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Hubby struggling in first year of residency

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  • Hubby struggling in first year of residency

    Hello, I'm new to IMSN and also to using this type of social networking, so forgive me if I am reintroducing an old thread. I just don't know how to sift through what's already been discussed... anyway, here is my question. My husband is in his first year of residency (family practice) and he is struggling, big time. The last 2 evals have been below average. I am seriously worried about this... and I feel completely helpless. Anyone been here? Can anything be done? What will happen if the evals don't improve?

  • #2
    Originally posted by mrsyosemite View Post
    Hello, I'm new to IMSN and also to using this type of social networking, so forgive me if I am reintroducing an old thread. I just don't know how to sift through what's already been discussed... anyway, here is my question. My husband is in his first year of residency (family practice) and he is struggling, big time. The last 2 evals have been below average. I am seriously worried about this... and I feel completely helpless. Anyone been here? Can anything be done? What will happen if the evals don't improve?
    Honestly, the first year is a crap shoot for everyone - regardless of evaluations. I think all first year residents go through some serious rough patches. It really is to be expected, unfortunately. I would do what you can to help de-stress things, wash scrubs, get gas in car for him, wash his car, make him lunches etc - and just know it's bend in the road that everyone goes through. Don't let his evaluations get to you, in fact I don't think it helps for you about them in the first place, just puts extra stress on you. Unless his program director is overly concerned, then just don't even worry about it. Things will pick up, but it really takes time. We didn't even get to a normal rhythm until well until the later half of the first year of residency - whatever normal is... Seriously, just take it in stride. I hope things get better soon. Hang in there and welcome to the boards.


    • #3
      1st year is quite challenging. Much has to do with adjusting from student to intern - or adjusting from one healthcare institution (during med school) to the way another institution (residency) does things or even ajusting to new colleagues. So, him struggling is quite normal. Has he spoken with his PD or coordinator? Some program offices are malignant and others can be a great resource. I really hope he has the second.
      Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


      • #4
        The good news: this is not unusual at all. They all struggle to a certain degree, and most struggle a LOT that first year out.

        The bad news: This won't be the last time, either. There's an ebb and flow to training that has them going from top of the world to pond scum, often in the same day.

        Hold on tight and you've found the right resource to get you through the crazy times ahead.



        • #5
          Hang in there. First year is tough & there will be real rocky patches. Remind him why he's doing it and what he likes about it. My dh had a rough first two years. It does get better and if he's really concerned about his evals he should talk to his pd about what he can do to improve. Some evaluators are just mean and if often seems like the first year is a year to practice dealing with being treated like garbage. Attendings like to give harsh criticism so take it all with a grain of salt. Hang in there. You found the right resource!
          Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.

