Does anyone out there have a hubby that is into the show? Mine runs for the hills when Glee is on. He could care less.
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The actor that plays Mr. Schu is a Broadway veteran. It was nice to see Emma again and to see her perform too. I have a feeling that Ken is going to surprise us with a romantic ballad one of these days.
DrK won't watch it. He enjoys watching me watch it but he's really not a TV person in general. It's hard to get him to watch anything other than cop/parametic shows.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
My husband loves Glee more than I do. He laughs every time they show those crazy brochures in Emma's counseling office.
I think we are having DVR problems - the sound from the ep we recorded last night kept blipping. Hugely annoying on a music based show! I need to call DirecTV.Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.
Originally posted by MrsK View PostThe actor that plays Mr. Schu is a Broadway veteran. It was nice to see Emma again and to see her perform too. I have a feeling that Ken is going to surprise us with a romantic ballad one of these days.
DrK won't watch it. He enjoys watching me watch it but he's really not a TV person in general. It's hard to get him to watch anything other than cop/parametic shows.
I'm not home on Wednesday nights, so I just watch it on hulu, but when the commercial for it came on the other night, DH looked at me and said "Is that a Megan show?". Yes, yes it is. Although, considering college courses I took included "Broadway Musicals of the 1940s" "The History of Musical Theatre" and "The Independent Producer and the Broadway Musical", that was probably a given.Back in the Midwest with my PGY-2 ortho DH and putting my fashion degree to good use.
Originally posted by NYCHoosier View PostI'm going to use this opportunity to once again profess my love for Matthew Morrison.
I'm not home on Wednesday nights, so I just watch it on hulu, but when the commercial for it came on the other night, DH looked at me and said "Is that a Megan show?". Yes, yes it is. Although, considering college courses I took included "Broadway Musicals of the 1940s" "The History of Musical Theatre" and "The Independent Producer and the Broadway Musical", that was probably a given.
your post made me smile, and want to share my hidden musical geekiness. So growing up we weren't allowed to go out friday nights. It was family night. Sure we got the occasional get out of jail free card for homecoming and other special events. We were allowed to invite friends, just couldn't go out.. Anyway, short story longer... On family night we would play games. One game my dad made up. It started out with records and a we got older moved to CDS, but he would put one on and we would have to guess what musical the song was from. Sometimes he would have to say who the guess was for bc my older sis and I could get some by the first bar or two and my lil sis would go nuts.
Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!
urgent glee news update!
I think I saw on Extra (or one of those trashy entertainment shows) that Glee now has the rights to Madonna’s entire catalog!
We need prego girl singing the lead to Like A Virgin.Wife to PGY5.Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009.
Cat mommy since 2002
"“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"
Originally posted by moonlight View PostI think I saw on Extra (or one of those trashy entertainment shows) that Glee now has the rights to Madonna’s entire catalog!
We need prego girl singing the lead to Like A Virgin.
I saw the teaser that someone gave them all there songs, I just didn't know who. Thats fantastic. We also need her to sing Papa don't preach. lol.-L.Jane
Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!
I liked Sue saying that "intimacy has no place in a marriage".
DH likes it. Julia, I've been having the same problem with the DVR, especially at the end of the show. Don't mess with my Glee, Comcast!
I saw "August: Osage County" on weds night and while I enjoyed it, was wishing I could switch it out for a live performance from Matthew Morrison.
Originally posted by L.Jane View Postyour post made me smile, and want to share my hidden musical geekiness. So growing up we weren't allowed to go out friday nights. It was family night. Sure we got the occasional get out of jail free card for homecoming and other special events. We were allowed to invite friends, just couldn't go out.. Anyway, short story longer... On family night we would play games. One game my dad made up. It started out with records and a we got older moved to CDS, but he would put one on and we would have to guess what musical the song was from. Sometimes he would have to say who the guess was for bc my older sis and I could get some by the first bar or two and my lil sis would go nuts.
Now I'm curious, how obscure would he get? Would he venture into Off-Broadway musicals at all? I mean, I imagine some songs from The Fantasticks at least snuck in there.Back in the Midwest with my PGY-2 ortho DH and putting my fashion degree to good use.
Originally posted by NYCHoosier View PostHaha, that's awesome! I want to play that game with my [future] kids. I recently discovered that DH has perfect pitch (as in identifying notes, not necessarily repeating them), so if they have his ear and my voice, that would be fantastic. Of course, if they had DH's ear, when playing your dad's game, I just just change the key of a song by a half step to drive them insane. muahahaha (sometimes it pays to only have relative pitch, haha!)
Now I'm curious, how obscure would he get? Would he venture into Off-Broadway musicals at all? I mean, I imagine some songs from The Fantasticks at least snuck in there.-L.Jane
Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!
Originally posted by L.Jane View Postoh yeah, def the Fantastics. In fact, the overture is what made me quit playing the piano. My hands never quite got big enough to reach an octave and I wanted to play the overture so badly. If I couldn't reach an octave and be good, I wasn't going to play at all. (me = stubborn) We mostly played with the old stuff when we were younger like My fair lady, anything goes, and many of the classics, but as we got older (1990s) we would introduce newer stuff (Into the woods, Rent, Kiss of the SpiderWoman. ect) and he would throw in stuff that lasted on broadway a really short time like Green Willow ( )
I've never heard of Green Willow! Have you heard of Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up? I saw that once at our community theatre and loved it. One night when hanging out with my sorority little (before she knew she was my little), I noticed the book on her bookshelf. Turns out her dad wrote it! (He's a PhD, but when I saw "Dr." in his title, I just assumed MD!) It's very popular in the midwest but was only on Broadway for 5 performances after it opened.
To bring this back to Glee (sort of)... if you don't have the Light in the Piazza soundtrack, you must get it! Matthew Morrison is so adorable singing in Italian and English with an Italian accent! I think I'm going to start listening to it now...Back in the Midwest with my PGY-2 ortho DH and putting my fashion degree to good use.
Originally posted by NYCHoosier View PostNice! Haha - I had a similar frustration on the piano with Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C# minor. My teacher and I just worked around some of the chords (14th? yeah right!), but what ultimately got me where the triplets in the middle; my hands cramped like whoa. I didn't quit piano after that, but I had to kiss my Rachmaninoff dreams goodbye.
I've never heard of Green Willow! Have you heard of Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up? I saw that once at our community theatre and loved it. One night when hanging out with my sorority little (before she knew she was my little), I noticed the book on her bookshelf. Turns out her dad wrote it! (He's a PhD, but when I saw "Dr." in his title, I just assumed MD!) It's very popular in the midwest but was only on Broadway for 5 performances after it opened.
To bring this back to Glee (sort of)... if you don't have the Light in the Piazza soundtrack, you must get it! Matthew Morrison is so adorable singing in Italian and English with an Italian accent! I think I'm going to start listening to it now...-L.Jane
Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!
Originally posted by MrsK View PostDrK won't watch it. He enjoys watching me watch it but he's really not a TV person in general. It's hard to get him to watch anything other than cop/parametic shows.
Oh, and thanks for all the encouragement everybody about getting back into theater... definitely the plan if I could only figure out the way. Right now I don't even have a good regular babysitter, though so I can't imagine trying to cover weekends for shows or anything. Improv class def. the better short-term option. Ach, it's at least fun to fantasize... finally getting to the point where I have any brain power left over to do even that!
Ok, girls and DH all sleeping soundly, so here I head down to my DVR to get caught up...