have that than the cold.

            Autumn's crispness with the promise of good things like apples and squash and oven-roasted poultry and cookies (hmm, I sense a trend here). I am amused every year that the trees on our street are still green, but just one block over they have all fallen. (This does mean that we miss the deadline for fall leaf rake-out each and every year... but I don't mind the extension of the colors.) But I dread the return of darkness and SAD so it is a bittersweet time for me.


            • #21
              Re: Favorite Season?

              I start pulling my fall decorations and clothes out mid September, even though it doesn't feel like fall up to a month or so ... I *heart* fall!


              • #22
                Re: Favorite Season?

                Fall...I love the air and falling leaves and of course it means Christmas is right around the corner and I love Christmas!

