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How old were you when you got married?

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  • #76
    First marriage I was 18 and married for 7 years. Married 2nd time to a quadrapalegic for 3 months at age 26, and then married DH at 29. We have been married for 12 years so hopefully 3rd times a charm.

    We met at karaoke night at local restaraunt while he was on break between second and third year med school.


    • #77
      Dh and I were both 24 when we married. We dated for 3 years. I was between my 2 and 3 years of law school and Dh was between his 1 and 2 years of med school. I think we were both ready to be married. It was interesting to listen to peoples comments after announcing our engagement. Some people were thrilled and told us to enjoy our marriage. Others expressed that we were too young. Dh and I knew we were ready. We had no doubt in our minds. We just celebrated our 10 year anniversery on July 31. Despite med school, residency, moves, etc., we have had 10 really good years. I'd marry him all over again.

      If my children announced their engagement around that age, I would support it. Especially if they had earned their college degrees. To me, that is a very important self achievment prior to marriage.
      Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Rapunzel View Post
        I was 20 and dh was 19 when we got married. Our 14th wedding anniversary will be August 18th of this year.
        Happy Anniversary!

        I was 21, and dh was 24. I don't think I was too young. I just "knew" this was it. We have been married for 11 years. I would definitely do it again. Like Rapunzel I would want my boys to serve full-time (24 months) missions before seriously dating. We have told our kids to wait until they are 25 to get married. The two oldest are 7 1/2 and 6. The 6 year old is quick to tell any one that he will serve a mission and finish college.

        As far as meeting....dh was 2 weeks into MS1, and I was doing my undergrad. I was the President of the Institute Class (Bible Study) for our church, and had been asked to take on a different position coordinating Monday night Family Home Evening for the singles. Dh was asked to be the new president. We met through a mutual friend in the hallway at church, and while talking the conversation turned to me being the former Institute President. I said that "the new president would have to call me because of all of my wonderful knowledge." Dh leaned in and said "Can you keep a secret? I am the new President." I think I turned beet red, and felt about 2 inches tall.

        We dated for about 7 months, with a minor break up (my mom was giving me pressure to not date dh and I needed to be clear of everyone to figure out what I wanted), then a quick engagement (Mar 98) and married June 98. It was perfect timing. He had the summer off between MS1 and MS2, we worked in the same science building on the med school campus, it was great.

        In dh's family we dated the longest and had the longest engagement out of any of his siblings. We are also the only one's that had pre-marital counseling. I will pay for my children to have some sessions of pre-marital counseling to help them make sure that they have answered all of the hard questions. I am going to encourage them to also invite close family to the temple, and then do a nice brunch/luncheon afterwards, with receptions much later. We had 3 receptions/open houses, 2 of them right after we got married, and looking back I wish we had that extra time to be together.
        Gas, and 4 kids


        • #79
          We were both 23, and I actually think it would have been later if not for med school.

          It didn't take long to figure out that it was *right*, so we decided to get married the summer between MS1 and MS2 because that would be the last chance, really, before the month between MS4 and PGY-1 (DH is not so good at the multitasking). Why not wait? Eh, because this way I could live in student housing and pay the rent (which is far less than rent in Manhattan).

          It's a marriage of convenience, really.

          I do think the who is more important than the when, but I think it'd have to be a kind of special case to condone a marriage while still in undergrad. My inspiration couple (the couple I would think about when I was in crappy relationships in college or after a breakup when I needed to reassure myself that I could do better) actually got married in undergrad. They just had it so together and had their hearts and minds in the right place that it's hard to imagine anyone having an issue with them getting married, even though they were 19 and 20 at the time.

          My parents were 25 (dad) and 30 (mom), but they were totally supportive. The only question/concern my mom had was if DH was going to stay in school. That was obviously a yes. His mom was first married at 20 or 21, and married again at like, 25. I think she'd like us to have babies like, yesterday, so she didn't take issue with us getting married at 23.
          Back in the Midwest with my PGY-2 ortho DH and putting my fashion degree to good use.


          • #80
            Wow you guys have some good stories!

            I was 23 (2 yrs out of undergrad) and DH was 22 (1 month out of undergrad!). We got married 3 days shy of our 6 year dating anniversary and had been living together for 2 years.

            Our only requirement for ourselves was that we both have a bachelors degree. I would hope that my kids would wait until that milestone as well, but like so many of you I think it depends more on the maturity of the two people involved and how long they have been together/how well they know each other rather than their age. One of our close friends' mother told us "You know, I wouldn't suggest any 22/23 year old I know get married... except for the two of you." We are old souls I guess (enter geriatric smiley here).

            DH and I started going to school together when I was in 7th grade and he was in 5th. We knew of each other and spoke occassionally, but didn't really get to know each other well until about my junior/senior year of high school when we had a couple of classes together. Our first date was a complete accident -- a few of our mutual friends had all decided to go see Titanic (classic, I know ) and at the last minute every single one of them backed out except for me and DH. Of course we thank those friends now! We started "officially" dating about a week after I graduated HS, and both of us just figured it would be a summer fling since I was going off to college in a few months and he would still be in HS. But we liked each other to much to break up!
            Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


            • #81
              Aww, our first date was Titanic, too!
              My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


              • #82
                We will both be 22.

                We met when I was 15 and he was 16 at church. 4 months in, he moved 4 hours away, and we had a long distance relationship our jr & sr years of high school.

                We both studied like crazy for the PSAT and got *almost* full rides to the same college--no objections from the parents there! (they wouldn't have objected anyway)

                J was my first boyfriend and ditto for him--we're young, but we're both mature and motivated, and most importantly, we are dedicated to keeping our marriage priority #2 (#1 is God) even though med school will be rough.

                My mom was a little iffy about us getting married at first because we were so young, but she is on board now. (she's a marriage counselor, so she sees all the nasty stuff out there daily)

                J's parents are both doctors and got married at age 20 in college, and somehow managed to go to the same med school, and get residencies in the same city. J was born in their first year of residency. Now how about that!
                Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                • #83
                  First marriage - we were married at 21/22 and separated at 27.
                  I have three kids from that relationship.

                  My SO is 26 now and I am 28. He is amazing that he wants to take on the challenge of medicine and my little family

                  If I could do it all again - well we got married because I was pregnant. I thought I was in love, he says now that he never really thought he should have married me. So, I would recommend a different path for my children for sure!

                  We will see what happens now - I want to get married again but it does scare me doing it the second time!


                  • #84
                    Married at 18/22. Just celebrated our 12th anniversary in July. So, yes, more than a third of my life has been spent with him in school/training. Crazy.
                    Wife to a Urologist. Mom to DD 15, DD 12, DD 2, and DD 1!
                    Native Jayhawk, paroled from GA... settling in Minnesota!


                    • #85
                      Re: How old were you when you got married?

                      Married when I was 25 (she was 24) I'll tell my children to marry when they have everything together. When they feel that marriage is the only thing missing from their lives

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

