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What size city do you live in?

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  • #46
    We are just under 70K - making it one of the larger cities in our state. We are 4 hours from Chicago, about 3 from Madison, and 6 from the Twin Cities. When we were in undergrad/med school, we lived in Chicago. We were more than happy to move someplace much smaller! There are still times when we resort to ordering online and some foods that we miss (namely pizza). We will probably end up in a city of about 150k - smaller if within an hour or two of a big city.
    Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


    • #47
      We're in STL. Medium-sized metro area. And the country #1 city for CRIME!


      We beat Detroit.

      Hell, we beat CAMDEN, NJ. That's right: we're worse than CAMDEN. How is that possible???


      • #48
        Our dream is to live on a quiet acre somewhere in the PNW where we can still walk the kids to school and be within an hour or two of a big city!
        Port Townsend is hiring if R can handle 24 hour shifts. :O Absolutely adorable town, one of our favorite places.


        • #49
          Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
          We're in STL. Medium-sized metro area. And the country #1 city for CRIME!


          We beat Detroit.

          Hell, we beat CAMDEN, NJ. That's right: we're worse than CAMDEN. How is that possible???
          I don't know how you beat Camden, but you beat Detroit because NO ONE lives there anymore!
          Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


          • #50
            Port Townsend is one of my absolute favorite places, ever. My grandpa settled there when he was little after he and his parents emigrated from Finland.

            As a matter of fact, we'll be in the area next week on a scouting trip for the next relocation. We're checking out Port Angeles and Sequim while were up on the peninsula, too.


            • #51
              I have no idea how big KC is, I'd say mid-sized. It doesn't really matter b/c I live in the burbs. I can see the appeal of the solitude of rural America, but I am far too used to creature comforts and just nipping up to the store b/c I forgot an ingredient. I do pretty much detest how spread out KC is. Walking/biking anywhere isn't really an option, and even if I lived in the more urban parts, you wouldn't find me walking a ton b/c it's not very safe. Well, urban on the KS side is good -- but crazy expensive.


              • #52
                We live in Grosse Pointe, and Detroit is literally down the street. I love being close to a big city, but having the amenities of a small town. We love to bike and walk to the store or library in the summer. I also like knowing I can call the police and they will be here in 30 seconds. Not so in Detroit...
                Last edited by Chrisada; 01-02-2011, 04:08 PM.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
                  We're in STL. Medium-sized metro area. And the country #1 city for CRIME!


                  We beat Detroit.

                  Hell, we beat CAMDEN, NJ. That's right: we're worse than CAMDEN. How is that possible???
                  This statistical nugget has me in shock. Wow, some place is worse than Camden?? I must say though, that I haven't heard about as many murders there this year.

                  They actually are becoming a medical center for the region (although most people will still go into Philly for HUP, Jeff, CHOP, Temple, etc.) - a Level 1 trauma hospital, another major private medical center, and a DO med school. An MD med school is scheduled to open there in 2012, although I am sure NONE of those students will live there, they will all commute there by train.
                  Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by spotty_dog View Post
                    Port Townsend is hiring if R can handle 24 hour shifts. :O Absolutely adorable town, one of our favorite places.
                    So I hear. Would be a sweet location for sure.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Lamorna View Post
                      So I hear. Would be a sweet location for sure.
                      Yeah, DH just told me he already told R, d'oh! He asked me to pass along the info that there's been a ~20% raise effective this month, so it might be more attractive...


                      • #56
                        Our house is in the middle of nowhere within a small town in the medium size metro area. My particular town doesn't have a decent Main St, so there's no local businesses where I can be a regular. The closest coffee shop is the Starbucks at the mall. I do like that we can't see or hear any of our neighbors but a the same time can be in NYC in 1.5 hours and in Philly in 1. There are 2 major airports nearby and we've been getting out to either city at least monthly. To me our location is the best of both worlds - the comforts of small town living and the advantages of large city right near by. If we stayed in NYC, we'd both be working crazy hours and not had any time to enjoy what the city has to offer, now when we visit that's all we do.


                        • #57
                          We live in a town that's about 45,000 BUT 20 minutes away across the bridge is city 200,000 strong and an hour away there is a city 3 million plus. I love the cozy feel of where we live with city amenities SO close.

                          Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                          “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                          • #58
                            Yeah but Flynn, you live in Perfectville!!!

                            I love your town.



                            • #59
                              Yes, Flynn may live in Nirvana, but I have to say that she paid her dues to get there by living in a not-so-ideal location. Enjoy your spoils!
                              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                              • #60
                                True enough. She lived in the one town in the USA that EVERYONE would be like, "dude, you're a saint."


