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Stupid boys and their bikes

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  • Stupid boys and their bikes

    DF ended up in the emergency room tonight with a deep gash on his chin (8 stitches, luckily "Dr. Dad" can take them out for him) and road rash on his shoulder, arms, and legs.

    Luckily, he's got 3.5 weeks to heal before the wedding, but he still wants to do three more races before then and I cant seem to talk him out not riding ON our wedding day. I already said I didn't want him to race because I was afraid something like this would happen and lo and behold...

    I feel bad because my first thought when he called was, "Oh crap there goes the wedding pictures" but he said his first thought was, "Oh crap, Marissa's going to kill me" Priorities

    Hopefully the gash on his chin will heal in time, but he might have to do an impromptu goatee. I swear I will kill him if he gets hurt again--gashes+pictures= not fun and road rash would NOT make for a fun honeymoon!
    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.

  • #2
    Boys are so dumb! Tell him NO! NO! NO!
    Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


    • #3
      Tell him he's an idiot. Tell him to call me if he wants me to tell him exactly how much of an idiot he is. My husband is also an idiot who on his bike was hit by a car. It's a bad memory because he's FINE but compensated by buying a motorcycle but that's a story for another day.

      He can lay off of the bikes for a few weeks and live to tell about it. Tell him wedding days suck when the groom is dead or in traction.



      • #4
        Oh wow! I'm so glad he's okay! The pictures were my first thought, too... I hope nothing else happens!
        My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


        • #5
          Yep - boys are dumb.


          • #6
            Ugh. I feel for ya!! What's with the stupid bike? Although DH was thoughful enough Tuesday to call me just to let me know that if I heard about a cyclist being hit by a car, it was not him. He had just come across the incident and after the guy was hauled off in an ambulance, guess who got back on his bike and rode on? Eyeroll.
            Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


            • #7
              DH has blown out his rotator's cuff mountain biking. And gotten about a ba-jillion different other injuries.

              Boys are dumb. And neurosurgeons kick it up a notch from that: they are just STUPID and RECKLESS. Why these guys like guns, hang-gliding and motorcycles is BEYOND me. Don't they see enough of the end-result?? I don't object to any of these activities...I just don't understand WHY someone who pulls bullets out of brains for a living, reconstructs skulls, and declares brain death would want to live a high-risk life.


              • #8
                I would kill him (after making sure he's ok). My ONLY rule for the bachelor party was "not the face" because it was 3 weeks before the wedding. My DH and his idiot friends play a game called "the punching game" where they punch each other really hard in the torso and all I needed was for someone to miss and give him a black eye. Tell him he has the rest of his life to ride bikes and that 3 weeks before the wedding is not the time.
                Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


                • #9
                  LOL. Anyone who thought medicine would be the only other woman in the marriage never had a road racer for a husband and didn't meet Mistress Cycling.

                  I always said that DH's priorities during med school went School > Cycling > me.

                  Ride on the wedding day? Are you kidding me? You would DENY him that? LOL.

                  I just hope he shaved his legs or removing those bandages is going to be a bear.


                  • #10
                    I just hope he shaved his legs or removing those bandages is going to be a bear.
                    Nope...but luckily it doesn't seem so bad. I wont let him shave his legs again--he can barely shave his face often enough and the legs were grossssssss...and he has better legs than me and shaving them was just weirdly feminine. Bad news is he didn't shave his face, so he's got stitches embedded in a "4 day" shadow and cant really shave until they come out. Yuck yuck yuck.

                    Haha, the doctor in the ER told him no driving, operating machinery, or CYCLING while on the pain meds--I wanted to hug her!

                    We're still "negotiating" about cycling before the wedding--I just told him to do the week before inside on his trainer. That will probably be the case anyway, since he's got the research program 40 hours a week and I own his butt all hours after--that was the agreement for him doing the program in the weeks before the wedding. If he finds any time for cycling, it will be after midnight inside, and he is smart enough not to ride outdoors at night.

                    LOL. Anyone who thought medicine would be the only other woman in the marriage never had a road racer for a husband and didn't meet Mistress Cycling.

                    I always said that DH's priorities during med school went School > Cycling > me.
                    "The Two-Wheeled Mistress" Amen. And now he wants to buy a track bike. HELL NO! HELL NO!
                    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SoonerTexan View Post
                      And now he wants to buy a track bike. HELL NO! HELL NO!
                      It's harrowing to see your loved one flying around parallel to the ground in close proximity to other cyclists on a bike with no brakes. But it's pretty fun to watch since you can see the whole course from one vantage point!


                      • #12
                        I get it too. I had to deal with the 2 wheeled mistress for the first 5 years of our marriage, and she is entirely to blame for him not getting into med school the first time.
                        He once broke his pelvis in a race and was back riding on the trainer within days!! Stupid boys indeed. Can you hide his pedals or something until after the wedding?


                        • #13
                          Haha, he would just buy more and have them overnighted! He's really on top of stuff when it comes to the damn bike. Wedding stuff? Yeah right.
                          Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                          • #14
                            track bikes don't have brakes? Why, are they too heavy? Insanity!


                            • #15
                              Yeah, I think that is part of the justification! A track bike is a fixed-gear bike, so you slow down by slowing your pedaling. Still though, it's freaky to watch, especially if someone comes off the track and has to slow down fast!

