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Pet Peeves!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
    I shared an office with a woman who had 15 cats once. I tried to get my boss to talk to her but she was a weenie and just bought me a scented candle instead.

    My pet peeve is people who go to yoga and then right when it's time to do the relaxation part at the end of class they GET UP and leave. I mean come on- it's maybe 10 minutes- maybe. and it's the best part of the whole thing. Meanwhile, any good and calm thoughts I may have had go right out the window while I have to hear people move about.

    If you've made it through 45 minutes of a 55 minute class, just hang there are actually relax for those last 10 minutes.

    I'm totally guilty of doing this sometimes. But in my defense the studio is above a hardware store on a busy street, so there's usually enough noise to mask my or anyone else's tip-toeing on our way out.

    One of my pet peeves is NJ drivers. Granted TX was worse but I don't have to deal with that on daily basis. Why does each and single one of them think they're the only car on the road?


    • #17
      I have an office-neighbor who WHISTLES through the halls. The same tune. Over and over. Every time he walks by. For weeks on end.

      Then he learns a new tune. And the cycle begins again.

      He's really quite good, but our otherwise quiet-enough-to-hear-a-pin-drop, business-formal office? I'm just oh so tempted to start belting out lyrics.

