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  • #76
    February, 2001.

    aka halfway through intern year.


    PS- I was thinking about 9/11 and how all of us oldtimers were posting then. That's nuts.


    • #77
      Originally posted by LilySayWhat
      Keep in mind I lost my userid due to my dumb use as asterisks, along with my posts - so I think I came in around... let's see...autumn 2005 I think? Jan 2006ish maybe?
      Yeah, your thinger with your new name says 2008 but I'm thinking late 2005.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Pollyanna View Post
        I was wondering the same thing. It seems like most of us find this site when we are up in the middle of the night, spouse on call, searching things on Google like, "what the hell were we thinking"
        Haha, that is how I stumbled upon this was an "oh crap, please tell me other people think this is hard too" moment, and typed as much into Google and found all of you!


        • #79
          Originally posted by L.Jane View Post
          Like I mentioned previously, I found this site from the doctorwives blog, (over there I am JumpingJane) which I found from a blog doctor's girlfriend, which I found from googling when I was trying to find some reassurance early on in J and my relationship. So it took me a few steps to get here, but I am glad I did. BTW, love survivor saturdays. I look forward to that and the polls each week.
          What are survivor saturdays???


          • #80
            Originally posted by TulipsAndSunscreen View Post
            I laughed at this. I've started so many sentences in the last year "on the med boards they said xxxx". I knew it was getting ingrained to DF when I was commenting on some aspect of med school/training the other day and he said to me, "well, what did they say on the med board?". I'm glad he knows to show respect to you all!!
            I'm with y'all! I start many sentences with "well I was reading on my support group site that [...]" And he is constantly reminding me not to post anything that could reveal his identity/life at school/work/etc. At first I thought he was just being his overly cautious self, but then I started reading about the trolls! Yikes.


            • #81
              Originally posted by mmart36 View Post
              What are survivor saturdays???

              Ok don't quote me on this, because I may not have this perfectly, and someone else might be able to explain it better, but @ On Saturdays (well most Saturdays, its been a little spotty lately) one of the admins posts a post about surviving the life. They have had posts such as Get Real: The reality of trying to be the perfect Drs Wife, 1st year post training, another perspective, Advice to a premed student, and When the grass is green, put up a fence. I have found each post interesting and helpful.

              Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
              Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
              Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


              • #82
                Originally posted by L.Jane View Post
                Ok don't quote me on this, because I may not have this perfectly, and someone else might be able to explain it better, but @ On Saturdays (well most Saturdays, its been a little spotty lately) one of the admins posts a post about surviving the life. They have had posts such as Get Real: The reality of trying to be the perfect Drs Wife, 1st year post training, another perspective, Advice to a premed student, and When the grass is green, put up a fence. I have found each post interesting and helpful.

                That sounds interesting. I hadn't heard of the doctorswives site until reading through this thread. I'm going to feel like a traitor! That does sound helpful though, I will have to check it out soon.


                • #83
                  Re: 50 posts...

                  Interesting, so I have to ask...
                  How active are you all around here? I guess I've been "trolling" but that's only because there's not alot of threads for me to post in.

                  Guess I'll have to start making a couple myself...

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by View Post
                    Interesting, so I have to ask...
                    How active are you all around here? I guess I've been "trolling" but that's only because there's not alot of threads for me to post in.

                    Guess I'll have to start making a couple myself...

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                    Hi! my name is medpedspouse and I am an IMSN-olic.

                    It is one of the first things I do when I get up in the morning. Usually don't post because I do not have as much time - only read while drinking my coffee. Then, it is the first thing I do when I get to work after checking emails. AND THEN - I check it 2 or 3 times during my work day.

                    Yes, I am addicted.
                    Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                    • #85
                      Amen to that.

                      I'm on ALL the time. Sad but true.



                      • #86
                        Argh.. please do NOT raise the necessary post count to 100. I'm having a hard enough time making it to 50. If y'all made it 100, DW will be a resident before I'm allowed in the private forums.

                        (Unlikely. If nothing else, pre-match stress will probably drive me to 1000 posts.)


                        • #87
                          lol... hopefully this forum will become one that i'lll post on often


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
                            Amen to that.

                            I'm on ALL the time. Sad but true.

                            Me too! I wake up, log in. Get to work, log in. Get bored at work, log in again. And so many people are posting all the time, I never run out of things to read or post about! I love this community!


                            • #89
                              DH told me about the boards before he started year one of med school. He is now MS4 and we are scheduling interviews (EEK). I am VERY fond of the people on this board, and even though I have never met any of them IRL several of them hold a very special place in my heart. Especially over the last few months because several of them have reached out to me during a VERY VERY difficult time in my life. I tend to only post in the private forums, cause I am a bit paranoid. I usually start off sentences that refers to the boards "Well the ladies say..." DH knows exactly who I am talking about, he even knows many of the regular posters by name as I talk about many of them and what is going on in their lives.
                              I went on an extended Hall Pass for a while, and recently came back to the boards several months ago. I can say for sure that it feels good to be back.
                              Last edited by medwife517; 09-16-2009, 05:43 PM.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by medwife517 View Post
                                "Well the ladies say..."
                                S asked me yesterday if I am still "reading that message board" and when I said yes he made this strange groaning sound on the phone!


                                I told him it was either me read and post on the board, OR he hears it all!! I am thinking for the sake of our sanity and loving relationship I REALLY should read and post here!

