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So Scary it's Funny

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  • #31
    Re: So Scary it's Funny

    Just catching up - wow! That is super scary! DH rides his motorcycle to work sometimes, and I hate it. I'd fight that one, since you have such a good argument now. So sorry it happened, but glad he's ok!


    • #32
      Re: So Scary it's Funny

      Just now reading this and I am so glad he is not hurt. DH was given a FELT bike by his friend who 1) was hit on a motorcycle in Wichita Falls and spent years recovering from extensive injuries and lost one eye and has never been the same in the head since, and 2) decided it would be safe to ride a bike instead and the got hit again by a car (told you he wasn't right) and tore his leg up permenantly. So now DH has this bike and I am so afraid he will be hit in our rural town were noone drives the speed limit.

      I'm glad Rick was not a statistic. Maybe a hobby like skydiving will keep him safer.


      • #33
        Re: So Scary it's Funny

        Just saw this, holy shit, that's scary. Glad he's ok and you can make fun of it now. The driver definitely owes Rick a new bike.


        • #34
          Re: So Scary it's Funny

          how did i miss this!?

          wowzer, jenn. i'm glad he is alright...and i'm sorry that the bike is ruined! good thing for his training...sounds like that is what really saved him from harm.

          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


          • #35
            Re: So Scary it's Funny

            I am glad your husband is okay - that is very scary


            • #36
              Re: So Scary it's Funny

              I'm so glad he's okay!
              Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


              • #37
                Re: So Scary it's Funny

                Wow! I just saw this! So sorry about your husband's bike accident! Glad he is ok.

