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so, how's your weather?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by L.Jane View Post
    You forgot about the bread. Milk, toilet paper and bread. They actually showed on the news the grocery stores EMPTY. I mean nothing left on shelves except the chips no one buys.

    The snow is coming down now. The drive home wasn't bad because the roads are still warm. But now I am bundled up in the house.. and the electricity just blinked... That is NOT a good sign. If I am stuck in a apt with no tv, no internet and nowhere to go for three days again surviving only through listening to my shower radio, I am going to cry. (Hurricane Charlie in Florida: August 2004)
    We are expecting 10-16 inches here, and my family is all under a blizzard warning. I seriously think my siblings and stepmom will be in school until July 4th. They had a horrible time clearing the roads there after the December storm, so they will get two days off out of this, at least. And why can't these storms happen during the week? Ugh.

    I went to the grocery store this morning and it was a madhouse. We weren't all that low on food, but we usually shop on Sunday morning and I didn't want to do that all on my own (DF is on call tonight and 8a-5p on Sunday). L.Jane - all of the Doritos and pretzels were gone. Guess that's what happens when a storm hits on Super Bowl weekend.

    And maybe the flicker was just a brownout as everyone turns up their heat and gets comfy for the storm. I hope your power stays on!
    Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


    • #47
      As we left school today, the saying was, See ya Monday, or a week from. IF it is a government shut down, then we don't have to make up the school days. One of the day back in December was, so hopefully they will forgive that one too. If not, yes, we will be going to school until July. Not fun. Right now the cat is staring out the window watching the snow. Who knows, I may get such bad cabin fever, I actually get on the treadmill and workout!

      Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
      Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
      Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


      • #48
        We've been waiting for snow all day and it's yet to show up. Guess we'll get hit over night. Most people here have either pick-up trucks or huge SUVs, so I don't think the bars/restaurants will be affected on Sunday.

        I'm wondering if Miss M is waiting for the blizzard to make her dramatic appearance.


        • #49
          How is everyone hanging in there? L.Jane, Luanne, Julie?

          We have 20 inches here and it's still coming down. Everything has come to a grinding halt and there is a state of emergency here. We still have power, but the heat was acting a little weird last night. Luckily it seems to have recovered this morning.

          And...DF has been stuck for the past 1.5 hours on a I-95 off ramp less than 5 miles from our house. A tow truck transporting a car got stuck in a drift one car in front of him. They brought in a heavy duty tow truck to pull out the other tow truck, but I'm not sure if they've been successful yet. DF is unsure whether or not the car in front of him and his car will be able to get out, as they are all low to ground. He has a shovel, but no food or water. And holy shit is he cranky! The ED was admitting everyone last night and since his team had the lowest # of full beds, they got all the admissions (and presumably no sleep). I want him to get home safely and soon, but then I will send him straight to bed!
          Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


          • #50
            We're staying in today. Only got about 6-8 inches so far. Our area is actually pretty good about plowing right away. Trucks usually stand at the ready at least an hour before it starts snowing. And our wonderful neighbors have already plowed the driveway in case we need to get out. I posted some pics of the outside on Facebook (from the window).

            My mom said north Jersey didn't get anything yet, so I'm guessing there's isn't much in the city either.


            • #51
              Forget about my summer time complaints about excessive prolonged heat. I will live w/that & our glorious winters over the craptastic winter yuckfest you all have been having.


              • #52
                SNOmg. Yes, I said it. I am looking out the window and the snow is swirling around as it comes down. I just went outside to walk around and get out of the apartment. Its a MESS out there. There is a truck stuck at the entrance of my complex. I took a video of it trying to move. I took some pictures to document my car totally snowed in... and its still coming down. I think we have 16 inches here. I am in an area that, while everyone surrounding us is up to 20 inches, we luckily are a bit sheltered.

                Scarlette, let us know when your DF gets home safely. I am going to tell J about that, so hopefully he isn't stupid tomorrow and try to come home if they are saying to still stay put. Hopefully by the time he is post call they will have been able to clear enough, but I am doubting it.
                Attached Files

                Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by L.Jane View Post
                  SNOmg. Yes, I said it. I am looking out the window and the snow is swirling around as it comes down. I just went outside to walk around and get out of the apartment. Its a MESS out there. There is a truck stuck at the entrance of my complex. I took a video of it trying to move. I took some pictures to document my car totally snowed in... and its still coming down. I think we have 16 inches here. I am in an area that, while everyone surrounding us is up to 20 inches, we luckily are a bit sheltered.

                  Scarlette, let us know when your DF gets home safely. I am going to tell J about that, so hopefully he isn't stupid tomorrow and try to come home if they are saying to still stay put. Hopefully by the time he is post call they will have been able to clear enough, but I am doubting it.
                  Wow, SNOmg is right! Those are some awesome pictures! We've got blowing and drifting too, but it doesn't look as impressive as that. When does J have to go in? Or is he already there? Hopefully the snow will be done and they will have plowed a bit by the time he needs to go home.

                  DF came home about a half hour ago. He was completely soaked and had almost lost his pager in the snow (it still works though). The other motorists had to help him rock his car back and forth to get it out! He is so stubborn - he changed his clothes and went out to shovel the driveway.

                  The first picture is him shoveling the driveway - see how the snow is up to the neighbor's mailbox and metal bench. The second picture is the snow on our back deck.
                  Attached Files
                  Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                  • #54
                    I left the hospital at midnight and it had been snowing for only about an hour but it took me a while to get home. Here is a picture of my deck this morning, yes the umbrella is still there. I can think of only one good use for snow, you will see it in the picture!!!!!! It is still snowing.
                    Attached Files
                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by scarlett09 View Post
                      Wow, SNOmg is right! Those are some awesome pictures! We've got blowing and drifting too, but it doesn't look as impressive as that. When does J have to go in? Or is he already there? Hopefully the snow will be done and they will have plowed a bit by the time he needs to go home.

                      DF came home about a half hour ago. He was completely soaked and had almost lost his pager in the snow (it still works though). The other motorists had to help him rock his car back and forth to get it out! He is so stubborn - he changed his clothes and went out to shovel the driveway.

                      The first picture is him shoveling the driveway - see how the snow is up to the neighbor's mailbox and metal bench. The second picture is the snow on our back deck.

                      J went in yesterday morning knowing he was going to have to spend the night since he is on call today. So last night he took over the med student on call room (they had sent them home yesterday morning). Supposedly he was able to work on his presentation and get some sleep. When I talked to him a couple of hours ago he was headed into an appendectomy.

                      My friend in Bethesda, Maryland has no power. Poor thing is bundled up and under blankets and is miserable.

                      Yeay for the pager not being destroyed. Last storm (Dec 19th) J lost his keys in the snow and when it finally cleared up, someone found them and turned them in. Your pictures are pretty impressive too. I am ready for some sun.

                      Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                      Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                      Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Cassy
                        There's some boy running around in the deep snow outside the window by himself. He's probably 13 or so and he's running around with a football, tossing it to himself and dodging imaginary opponents. Every once in while I can hear himself say something excitedly -- I think he's doing the color commentary. I am getting a big kick out of watching him, it's adorable. He looks like such an American kid. I just wish he had gloves on!
                        That is adorable! I love that he is using such great imagination to play solo! If I was there I would go out and play with him! I want to play with someone! I also wish I had a sled. (Though Id last about five minutes and then be ready to go in for some tea) This weather makes me feel like a kid.

                        Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                        Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                        Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Cassy
                          My roommate and I were talking about that last night. She said she wished she had snow clothes so we could go play. I said when I was visiting the kids I nannied I just put extra layers on -- no special clothes needed! I too want to run around and play and sled. Unfortunately at my apartment complex we'd probably do a snow angel over dog poop.
                          That would be fairly disgusting. Yeah, I had my pajama pants and then put on my large jeans over them. Then I layered a bunch on top before putting my jacket on. Layers Layers Layers. Due to construction there is no way to get to the back of my apartment where the park is. That would be the best place for me here but its gated off... There is probably a long way around. If we end up with a snow day Monday, I might just try it out. Even if I have to do it all by myself and look like a crazy lady. I just will have such bad cabin fever by then.

                          Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                          Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                          Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                          • #58
                            It's so crazy to see the SNOWPOCALYPSE weather reports coming in. We've got fifties and blue sky here. The spring bulbs are coming up, and I've seen some cherry trees in bloom in the neighborhood. Stay safe and stay off the roads, folks!


                            • #59
                              Cassy wrote:
                              I love it. We did the same thing last night
                              I'm headed into the hospital in a little while. DH is the Intensivist on call this weekend and he is still in the unit. I'll round on the regular floor patients and then come home to the perfectly chilled bottle of wine!!!!!
                              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                              • #60
                                We got about 18" here east of Columbus and under a level 3 snow emergency. To top it off, power went off last night. We were lucky that it kicked back on about 2 hours ago. Other people in our area won't get power on til Monday evening. Even my Siberian wants to stay inside.

