DF ended up in the emergency room tonight with a deep gash on his chin (8 stitches, luckily "Dr. Dad" can take them out for him) and road rash on his shoulder, arms, and legs.
Luckily, he's got 3.5 weeks to heal before the wedding, but he still wants to do three more races before then and I cant seem to talk him out not riding ON our wedding day. I already said I didn't want him to race because I was afraid something like this would happen and lo and behold...
I feel bad because my first thought when he called was, "Oh crap there goes the wedding pictures" but he said his first thought was, "Oh crap, Marissa's going to kill me" Priorities
Hopefully the gash on his chin will heal in time, but he might have to do an impromptu goatee. I swear I will kill him if he gets hurt again--gashes+pictures= not fun and road rash would NOT make for a fun honeymoon!
Luckily, he's got 3.5 weeks to heal before the wedding, but he still wants to do three more races before then and I cant seem to talk him out not riding ON our wedding day. I already said I didn't want him to race because I was afraid something like this would happen and lo and behold...
I feel bad because my first thought when he called was, "Oh crap there goes the wedding pictures" but he said his first thought was, "Oh crap, Marissa's going to kill me" Priorities

Hopefully the gash on his chin will heal in time, but he might have to do an impromptu goatee. I swear I will kill him if he gets hurt again--gashes+pictures= not fun and road rash would NOT make for a fun honeymoon!