I am sad. 
Since i moved to the US in support of my husband's residency and his life-long fav career, my family has been e-mailing me asking whether i have found a job, whether i am planning to study or planning to get a part-time job etc. My family is against me travelling so far for my husband, they think it is not worthy. Personally, i am glad and satisfied for my husband to secure a good residency spot and enjoying his career and training so far (it is tiring, but it is all worth it). I gave up my career as a lab researcher to be with him, supporting him during the hard times of moving and residency. I am not a lazy bum who hates working. As far as for now, many states in US are in recovery and many families are jobless as well as depending on social security hand-outs to feed the family or pay debts. As an alien resident, i don't see the need to fight tooth and nail to snatch jobs with the locals (As i think they need it more than me). Also, in Alabama, i see many restaurants and supermarket has closed down due to the recession. But, my parents view that i am stupid to give up my career and too lazy to find a job. I do chores at home, i cook every meal, why is a home maker not considered as a job? Why is it called lazy and nothing better to do?
