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  • #16
    Well last week someone backed into my car, so I took the day off to wait for the insurance guy to come give me an estimate. But the weather is so lovely I didn’t mind! Then I did a little cleaning and the laundry. Then I went to open studio to do pottery! I made two vases and trimmed a bowl. I’m happy I went because the studio is closed this weekend. I’m not sure what I’ll do tonight. DH works tomorrow, is off Sunday and on call Monday. I’m excited the pool opens tomorrow! I hope the weather stays nice. On Monday I will visit an old friend in Boston who I haven’t seen in years.
    Wife to Anesthesia PGY4


    • #17
      Went hiking with my mommy group this morning, have been every day this week so feeling pretty happy about that. We are trying to get out lots before it gets too hot to hike!
      DH was doing an ACLS instructors class today, which finished at lunchtime. So, he came home and took the baby for a drive so that he would nap, the only way he'll nap right now. And I cleaned the apartment! Exciting stuff.


      • #18
        This morning:
        - changed the sheets in the crib and all the beds
        - washed, dried, folded, put away 3 loads of laundry
        - walked the dog

        This afternoon:
        - went to Lowe's to buy random household stuff and came home with $50 worth of plants/flowers
        - tried to plant said plants/flowers with a 3yo and 1yo underfoot
        - decided to put off planting rest of plants/flowers when 3yo and 1yo are not around

        This evening:
        - going to curl up on the couch with DH and watch TV!

        -Wife of urology attending.
        -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


        • #19
          Dh is off all three days this weekend!

          The baby's been kicking like crazy, and that has been providing dh and me with some solid entertainment.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #20
            I went to work for the first time in 3.5 weeks because I was on a jury for that time! Trial over, verdict in, DONE with serving my time and back to work. I do have new found respect for you Lawyers.
            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #21
              Hubby is off today. His aunt gave me tickets to take our girls to a musical. But hubby has PALS re-certification today. And I couldn't find a sitter for monkey boy. Therefore the tickets will sit in my purse. Maggie has recital rehearsal at 4:30.

              Tomorrow, the girls and I will be at the theater all day -- Ella's recital is tomorrow and I'm on the production team (that means I get a headset and have to wear all black). At least I'll have a break from monkey boy. And my mom comes home from Panama tomorrow so I'm excited about that.

              Monday is Maggie's recital. I don't think I'm on the production team for it, but you just never know what will be thrown at you when you show up. LOL
              Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


              • #22
                Last night DH and I had our big date and it ROCKED. My mom had given us a $100 gift certificate to the restaurant for graduation and even with that we dropped another $75 including the tip. But the food was fantastic and the service was spectacular and I got to indulge in most of my favorite Brazilian foods including feijoada and farofa! (Rice and beans and farofa is a coarse tapioca flour sauted with bacon and scrambled eggs.)

                I also had my favorite Brazilian soda as well as their national drink, capirinha (Brazilian white rum - cachaca, lime, and a dash of sugar). The best part was that most of the wait staff was Brazilian and when I asked for the farofa, they started falling all over themselves because they knew that I had lived in Brazil and speak Portuguese.

                Today we spent most of the day hauling our crap out to the garage to start getting ready for the garage sale that we will have on the 6th.

                The truck and movers are booked for the 15th. I am so ready for this to be over.
                Last edited by HouseofWool; 05-23-2009, 03:53 PM. Reason: typo


                • #23
                  Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
                  Last night DH and I had our big date and it ROCKED. My mom had given us a $100 gift certificate to the restaurant for graduation and even with that we dropped another $75 including the tip. But the food was fantastic and the service was spectacular and I got to indulge in most of my favorite Brazilian foods including feijoada and farofa! (Rice and beans and farofa is a coarse tapioca flour sauted with bacon and scrambled eggs.)
                  Muito legal!

                  My husband likes to drink natural guarana, like the soda but without the fizz.
                  Do you like acai? DH made some today, so good!
                  Wife to Anesthesia PGY4


                  • #24
                    It is sunny here! Doodling around the yard, going to buy more plants and eating sushi. Various BBQ's and movies for the rest of the weekend. Laundry ONLY if I have a lot of time left over.

                    I am soooooo ready for my husband to come home after MS1 is over!!!! This seemed like such a great idea at the time but about two weeks ago I was ready to chuck the job/benefits/house and go wait for him to come home after studying and fall into bed in a dinky apartment in LA! Thankfully a couple of my kids came to visit and actually talked some sense into me.

                    Have a fun weekend everyone!


                    • #25
                      IL's are 4 hours late! They've called at least 40 times. Do we have orange juice? Where is the store? Can I preheat the oven? Do we eat fish? Now they are lost.

                      On the bright side, Stupid Evil Landlords cancelled the open house.
                      Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by lirio View Post
                        Muito legal!

                        My husband likes to drink natural guarana, like the soda but without the fizz.
                        Do you like acai? DH made some today, so good!
                        Love brazilian food!! Can't find Guarana in my part of the world now. But have plenty of acai. We do make pao de queijo often and have one bottle left of cachaca. We use white rum for those not in the know and the cachaca for only "worthy" friends. LOL
                        Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                        • #27
                          We've only had acai once, when we were in Belem. It was delish

                          There they mashed up the fruit, dumped in a ton of sugar and also the really chunky (and rock hard) tapioca flour stuff. The word escapes me right now. I keep wanting to say farofa, but it isn't the fluffy stuff.


                          • #28
                            Friday- took DD#1 camping with Brownie troop, left DH with younger two kids. Another mom, told me my phone kept ringing while I was out at the campfire. DH was calling telling me how horrible the kids were acting. Too bad I carpooled with another mom and couldn't leave. Bedtime rolls around for the girls, at 1:00am. DD decides she can't camp anymore and needs to go home followed by full meltdown in a cabin of 10 Brownies and their moms. A mom volunteers her car to me as long as I return it by 7:30 the following morning. We leave and DD decides she wants to return to the campsite. Sorry no can do! I get home and DH tells me he just got the other girls to sleep. Wow, he is a doormat and an angry one at that. I am never to leave again. Apparently, he thought I was on a girl's night out instead of a camp-out for my daughter. I finally get to bed and DD#3 wakes up two hours later screaming. I put her in bed with me and she proceeds to kick me all night. I am awakened at 6:00am by DD#1 telling me she wants to go back to the camp.

                            Saturday and Sunday-Boy am I tired! Return car and hitch a ride as fast as I can to get home. My mom comes. Finally, help arrives. We hang out while the girls decide it is drama day at the house. Constant fighting. DH and I breakdown and buy a big waterslide just so we can have some peace. Way to reward naughty behavior! Again, we are parents of the year! The rest of the weekend has been spent outside, planting flowers, hanging with neighbors.

                            Monday- Had a great workout this morning. It rained all day so we hung out in our pjs putzing around playing games and getting some stuff done.


                            • #29
                              This weekend was crazy!

                              Friday night: go to work
                              fly to the midwest, get in at 11:30.

                              Saturday: up early for breakfast with MIL, BIL #2 and BIL #2's girlfriend
                              Get ready before the other 6 people in the house get up.
                              Socialized with the in-laws while DH slept in.
                              Headed out with the whole family (except BIL #1 who was in a wedding) to watch BIL #4 graduate from high school.
                              Took a nap while DH bonded with his brothers
                              Went out to dinner with the whole family (except BIL #1)
                              Played monopoly with BIL #4, BIL #2, and BIL #2's girlfriend while DH met up with a couple friends of his from high school. (I opted not to join him b/c I knew he'd be out late).

                              Sunday: Up at 6 to go to the airport
                              Flew to NY (without DH, who's still at his parents' house)
                              Made and ate a quick lunch
                              Took a 2 1/2 hour ride to Connecticut
                              Got ready for a wedding with a fellow med wife
                              Took bus from hotel to wedding location
                              Had an incredible time welcoming a new wife to our crew
                              Got back to the hotel around 1am

                              Monday: Woke up around 8 or 9 when my friend calls
                              Ate complimentary breakfast
                              Returned back to NYC
                              Promptly fall asleep.

                              ...then went grocery shopping and played some wii!

                              I was supposed to go to Manhattan today for a few different errands but I was just so over traveling! I'll be in Manhattan tomorrow and will do them then.
                              Back in the Midwest with my PGY-2 ortho DH and putting my fashion degree to good use.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
                                We've only had acai once, when we were in Belem. It was delish

                                There they mashed up the fruit, dumped in a ton of sugar and also the really chunky (and rock hard) tapioca flour stuff. The word escapes me right now. I keep wanting to say farofa, but it isn't the fluffy stuff.
                                I like it frozen, blended, and sweetened with guarana. Sometimes they mix in fruit or granola in Brazil. Once I got acai with some hard chunks in it, I think it was granola. I just like it plain!

                                They sell Haagen-Dazs Acai in the US but it's just not the same!
                                Wife to Anesthesia PGY4

