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Any over-the-top gifts for your kids?

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  • #31
    My kids always get over-the-top gifts, but they are from us most of the time. We kind of go crazy at Christmas!
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


    • #32
      The grandparents on both sides used to give really over-the-top gifts, and a couple of years ago, I set down parameters re: size and noise (no bigger than a breadbox; cannot emit ANY noise whatsoever). We live in an apartment: we don't have the space for the junk and I can't stand the pointless noise from which there is no escape. They have been pretty respectful of my request and have tailored the gifts back (with my inlaws, it helped to be honest with them: I give several BOXES of toys to charity every single year--many unopened. Please stop...we don't have the time or the room...).

      DH and I employ the "If it was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for YOU" rule: each child gets three gifts under the tree (stocking stuffers are separate). It seems to work well for us: it connects the gift-giving experience with the religious event, it makes clear from the get-go that no one is getting EVERYTHING on their list, and it makes DS think through his list very carefully!


      • #33
        Our over-the-top always comes from the in-laws, who are coming out the weekend after next. Nothing to report yet.
        Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


        • #34
          My parents were, as always, too generous. They didn't let the fact that my child is not yet born stop them from arranging a visit from Santa. I was pretty shocked to find our stroller by the tree on Christmas morning.


          • #35
            A stroller is a fantastic over the top gift!
            Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


            • #36
              Originally posted by v-girl View Post
              A stroller is a fantastic over the top gift!
              Absolutely! I got a Phil and Ted double stroller for Christmas from my mom when I was pregnant with number 2.


              • #37
                Yes, it's pretty great. I was completely surprised. Santa left a very sweet letter to the baby in the stroller too.


                • #38
                  Nothing too dramatic here because it has to be sent from Maryland back to Texas. We did get a Wii (mostly for ME) and the accoutrements for the wii- they are going to the DC apartment and the Army will bring them when my husband comes back in June. Other than that- it was mostly drawing stuff - colored pencils, crayons, etc. The dude did get the Lego airport- that was his principal gift.

                  I got new closets. I did buy my husband the new Oliver Sacks book.



                  • #39
                    I gave dh an Orbea, as I like to call the "Oh Baby" bike. I got an LG fridge in Nov and asked that it be my Christmas present. As for the kids- nothing big- I gave them each a Scentsy Buddy, made them a personalized fabric covered cork board, boots, and a toy each. My parents, for the first time kept it simple- books! and some cash each. My in-laws blew me away with their gift- a check for an insane amount of money. We have water rights, but need to run the line to our property from the irrigation canal, which is going to be quite a bit of money, so the money they gave us will be put towards that.
                    Gas, and 4 kids


                    • #40
                      I gave dh an Orbea, as I like to call the "Oh Baby" bike.
                      The Orbea Orcas are the only bikes I have ever lusted after
                      Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                      • #41
                        DH's family couldn't get together for Christmas this year because DH's dad can't travel (still rehabilitating), and DH had to work. My family is here now, and we'll have our family Christmas tomorrow morning!!! There won't be over-the-top gifts, though, because we exchange names (even the grandparents) and stick to a price limit. It works really well for us.

                        DH skips a lot of holidays, but when he does buy for anyone, it's always over-the-top. He got me some new photography stuff this year! I'll be learning how to use it for the next several months.

                        Originally posted by Selu View Post
                        My parents were, as always, too generous. They didn't let the fact that my child is not yet born stop them from arranging a visit from Santa. I was pretty shocked to find our stroller by the tree on Christmas morning.
                        That is an awesome gift!

                        Kris, your MIL's words to you were sweet.


                        • #42
                          My husband and I used our last wedding gift card to get ourselves some over-the-top 800 count sheets for Xmas and I finally but them on our bed last night... Oh my god are they awesome!!!! I'm not sure how we are going to be able to change them back to our old ones...


                          • #43
                            My oldest daughter's over the top gifts were a Coach purse, Tiffany bracelet with 3 charms, Ugg boots and Gift cards. Was she grateful? Hell no. This will be the last over the top year for her.


                            • #44
                              I promise to be ridiculously grateful should anyone feel compelled to bestow those kinds of gifts upon me.


                              • #45
                                Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy

