Well, let's see.
The baby has dropped noticably because several people have commented and I don't have heartburn anymore.
I am beset with the following urges and emotions: Holy crap I have to spend more one on one time with the hubby & kids before the baby comes, the basement needs cleaned out because it has become cluttered AGAIN, I haven't mulched the flower beds yet, I've got to get my crap together in this life I thought I'd have a master plan by now, cry a few dozen times over the stupidest things, realize that my daughter is finishing another year of preschool and my oldest is finishing third grade, cry some more, stress out over two more months of irresponsible finances, hope that my kids are in reasonable places when I go into labor so that someone can care for them (i.e. not on a campout or something crazy), have hypothetical argument with husband in my head when I imagine him answering his pager while I'm in the labor and delivery room, stress over hurting my MIL's feelings that she will not be invited to see the birth when my mom will be there, wonder how I will manage three kids in three different stages, worry that the baby is healthy, contemplate how sure they were about the baby's gender on the ultrasound and whether I'm going to have to return a bunch of blue outfits...
I could go on, but that is a good start. We women are so complicated.
In contrast, my husband is probably wondering what is for lunch...
The baby has dropped noticably because several people have commented and I don't have heartburn anymore.
I am beset with the following urges and emotions: Holy crap I have to spend more one on one time with the hubby & kids before the baby comes, the basement needs cleaned out because it has become cluttered AGAIN, I haven't mulched the flower beds yet, I've got to get my crap together in this life I thought I'd have a master plan by now, cry a few dozen times over the stupidest things, realize that my daughter is finishing another year of preschool and my oldest is finishing third grade, cry some more, stress out over two more months of irresponsible finances, hope that my kids are in reasonable places when I go into labor so that someone can care for them (i.e. not on a campout or something crazy), have hypothetical argument with husband in my head when I imagine him answering his pager while I'm in the labor and delivery room, stress over hurting my MIL's feelings that she will not be invited to see the birth when my mom will be there, wonder how I will manage three kids in three different stages, worry that the baby is healthy, contemplate how sure they were about the baby's gender on the ultrasound and whether I'm going to have to return a bunch of blue outfits...
I could go on, but that is a good start. We women are so complicated.

In contrast, my husband is probably wondering what is for lunch...