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annoying new neighbor habit

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  • annoying new neighbor habit

    So this is a really petty issue, but I have the tendency to do bitchy things without advice from more mature individuals.
    So here is it, one of my best friends lived directly across the street from me, and she just sold her house and moved. In her place is a 23 year old single girl who probably just doesn't know proper mail etiquette. She keeps putting my friend's mail in my mailbox! I have never even seen this person, I just keep finding stacks of catalogs addressed to Current Resident with their address on it! ANNOYING!
    As of now we've gone back and forth with an L.L Bean catalog for the last week and I'm starting to think she's just being a little rude.
    What is the RIGHT thing to do? And what is the thing that I should do?
    I just don't feel like I should have to do anything because it isn't MY MAIL!
    Also, I may or may not already kind of dislike her because I miss my friend living across the street.
    -Mommy, FM wife, Disney Planner and Hoosier

  • #2
    I would just go to to her and ask her very simply to put the catalogs in recycling instead of putting them into my mailbox as they are not addressed to me.


    • #3
      I guess that would be the right thing to do. I still haven't even seen an glimpse of her since the day she moved in. Maybe I should leave a note on her door. Why can't I come up with these resolutions on my own? lol
      -Mommy, FM wife, Disney Planner and Hoosier


      • #4
        Are you sure she's the one leaving the catalogs? If you are, just circle the address and leave it for the mailman to deal with. or just dump then in your recycling bin and go on about your day. I mean in the grand scheme of things, this isn't a biggie- annoying, yes. Worth the mental energy dealing with it- no.



        • #5
          Is it just "current resident" stuff or mail actually addressed to your friend? If it is the latter, I'd call her up and make sure she forwarded, otherwise, yeah I think it is kind of rude, but I'd just do what DCJenn suggests.
          Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


          • #6
            Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
            Are you sure she's the one leaving the catalogs? If you are, just circle the address and leave it for the mailman to deal with. or just dump then in your recycling bin and go on about your day. I mean in the grand scheme of things, this isn't a biggie- annoying, yes. Worth the mental energy dealing with it- no.

            Ditto and hey, you might end up with some good catalogs
            Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


            • #7
              I get so worked up over silly things like this, I just need you guys to put me in my place. haha.
              It is allll just catalogs and current resident stuff. I'm sure that she's putting it there. I've found stacks on sundays.
              I guess I'm just annoyed that I'm dealing with her mail, when it's...her mail. not mine.
              Oh well, I'll just ignore it. I just needed someone to tell me that I was being ridiculous.
              -Mommy, FM wife, Disney Planner and Hoosier


              • #8
                Wait, when you say it's current resident stuff, do you mean it doesn't have your friend's name anywhere on it? Then that belongs to the new neighbor and she has no business putting it in your mailbox.

                However, if it says your friend's name OR current resident, I would make sure your friend has actually requested a change of address with the post office. Maybe she thinks she's changed her address with everyone she can think of, but there's always something we forget.

                In the end, I'm with everyone who says they wouldn't start anything over this. Just recycle the catalogs and move on.
                IM PGY-2


                • #9
                  Zoe, I am just like you! I would have kept getting worked up about it until someone reminded me not to!

                  Did your friend just move? I think it takes awhile for the folks who send the catalogs to get mail forwarding information. I know it took awhile before we started receiving our regular catalogs and 500 med/peds journals after we moved. And anything that says current resident (like fliers and circulars), they are now the NEW residents problem.
                  Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                  • #10
                    Truth be told, it would piss me off, too. Enough that I'd probably "accidentally" bump into Newbie Neighbor and ask if they're getting their mail. Because there MUST be a new mail delivery person since I keep finding stuff in my mailbox that isn't addressed to my house.

                    But, I'm a bitch. Your mileage may vary.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by diggitydot View Post
                      Truth be told, it would piss me off, too. Enough that I'd probably "accidentally" bump into Newbie Neighbor and ask if they're getting their mail. Because there MUST be a new mail delivery person since I keep finding stuff in my mailbox that isn't addressed to my house.

                      But, I'm a bitch. Your mileage may vary.
                      That was my initial response, as well - but then I erased it Glad I'm not alone!
                      Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


                      • #12
                        She has definitely changed her address because the new neighbor put the address confirmation thing (which was meant for her) in my mailbox too. I just thought that since i've put the catalogs BACK in her mailbox, she would get the idea that I don't want it.
                        And the catalogs say her name OR current resident. I haven't gotten any pieces of real mail, that I could understand.
                        -Mommy, FM wife, Disney Planner and Hoosier


                        • #13
                          You could always request a recycling bin be left at her house, if you want to up the ante.



                          • #14
                            I would be royally pissed. Not at all sure what you can do, though, sorry.
                            Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                            • #15
                              For a week about 3 years ago our neighbor across the street decided to put his trash by our trash on pick-up days. This spot is also right next to our car. It pissed me off beyond all reason. DH, ever the cool head, was annoyed too but simply went over to the neighbor and asked him why he was doing this. The neighbor said that he thought it would be easier for the trash guy. Well, may be so, but my DH asked him to resume putting his trash in front of his house because we didn't like having all that trash by our cars. No problem, no hard feelings.

                              I say talking straight to the neighbor will be the way to go.

                              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

