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What information does your iphone sim card store?

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  • What information does your iphone sim card store? iphone got ruined in a root beer accident. I have the sim card, and am wondering exactly what will be on there. I didn't save my contacts to my computer and as a result I will even have to *gulp* ask my dad for his phone number.

    Will that information be on my sim card? What about my calendar information, etc?


    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    No idea what it stores, but have you tried anything to save your phone? I dropped mine in iced tea and thought it was dead. Vacuumed the excess water out, put it into a sealed container with some silica gel and voilĂ , it worked!


    • #3
      REALLY? We used a blow dryer on air setting (not a heat setting). It's been a few days, but I'm going to absolutely try your suggestion now too!!!!!


      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        Kris, someone suggested a bowl of uncooked rice. I'll bet the silica gel works better but you could try the rice in a pinch. It didn't work for my phone but is easy enough to try.


        • #5
          LOL I just finished trying to rummage through all of my purses to see if I could find a packet of silica gel! Duh...RICE...ok...I'm SO ON IT! If this works, I will be so happy!
          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            Vacuuming the water pulls it out of the phone. A hair dryer will sometimes push it further in. You can buy silica gel for dirt cheap at arts/crafts stores. They use it for drying flowers.

            I tried the rice, too, but didn't have any luck until the silica gel.


            • #7
              I have just had the same problem, Jack threw my phone in the bath on Tuesday, I put it in a bag of rice in the sun for 2 days and it is now working. SO happy! Hopefully I am not jinxing myself and any damage would have shown up by now. It was so annoying when it happened, I was struggling to get it out of the case, and we could not find the screwdriver to take it apart.

              As for what the sim cards stores? No idea, but the calendar info should automatically sync to your computer.

