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The great match decision

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  • #61
    Originally posted by kelli417 View Post
    Most everyone I know who has graduated from IU has applied to programs in Indianapolis and were matched with them. In fact, I don't know anyone who wasn't placed in Indy. (Granted I only know of 6 people but still). I just threw med peds out there, he likes it but he's not certain. He also likes Neonatology (which I'm guessing we would probably have to move for) and Emergency Medicine. He's only a 2nd year so I think it's hard to know at this point. If it's a fairly non competitive program I don't think we'll have an issue staying in town.
    Hi there! Although you and your DH are about 1.5 years away from starting the craziness of the Match, everyone here offers some sage advice, having been through it themselves. I hope you will continue to post and ask away about the Match and all of its fickleness. I know I wouldn't have known half as much about the Match if I hadn't been a part of this great site.

    Just wanted to add that Neonatology (neonatal-perinatal medicine) is a fellowship program, so it is an additional 3 years that your DH would do after either a 3 year peds residency or 4 year med-peds residency (our home program offers a 5 year med-peds residency). Fellowships usually require a move, although some peeps have been fortunate to obtain a fellowship with their current residency program. This might be the case especially if your residency program does not offer a fellowship in what he wants. And you might not want to stay at your home program (or apply near home if you moved away for residency) if the fellowship is malignant or does not offer the type of experience that your DH (and your family) wish to get out of this level of training.

    There are about 100 neonatal-perinatal medicine fellowship programs, 75 internal medicine/pediatrics residency programs, and a lot of peds residency programs. To start getting an idea of where these programs are located and if any of them are located in your specific geographic area, check out the ACGME website: You can sort programs by specialty and sponsor as well. Happy residency and fellowship hunting!
    Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


    • #62
      Good info and exceedingly helpful link.

      We knew a few peeps in DH's med school class who didn't match and had to scramble for a slot somewhere. There were only 6 people, but of those 6, 3 of them only ranked one or two programs because they were so sure they'd match. A couple were fabulous, smart, top 10% of the class kinds of candidates who were just boneheaded when they submitted their rank list.

      I guess my point is if he wants to avoid that special ring of hell that is the scramble, he should apply to several programs. Even if that means moving. Because moving is pretty typical with this crapfest.


      • #63
        Any advice on how to nudge my BF to rank more places? When I talked to him last night, he had decided not to rank even more places than originally planned. Which is making me nervous. I don't think I can handle the scramble! Right now his list is about 7...but I have a feeling ranking 10 or so would be I being paranoid? How can I tell him to be a little more open to some of the places without looking unconfident? Of course I don't want him to rank places he'd be miserable, but I think he's being a bit picky at this stage!
        I'm just trying to make it out alive!


        • #64
          Originally posted by corn poffi View Post
          Any advice on how to nudge my BF to rank more places? When I talked to him last night, he had decided not to rank even more places than originally planned. Which is making me nervous. I don't think I can handle the scramble! Right now his list is about 7...but I have a feeling ranking 10 or so would be I being paranoid? How can I tell him to be a little more open to some of the places without looking unconfident? Of course I don't want him to rank places he'd be miserable, but I think he's being a bit picky at this stage!
          The NRMP has some statistics on the website about how many programs the average successful matcher ranks. So it shows you in black and white that people who only rank 2 programs are much, much less likely to match at all than those who rank 12. Maybe you could show him that? There's also stuff on there about the match algorithm that explains WHY you should rank in order of YOUR preferences and leave the program's preferences out of it.


          • #65
            Originally posted by corn poffi View Post
            Of course I don't want him to rank places he'd be miserable, but I think he's being a bit picky at this stage!
            Miserable is the definition of residency. Even if he matches his dream program he will only be riding that high until day 1 when they point out how much he doesn't know and he feels like a miserable idiot. Seriously, the match is a crap shoot he should not limit his options.
            Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


            • #66
              ooooh, I just checked out the stats page, and I think that'll help a ton! Thanks so much!!!
              I'm just trying to make it out alive!


              • #67
                Okay, sorry for all these random match questions, I feel a bit obnoxious, but I don't know too much about this! The BF wants to finalize his list by the end of the week (yay!), but he wants to do it because he wants to write another follow-up thank you to his top three or four programs, and wants to tell his #1 that they are #1. Is this appropriate? It just seems kind of weird to me!!!
                I'm just trying to make it out alive!


                • #68
                  No. Nononononononono.

                  They don't CARE if they're his number one. As much as he cares that they're his number one, they don't. Nope- they care about their numbers- plural. They know who they want and the decisions are made based on criteria that he knows nothing about.

                  Sending a thank you is entirely appropriate but his rank list is his and he keeps it to himself. He should absolutely send a thank you though but keep it professional and specific to his experience there.



                  • #69
                    Hahaha that was my reaction when he told me he was gonna do that. I was like, ummmmmm why would they care????

                    He obviously sent out thank yous after the interview, but he interviewed at all of his higher ranked places very early in the process, so that's why he wants to send thank yous again. Is that overkill? I have to hire people at work, and I hate it when applicants contact me constantly. But I have no idea if that's the case in crazy medicine land.
                    I'm just trying to make it out alive!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by corn poffi View Post
                      Hahaha that was my reaction when he told me he was gonna do that. I was like, ummmmmm why would they care????

                      He obviously sent out thank yous after the interview, but he interviewed at all of his higher ranked places very early in the process, so that's why he wants to send thank yous again. Is that overkill? I have to hire people at work, and I hate it when applicants contact me constantly. But I have no idea if that's the case in crazy medicine land.
                      Two thank yous is obnoxious in my opinion. His thank you has been noted and put in his file to send another one is overkill. And I agree with Jenn, nononononoooooo, do not tell a program your rank list. They don't care, really, they don't.
                      Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


                      • #71
                        OMG y'all are lifesavers!! Thank you so much!!! I always feel like I'm being a bitch when I give him tough love, but it makes me feel better that I'm not being crazy when I shoot down his crazy ideas. He is waaaay too eager sometimes and I have to put him in his place.
                        I'm just trying to make it out alive!


                        • #72
                          Candidates and programs can offer this information, but it cannot be asked of them. Asking is a big hairy no-no. That being the case, programs typically don't give two shits what they're ranked by candidates. Offering this info isn't going to help his chances even a little.

                          Trust me, candidates who do well in their interviews are remembered. In DH's program, we all discuss favorites and those that are not-so-favorites. Everyone remembers the awesome candidates who would fit in well and are bummed when they don't match here. Someone telling the PD that this program is a favorite has no bearing on how the PD will rank them.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by scarlett09 View Post
                            Hi there! Although you and your DH are about 1.5 years away from starting the craziness of the Match, everyone here offers some sage advice, having been through it themselves. I hope you will continue to post and ask away about the Match and all of its fickleness. I know I wouldn't have known half as much about the Match if I hadn't been a part of this great site.

                            Just wanted to add that Neonatology (neonatal-perinatal medicine) is a fellowship program, so it is an additional 3 years that your DH would do after either a 3 year peds residency or 4 year med-peds residency (our home program offers a 5 year med-peds residency). Fellowships usually require a move, although some peeps have been fortunate to obtain a fellowship with their current residency program. This might be the case especially if your residency program does not offer a fellowship in what he wants. And you might not want to stay at your home program (or apply near home if you moved away for residency) if the fellowship is malignant or does not offer the type of experience that your DH (and your family) wish to get out of this level of training.

                            There are about 100 neonatal-perinatal medicine fellowship programs, 75 internal medicine/pediatrics residency programs, and a lot of peds residency programs. To start getting an idea of where these programs are located and if any of them are located in your specific geographic area, check out the ACGME website: You can sort programs by specialty and sponsor as well. Happy residency and fellowship hunting!
                            Thanks so much! I honestly try not to think too much about it right now because the idea of selling our house and moving really stresses me out . I figure after he takes the boards then we can start discussing this. I really hate moving... I'm sure most of you can sympathize.


                            • #74
                              Rightly so- there's nothing fun about it. That said, he's got another year to go before it gets seriously crazy. I would not in any way limit any options for the match, especially based on location. We've had far too many members get burned doing exactly that- one member whose spouse applied at every residency in the NYC metro area (which is tons as you'd imagine) so that he wouldn't have to leave his lucrative position in the city and they didn't match AND didn't find anything in the scramble so...

                              Limiting options is bad. Making location a primary part of the decision is fine- but don't not rank things just based on location- it's not realistic.



                              • #75
                                Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
                                Rightly so- there's nothing fun about it. That said, he's got another year to go before it gets seriously crazy. I would not in any way limit any options for the match, especially based on location. We've had far too many members get burned doing exactly that- one member whose spouse applied at every residency in the NYC metro area (which is tons as you'd imagine) so that he wouldn't have to leave his lucrative position in the city and they didn't match AND didn't find anything in the scramble so...

                                Limiting options is bad. Making location a primary part of the decision is fine- but don't not rank things just based on location- it's not realistic.

                                Eek!! What do people do when they scramble and don't find anything? Do they just have to take a year off?

