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  • #16
    Considering that I only get my haircut about once a year I have had my share of disasters. Growing up my mum made me keep it short and I was mistaken for a boy all the time.

    As an adult, the time I did a DIY peroxide job was probably the worst. I have dark brown hair and olive toned skin. And really dark eyebrows. I went around for almost a year like that before I got it fixed.

    Several times I have had my hair cut short and really should have learned that it does not suit me. Infact anything that requires any maintenence looks awful because I don't take the time to "do" my hair. The last time I had an above the shoulder cut it was a blunt cut bob that looked good for 2 days then I was a mushroom-head for several months until it was long enough to get some layers cut in. Now I am back to my shoulder length layers that are up in a pony tail all the time!!

    Glad you got your disaster fixed Krystal!


    • #17
      Not everyone can cut curly hair either. I know....I have had many a baaaad cut from someone who who did not take the kink/shrink/frizz factor into consideration.
      Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by medpedspouse View Post
        Not everyone can cut curly hair either. I know....I have had many a baaaad cut from someone who who did not take the kink/shrink/frizz factor into consideration.
        I know!! I have crazy curly hair. I always have my hair cut dry since it shrinks about an inch when it dries...My hair grows wide not length....
        Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bokelley View Post
          I know!! I have crazy curly hair. I always have my hair cut dry since it shrinks about an inch when it dries...My hair grows wide not length....
          oh yes. My shrinks up and goes out. I've actually been told I look like a poodle before. It was not my best day.

          Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
          Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
          Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


          • #20
            Originally posted by bokelley View Post
            I know!! I have crazy curly hair. I always have my hair cut dry since it shrinks about an inch when it dries...My hair grows wide not length....

            Yes!!! This is me! UGH


            • #21
              Well, after DH saw me right out of bed one morning he exclaimed "MUFASA" , I knew it was baaad. "True dat" - my hair grows out not down.
              Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


              • #22
                This reminded me of two things DH said to me:

                1)I went to bed with wet hair/slept on it - woke up, only to be told I had convalescent home hair.

                2)On honeymoon (with the cut that's growing out as we speak), DH called me Kate Gosselin b/c I fell asleep and had "spikes" in the back.

                Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                Professional Relocation Specialist &
                "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                • #23
                  So DH when we were dating, he had only seen me with my straight hair (thanks to my CHI iron) but had always heard my family talking about my crazy hair. He just thought we were over reacting. Anytime it rains and I have my straight hair I cover it, one bit of rain and poof!!! So we went to a college football game and it started raining. I freaked out and told him we had to go...RIGHT NOW. He just ignored me, then about 10 mins later he looked at me with this look and said "What the heck is wrong with your hair!!!!" Now he believes in the crazy hair, and he knows when I say we need to go or the hair is going to come out. It needs its own zip code when it gets crazy11
                  Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


                  • #24
                    I don't have a truly hideous haircut story, but I have some photographic evidence of the most unforunate permanents. Let's just say that the 1980s layered perms were not a good look for redheads. Especially after the big screen remake of "Little Orphan Annie" came out.


                    • #25
                      I went to new salon once in college for a trim and eyebrow wax. The stylist did not speak English very well. I ended up trying to communicate to her by (1) making a scissor motion towards my hair and (2) pointing to my eyebrows. She did not understand that I was requesting two different things, and cut my almost waist-length hair to eyebrow-length.

                      I wore a hat for about a year.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Selu View Post
                        I went to new salon once in college for a trim and eyebrow wax. The stylist did not speak English very well. I ended up trying to communicate to her by (1) making a scissor motion towards my hair and (2) pointing to my eyebrows. She did not understand that I was requesting two different things, and cut my almost waist-length hair to eyebrow-length.

                        I wore a hat for about a year.
                        You win, hands down.
                        Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                        Professional Relocation Specialist &
                        "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Selu View Post
                          I went to new salon once in college for a trim and eyebrow wax. The stylist did not speak English very well. I ended up trying to communicate to her by (1) making a scissor motion towards my hair and (2) pointing to my eyebrows. She did not understand that I was requesting two different things, and cut my almost waist-length hair to eyebrow-length.

                          I wore a hat for about a year.

                          Yes, you win. Hands down.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by medwife517 View Post
                            Yes, you win. Hands down.
                            I agree!! You got us all beat!!!

                            On a separate note - does my avatar make me look fat?? That's just hair ladies and gents...the shadow is pretty accurate. DH and I had been hiking and I took the pic when I saw our shadow on a rock. The hair was wild that day.
                            Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Selu View Post
                              I went to new salon once in college for a trim and eyebrow wax. The stylist did not speak English very well. I ended up trying to communicate to her by (1) making a scissor motion towards my hair and (2) pointing to my eyebrows. She did not understand that I was requesting two different things, and cut my almost waist-length hair to eyebrow-length.

                              I wore a hat for about a year.

                              I've had a bad highlighting experience. It was the first time I had ever gotten highlights, and didn't want anything too dramatic for my first time. In other words, I didn't want them to Mrs. Munster me. I sat there in the salon for the better part of an afternoon, and came out looking no different than when I had gone in! The stylist told me that they were "subtle, but gooooorgeous." I was too embarrassed to tell him that I didn't see a difference, but did end up getting my money back.
                              married to an anesthesia attending

