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Ohhhh your husband is a doctor. He is cute and smart. If you don't want him, I do

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  • #16
    He's so clueless that he couldn't figure out that the gifts of body shampoos and chocolates 'might' have had more than one motive...
    Someone actually did that?
    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


    • #17
      I remember when I was a little girl and we played MASH, that cheesy paper fortune telling game. We put the profession of our future husband on there, and what little girl didn't include "doctor" on their paper? We all should have been thinking, c'mon plumber!

      How freaking stupid and naive was I? Marrying a man who became a doctor was not how I pictured it as a little girl, let me tell you. I would marry my husband all over again, but I would not do medical training again. In other words, NO it isn't worth it.

      The thing is that most nurses and drug reps are professional women who work hard and do not go into the profession to land a man, and if they are throwing themselves at my husband, they can have him! If he is stupid enough to risk his career, his marriage, his children, and his earnings for the next 30+ years because some woman threw herself upon him, then he is the idiot, and he doesn't deserve me. Hell, he doesn't deserve ME, but I am here because I trust him and beyond the soul sucking horrificness of medical training, we are still a team. So, I don't spend one second worried about other women, even knowing how oblivious he is. The truth is that workplace romances happen in every profession. Any woman who throws themselves at a married doctor in training is clearly beyond moronic and has NO idea. Any married doctor who bends to these advances is a bigger idiot.
      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #18
        Back in training DH used to come home with phone numbers, but not from staff. All the Jewish grandmas who were his patients were trying to fix him up with their granddaughters or nieces or whatever. He was wearing a wedding ring at the time and would tell them he's married but it never stopped them. We had a good laugh about it and would sometimes pass the numbers to his single friends. I don't think the girls had any idea what their relatives were up to.

        What bugged me the most was when one of DH's distant relatives was trying to fix him up with his daughter after receiving an invitation to our wedding and with me being a few feet away.


        • #19
          DH is shy but friendly and used to be totally oblivious that women were hitting on him until I would start to point it out. Now DH has a pretty good radar and is pretty good with it.

          But I just figure there are always going to be people who are clueless and swoon over the thought of a doctor. And regardless of career everyone in a relationship will always have to deal with people hitting on your significant other. For some reason women find men with a band on their left hands attractive.
          Loving wife of neurosurgeon


          • #20
            Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
            I remember when I was a little girl and we played MASH, that cheesy paper fortune telling game. We put the profession of our future husband on there, and what little girl didn't include "doctor" on their paper? We all should have been thinking, c'mon plumber!

            Originally posted by Vishenka69 View Post
            What bugged me the most was when one of DH's distant relatives was trying to fix him up with his daughter after receiving an invitation to our wedding and with me being a few feet away.
            Oh the nerve! That would have me fuming!
            Loving wife of neurosurgeon


            • #21
              Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
              The thing is that most nurses and drug reps are professional women who work hard and do not go into the profession to land a man, and if they are throwing themselves at my husband, they can have him! If he is stupid enough to risk his career, his marriage, his children, and his earnings for the next 30+ years because some woman threw herself upon him, then he is the idiot, and he doesn't deserve me. Hell, he doesn't deserve ME, but I am here because I trust him and beyond the soul sucking horrificness of medical training, we are still a team. So, I don't spend one second worried about other women, even knowing how oblivious he is. The truth is that workplace romances happen in every profession. Any woman who throws themselves at a married doctor in training is clearly beyond moronic and has NO idea. Any married doctor who bends to these advances is a bigger idiot.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
                The thing is that most nurses and drug reps are professional women who work hard and do not go into the profession to land a man, and if they are throwing themselves at my husband, they can have him! If he is stupid enough to risk his career, his marriage, his children, and his earnings for the next 30+ years because some woman threw herself upon him, then he is the idiot, and he doesn't deserve me. Hell, he doesn't deserve ME, but I am here because I trust him and beyond the soul sucking horrificness of medical training, we are still a team. So, I don't spend one second worried about other women, even knowing how oblivious he is. The truth is that workplace romances happen in every profession. Any woman who throws themselves at a married doctor in training is clearly beyond moronic and has NO idea. Any married doctor who bends to these advances is a bigger idiot.
                My sentiments EXACTLY. He married me, and we have to work TOGETHER to keep this thing going. If he's dumb enough to throw our family away, then I'll take my half, thank you. I'm not going to waste my energy getting all atwitter about this or that skank. I hold my husband to a higher moral standard than some random woman and the idea that she might be able to lure his little-ol'-clueless self into a tawdry romance.


                • #23
                  To whomever asked about the body shampoos and chocolates- yes, they were from a patient's mother. He gets hit on ALL. THE. TIME. by the single and not-so-single mothers. His drug rep is a 500 pound man so if my husband has a mad passionate love affair with HIM, then there's a whole lot more that I don't know.



                  • #24
                    Once in residency DH was propositioned on L&D by a 40 week pregnant woman for whom he had just ruled out labor She wanted to let him know she could wait downstairs for him until he got done with his shift.
                    Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
                      To whomever asked about the body shampoos and chocolates- yes, they were from a patient's mother. He gets hit on ALL. THE. TIME. by the single and not-so-single mothers. His drug rep is a 500 pound man so if my husband has a mad passionate love affair with HIM, then there's a whole lot more that I don't know.


                      yeah I would say you would have MUCH bigger problems if that was the case.

                      J is SO oblivious to others flirting with him. One of the other PGY2ers is a girl, and she is great, and I know they are just friends and there is nothing more to it, but they have one of those flirting friendships. J flirts with everyone... that's just how me communicates and he doesn't know it. They boy is dense. It gets frustrating some times, but I know he loves me and like others say, I trust him and in the same path, he trusts me. Honestly, he is in the hospital so much, and when he isnt, he is home sleeping that if anyone really had the opportunity to be unfaithful, it would be me.

                      Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                      Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                      Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Katherine View Post
                        Curious as to other thoughts. Am I the only one who doesn't dig the new "attention" my DH gets for being a "doctor". I fell in love and married him before he went down this path....Now, DH is getting a kick out of going to a store with female attendants who giggle and flirt when they find out he is a doc. Also, he gets a kick out of his support personnel flirting with him. He tells me I don't need to worry but I still don't dig it when they see him much more than I do and actually have nicknames for him.

                        As far as females (or males for that matter) are concerned....look, flirt, leave him notes, give him gifts - I DON"T CARE. Because when all is said and done he has me - he comes home to ME - the one that put him through med school, residency, fellowship and all his med crap so he could follow his dream and still supports him. I completely trust DH 100%. So I do not care about the "adoring fans" since there is nothing that they can do that will make him "look" their way. IF - and this is a big IF - he ever "loses his mind" and does something, then he was not the person I thought he was and good riddance to him. Will I be hurt? yes. Will I feel betrayed? yes. But if a spouse wants to cheat (or act inappropriate), they will. So, if DH ever did this to me, I say have him girls. Because I am worth waaay more than staying married with a guy that would do that. I do not understand the whole "fighting for my man" thing. If you have to fight for a man - girl - he is not worth it!!

                        NOW having said all that - I do not dig the attention he gets. I feel just as accomplished as DH. You could call me Dr too. People are always sooo impressed with him (because of the Dr thing). DH, as a human, is quite impressive if I do say so myself. However, as a doctor, he is one of many while what I do - there is only a limited supply. So, yeah I do get a little smirk on my face when people fawn over him...I usually take a step back behind him and whisper in his ear to take bow after all the adoration is over. hee, hee.
                        Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                        • #27
                          Before DH was a dawkter, he was a firefighter/paramedic. Now that he is a dawkter, he also works with the SWAT team. So, I've basically been with someone with many of the "sexy" jobs, and I can say that none of them is sexy from up close. DH says I should write a book and go on a talk show circuit debunking all of the crazy myths. The reality is, firefighters smell like smoke, diesel fuel, and sweat, you all know the reality of being with a dawkter, and cops are no better than the other two. I guess I'm lucky that DH knows that his job is not what makes him attractive. He's had his fair share of bizarre propositions - we tend to get a good laugh out of them. He has made a regular habit of saying conversations nurses/techs are having "make him uncomfortable" and walking away (learned that in residency) - we don't need a sexual harassment suit, and the night shift tends to get a little more out of hand than some other settings.
                          Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Malpka View Post
                            Once in residency DH was propositioned on L&D by a 40 week pregnant woman for whom he had just ruled out labor She wanted to let him know she could wait downstairs for him until he got done with his shift.
                            Holy crap!!
                            Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Pollyanna View Post
                              Holy crap!!
                              Mine got a similar offer from a woman in ACTIVE labor (during rotations in med school). She was 23 or so and on her 5th pregnancy ... yeah, totally appealing and attractive.


                              • #30
                                It's funny how similar this thread is to one I posted about my SO and his experience with "hoochies" in the workplace... yet here there is nothing but support, while on my thread I get the 3rd degree regarding ANY of my opinions of these very same "professionals" you all are talking about here. (Granted you are also talking about pregnant, laboring women also which humors me to no end...)

                                I am really confused as to why my posts are constantly being beaten down... the only difference I can see is that I don't have a ring on my finger. Very very confused.

