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What time do you wake up?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Auspicious View Post
    I get up when Cora gets up, 7:30 give or take a half hour.

    If I were ever to give anyone a hard time about getting up at 5 am, it would only be out of jealousy! I am a major night owl.
    That's me. I do everything I can to squeeze out extra minutes of sleep.


    • #32
      Definitely a night owl. It is 2:30 am and I just got home from the hospital. I did 4 admissions for DH this evening and it took me a looonnng time. I'll be going to bed soon and will get up around 11:00 to be at the office by noon.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #33
        Depends on the age of the kids. But generally I'm up no later than 5:30, sometimes earlier.
        I'm a walking zombie most of the time.
        Enabler of DW and 5 kids
        Let's go Mets!


        • #34
          Well, I work about 3 nights a week till 11:30, so I don't usually get to sleep until 12:15-12:30ish. That being said, I sleep till 7am (or earlier if DS gets up earlier). lately, DH hasn't been leaving for work till 7am, so he usually gets DS settled with juice, etc and cartoons until he leaves. 7am is early enough for me!
          Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


          • #35
            I get up at 6:30. I try really hard to get up when my husband gets up to go to work (between 4:30 and 5:30), but most mornings I don't have the willpower. On the mornings that I do get up that early, I get so much accomplished and I love it. But even the lure of productive mornings can't get me out of bed most mornings. I'm sure that will change when there's a screaming baby waiting to be fed
            Attorney, mom, married to a vascular surgery fellow!


            • #36
              Originally posted by migirl View Post
              I'm definitely a morning person, and I like to get a jump on the day before the kids get up and the craziness starts. Soooooo ... I'm usually up around 5am.

              This morning before the kids wake up I'll have:
              - gotten in a quick run on the treadmill
              - finished (washed, dried, folded, put away) two loads of laundry
              - done the prep work for dinner (rinsed the rice, cut up veggies, etc.)
              - checked email/iMSN/Facebook/etc.
              - read the newspaper
              - taken a shower
              - eaten breakfast

              It feels good to accomplish so much before my kids get up! But I feel like everytime I tell someone that I usually get up around 5am, they think it's so weird and I end up feeling like a freak!

              So, I'm wondering: what time do you usually get up in the morning?
              I want to be able to do that! I am so jealous! I used to be a morning person, but I worked the night shift then the 3-11 and now I still do the occasional over night. I can't seem to do anything useful before noon! DH is up by 5am most days and I wish I could get up with him, but I end up getting up at like 7am, when DS wakes up, but I want to get things done (including a workout) before he's up. Like another person said, my best time is between 7pm and midnight.
              I'm new here. I've had an account, but I barely used it, so hello to everyone!


              • #37
                4:50. Every weekday morning. To the following conversation. Honestly, it's like "Groundhog Day":

                (Me): "GET UP! GET UP!! The alarm just went off! GET UP!!"

                (DH): "Uhghghghhmmmm."

                (Me): "NO! NOW!! GET UP!! I can't go back to sleep until I know you're up and haven't overslept!! GET UP!!"

                (DH): [grudgingly] "UHHHH...OK. I'm up."

                (Me): "No, you're not! You're not even awake. Get out of bed." [And I proceed to kick him, literally, out of bed.]

                Finally, he gets up and goes into the shower. I got back to sleep until 5:15, then go for a short race walk or jogging, weather dependent. I'm back by 5:50, when he leaves now. (This used to be impossible, when he was a PGY2-3, when he was in by 5:00).


                • #38
                  Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
                  4:50. Every weekday morning. To the following conversation. Honestly, it's like "Groundhog Day":

                  (Me): "GET UP! GET UP!! The alarm just went off! GET UP!!"

                  (DH): "Uhghghghhmmmm."

                  (Me): "NO! NOW!! GET UP!! I can't go back to sleep until I know you're up and haven't overslept!! GET UP!!"

                  (DH): [grudgingly] "UHHHH...OK. I'm up."

                  (Me): "No, you're not! You're not even awake. Get out of bed." [And I proceed to kick him, literally, out of bed.]

                  Finally, he gets up and goes into the shower. I got back to sleep until 5:15, then go for a short race walk or jogging, weather dependent. I'm back by 5:50, when he leaves now. (This used to be impossible, when he was a PGY2-3, when he was in by 5:00).
                  This sounds familiar. Ours goes:

                  Alarm goes off (regardless of the time): "M, can you hear the alarm."

                  Him: silence

                  Me: "Hello, do you need to get up? The dog is now up"

                  Him: "oh no, I need another few minutes"

                  Me: "Well then WHY did you set the alarm for now. Baker wants out because he knows we're up."

                  Him: "E, pleeeeeeaseeee?" (extremely whiny voice)

                  Me: "UGH!" and stomping out of the room with the dog that he INSISTS needs to sleep in our room.

                  I think this thread has made me realize we need a new policy for both the alarm setting and the dog's sleeping location. I should take a stand before it repeats itself with a child.
                  Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                  Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


                  • #39
                    Not in my house! This is the routine in my house these days:

                    Alarm goes off at 6am.


                    Nikolai: wakes up, comes in to our room, crawls into the newly vacated spot and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

                    Then between 7 and 7:30 Nikolai gets up and announces the time and we all get up.



                    • #40
                      I definitely am not a morning person. If I have the choice, I prefer to stay up later and sleep in until 10am or so. To me, that is the best part about summer...that we can all stay up a little later and sleep in.

                      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by PrincessFiona View Post
                        I definitely am not a morning person. If I have the choice, I prefer to stay up later and sleep in until 10am or so. To me, that is the best part about summer...that we can all stay up a little later and sleep in.



                        • #42
                          Im am so envious all of all you morning people! I have always been a late sleeper, and have oversleeping guilt. We just moved, so I don't have work that is not helping. Unpacking boxes is not motivating enough to get out of bed!
                          ....I rolled out of bed at 10:30 this morning and my DH is still sleeping- he starts pgy1 in 1 week!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by MissMartini View Post
                            Im am so envious all of all you morning people! I have always been a late sleeper, and have oversleeping guilt. We just moved, so I don't have work that is not helping. Unpacking boxes is not motivating enough to get out of bed!
                            ....I rolled out of bed at 10:30 this morning and my DH is still sleeping- he starts pgy1 in 1 week!
                            Enjoy it while you can.
                            Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                            • #44
                              Good point!!!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by MissMartini View Post
                                I have always been a late sleeper. . .
                                You'll get over that...quick. He'll hit the shower every morning about 4:30 AM. And, if he's anything like mine, the alarm is often the pager going off with some goofy pre-rounding issue, and invariably he'll wake me up with some "Do you know where my [fill-in-the-blank] is?" question.

