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Happy Belated Easter!

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  • Happy Belated Easter!

    Was the bunny good to you?

    We had a pretty laid back day. My 14 1/2 year old decided he was way too old for little kiddy holidays and refused to partake in our outdoor easter egg hunt LOL I decided to just let that go and not argue. I suppose he would have looked silly running around outside looking for plastic eggs!

    The kids all got jelly-beaned up...I cooked a nice German Braten...we went for a 1.5 hour long walk at a nature park...and then settled on TGIF for dinner!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Sounds like you guys had a nice time! We went to eat on Saturday with my parents, laid around on Sunday morning, went to a pot-luck with some friends, went to the new Wal-mart, and then PF Chang's for dinner.

    When I came home at 8:30 am from grocery shopping, DH said to me "What did the Easter Bunny bring me". He was actually bummed that I didn't get him any candy
    Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


    • #3
      We had a pretty nice weekend, other then the drama that I mentioned in the Parenting section!

      Yesterday we woke up and it was pouring so the bunny had to hide the eggs inside the house! While that was going on I had made a egg and brie strata the night before so I popped that in to cook.

      Then yesterday afternoon, Nikolai's buddy Lily came over (with her parents) and they played. Rick's friend from high school (the one getting married in London in August) and her fiance, their baby (well, she's one) and her 11 year old daughter stopped by for a visit. They're here visiting her (Rick's friend's) birth mother. They ended up staying the night and it was pretty fun.

      We stayed up way too late and drank way too much red wine but that's ok.



      • #4
        We went to church, then drove an hour to my mom's for Easter dinner with her, my (deceased) grandma's mall-walking buddy (he's 95) and two college students from my mom's church that didn't go home for Easter. I love that my mom hates to see anyone "alone" on the holidays, but it does cut down on visiting time. She never seems to make the connection, though, and continues to complain that she never gets to see us, even when we have *just* been up there. <sigh>

        At dinner, I got a text that I had a new nephew! Some of you may remember that a year ago, my half-sister had a baby boy (Owen) with a severe heart defect. (It is trisomy 10q if anyone wants the technical name.) He has had two heart surgeries and will have a third before he is two, but is really doing well. He will have some developmental issues as well, but is very sweet and social. Anyway, since Owen was born last April 2nd, his mother Adrienne has graduated from pharmacy school, gotten a job, moved, gotten another job, gone through two heart surgeries with Owen and learned more than she ever wanted to know about tube feeding, OT, and PT, and has had another baby boy, Gavin Drew, who was born on Saturday (4-11) and was a whopping 9 pounds, 9 ounces and 21 inches long at birth. (How's that for a run-on sentence!) Oh, and after the birth, Adrienne got up to use the restroom, realized her epidural hadn't fully worn off, and even though she had her husband on one side and her nurse on the other side, she fell and may have broken her foot! Poor girl. It was all blue and swollen when we went to see them yesterday after leaving my mom's. The baby is beautiful, though, and I know his parents are thrilled beyond words to have him safely here.

        Today is Luke's 14th birthday, and the kids have the day off from school, so I took the day off, too. Travis kind of blocked his afternoon schedule and is hoping to get home around 3, although I will believe it when I see it. Luke is getting a built-in basketball hoop, so not many other presents will be forthcoming, but he is getting a basketball and a Nike thing for his ipod to use when he runs. I need to go make his birthday cake! It has been a perfect day to stay home since it has been raining literally all day. I think Luke wants to go to a Japanese steakhouse for dinner tonight....hopefully the rain will stop by then.
        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          We spent Easter in the car driving home from a house hunting trip in Denver. It really didn’t feel like a holiday. However, DH had planned ahead and hidden a chocolate bunny in the car for us to eat on the way home. He isn’t a big holiday person, so I was very surprised he had taken the initiative. It was a sweet gesture.


          • #6
            We had such a great Easter! We went to the Great Vigil on Saturday night (whoo hoo! Church had nursery care for the little kids!). The service was amazing. Incense, candle-lit, fabulous homily. ANd playing to a packed house! Just wonderful.

            Made Easter baskets for the kids (Ava-Marie, of course, had no appreciation of it!). Sam loved his. I don't do the whole Easter bunny angle. I just have a hard time time pitching the idea that I'd let a smelly rodent run unchecked through the house. I don't think anyone would believe me. That's OK, though. I just tell Sam that some families "do the Easter bunny," so he should be respectful of that tradition. He seems fine with that--he just wants the basket of goodies, however he gets it...

            I made dinner for twelve. We had friends over. It was fun! Thank goodness I rented "Madagascar 2"...saved the day with the jacked-up-on-sugar muchkins.


            • #7
              Originally posted by PrincessFiona View Post
              Was the bunny good to you?

              Mr. Bunny was on call in-house on Easter Sunday, hopping around for the service all weekend, slave to the pager and generally stuck in the OR. Poor bunny. However, he did manage to take a detour to Easter Vigial mass on Sat. and official join the RC church. We taught him the secret papal handshake afterwards.

              Mrs. Bunny took care of all the Easter traditions with the kids. Thankfully the grandparents sent enough candy and goodies to supply the baskets. Thank you easy button. Oh, and I ate all the chocolate double crisp bunnies.


              • #8
                I'm embarrassed to admit this, but my husband is 31 and I hid eggs for him... He loved it, so I did a second round for him. Give Andrew another 15 years.
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #9
                  We had a great day. The final head count was 25. Most importantly, most of the familial dysfunction was kept in check. (Somehow the presence of near strangers helps?) The weather cooperated and *I* really enjoyed hostess. Who would have thought it.

                  I am absolutely, completely, and utterly wiped out today, however.

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by houseelf View Post
                    We had a great day. The final head count was 25. Most importantly, most of the familial dysfunction was kept in check. (Somehow the presence of near strangers helps?) The weather cooperated and *I* really enjoyed hostess. Who would have thought it.

                    I am absolutely, completely, and utterly wiped out today, however.

                    Yay! Kelly, I'm so happy that you had a great time.
                    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by houseelf View Post
                      Most importantly, most of the familial dysfunction was kept in check. (Somehow the presence of near strangers helps?)
                      I suspect this is among the reasons we have been invited to family celebrations. I find the dysfunction (in other families!) interesting and maybe even a little entertaining. So much easier as an innocent bystander.

                      Put your feet up, momma!


                      • #12
                        Mostly my easter was fraught with the saga of my nephew, but the Easter Bunny did manage to stop by for Caleb.

                        I do a scavenger hut for him every year. I lay a plastic egg on the floor in his room with a picture in it of where the next egg is hidden. I usually do about 10 egg with the final one showing where the basket is hidden. It is a lot of fun.

                        I can't wait until he reads a bit more securely because we used to get clues in the eggs about where the next one was hidden. It was a lot more fun than just finding a basket randomly.


                        • #13
                          Great Easter. DW was post-call and only slept 30 minutes the night before. But we went to Mass at 10 AM. Then, we walked to the Harbor and stuffed ourselves at 1 PM at a Brazilian Steakhouse - all you can eat meat on skewers. (Context: we both gave up meat for the entire duration of Lent). I also gave up all alcohol at home. I had beer at the ready in the fridge but could only drink one later in the day because I was so stuffed from lunch. Weather was sunny but windy.


                          • #14
                            Kevin - I love a good brazilian churrascoria!!!!


                            • #15
                              Waaaaaay off-topic, but I just had to chime in about the churrascaria... I spent some time in Sao Paolo during MBA school, and we went to a couple of these. I have literally never *SEEN* nor *EATEN* so much food in one place in my life!!!

                              Okay, back on-topic. We were turned away from the Easter service at our church because there were so many d*mned people (DH was SO MAD), but the kids enjoyed their Easter baskets and DH let them eat chocolate and cookies for breakfast!

                              -Wife of urology attending.
                              -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

