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Monday Happens

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  • #16
    Well, let's see.

    The baby has dropped noticably because several people have commented and I don't have heartburn anymore.

    I am beset with the following urges and emotions: Holy crap I have to spend more one on one time with the hubby & kids before the baby comes, the basement needs cleaned out because it has become cluttered AGAIN, I haven't mulched the flower beds yet, I've got to get my crap together in this life I thought I'd have a master plan by now, cry a few dozen times over the stupidest things, realize that my daughter is finishing another year of preschool and my oldest is finishing third grade, cry some more, stress out over two more months of irresponsible finances, hope that my kids are in reasonable places when I go into labor so that someone can care for them (i.e. not on a campout or something crazy), have hypothetical argument with husband in my head when I imagine him answering his pager while I'm in the labor and delivery room, stress over hurting my MIL's feelings that she will not be invited to see the birth when my mom will be there, wonder how I will manage three kids in three different stages, worry that the baby is healthy, contemplate how sure they were about the baby's gender on the ultrasound and whether I'm going to have to return a bunch of blue outfits...

    I could go on, but that is a good start. We women are so complicated.

    In contrast, my husband is probably wondering what is for lunch...

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #17
      Kelly - if it makes you feel any better, I was thinking very similar things. That and I was cleaning ceiling fans a week before I had S. Nesting does crazy things to us.


      • #18
        Well, got up at 6, got ready for work, made sure the kids showered/got dressed/ate/brushed teeth/picked up their rooms, packed my lunch and left the house at 7:40 (early meeting) reminding the kids to lock the door when they left. Had meeting, taught, (huge chunks of kids missing from each class because of Nat'l. Jr. Honor Society field trip, so did what I could) drove home while checking messages and found out that the cleaning lady who was supposed to come today was sick (she is always sick on Mondays) and will try to come tomorrow. Paged DH to remind him to bring home a business card because he is sponsoring the kids' swim team and they need something official looking to put on the t-shirts/in the programs. Realized that kids left not one but two doors unlocked when they left (and several lights on as well). Got the mail and the computer for a little surfing before I pick up Nathan at 3:30 and then the other two at 4:45. Need to figure out some errands to run in the interim. Tonight, I need to get all the boys haircuts and get Luke packed for his class trip to Mackinac Island.....he is leaving tomorrow morning. Not sure if he wants to go to open gym (basketball) tonight from 7 to 9 or not.....I kind of hope not.
        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #19
          Nothing worth noting today. DH graduates on Sat., though. Since his school is on the other side of the state, we have to make arrangements for pets, pack and make the six hour trek. It really snuck up on us and DH is not at all enthusiastic about having to be there (killjoy).

          In the meantime, I’m down to the undesirable projects I’ve been putting off at work. I’ll be reluctantly slogging through those all week. Otherwise, it’s slow around here, so I’m hoping to cut out early and catch a few late afternoon hikes with DH and the dogs.


          • #20
            I felt really productive b/c I got dinner into the crockpot and walked to Quinn's school to pick him up. After we got home I dragged Q & M around looking at patio sets for a bit, but M is getting her first tooth and really isn't in the mood for shopping.

            Our fence is being stained -- the previous owners apparently just left it "natural" and it's been grey and icky since we bought the house nearly 4 years ago. It was power-washed over the weekend, and the nice men have been working on hand-staining it for 2 days now.

            Oh - and I've started the dryer on "air dry" 3 times so far today to scare the damn bird out of the vent.

            DH will be home (as in, in town -- still working) all week, so I'm trying to figure out what I'll feed all of us.


            • #21
              Nice weather makes a world of a difference, doesn't it, Kris?!

              I'm slowing waaay down. It sucks, because I've usually got energy reserves that I can tap into. The trip took more of a toll on my body than I thought it would. I had a morning and afternoon full of meetings, and now I'm home again trying to figure out what to make for dinner.
              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #22
                My parents are here this week, so I am happy. Lots of help around the house and two extra people to play ball and funny faces with the baby.

                DH is on a string of nights though so we only see him for a few minutes when he appears to be fed before heading in, and then a few minutes in the morning when he is too tired to be any use at all. It is insane how many nights he has to work this month, but that is residency I guess....


                • #23
                  Reported for jury duty. Picked for jury. Judge says should be done by Memorial Day!
                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #24
                    Spent theday at Disney!! Yay for vacay!!!
                    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Michele View Post
                      Spent theday at Disney!! Yay for vacay!!!
                      So jealous!!! Hope you had a blast.
                      Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


                      • #26
                        Can I just add that I discovered that our drier crapped out last night? Yipee!


                        • #27
                          What a start to everyone's week! Holy Cow!!!!

                          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

