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OMG you're gonna be a doctor?!?!?!??!

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  • OMG you're gonna be a doctor?!?!?!??!

    Okay, so I'm sure this issue has been addressed eight million times on this site, but I'm a newbie, so bear with me.

    How does everybody deal with people who, once they find out your SO's profession/soon-to-be-profession, think he/she is the most fascinating person on the planet?

    Usually I just ignore it and secretly laugh to myself at how stupid these people sound. But lately I've been having trouble with my BF's roommate's new GF. Ever since we met her, she's been fawning over how my BF's in med school and asking about all this medical stuff, his career, etc. completely ignoring me. Which I didn't really mind at first, I know I'm pretty freaking awesome, so I'm ok with not being the center of attention.

    But, apparently she has now told her BF that she doesn't like me because I "don't talk to her". I try talking to her, but the second my BF appears, it's "OMG THAT'S SO INTERESTING TELL ME MORE!". Even my usually clueless BF has noticed it. He tries to change topics, or to talk about what I do for a living, since it's similar to what she does, but it doesn't work. He thinks it's just because "it's something to talk about/girls hate each other", but obviously she's not the first and will not be the last to act like this.

    Anyway, just wanted to see what strategies other people had. I don't really care if this girl likes me or not, but sometimes it gets a bit boring hearing the same crap over and over and over again. Plus, she's always around. Since this will pretty much happen forever, it would be good to know if there's anything I can do that doesn't involve sitting there and looking like (a) his shadow; or (b) a total biotch.
    I'm just trying to make it out alive!

  • #2
    Um, yeah -- that's weird. Don't get me wrong, we've dealt with more than our fair share of freaky weirdos, but that whackadoodle is over-the-top.

    My advice: if you truly can't stomach her anymore, avoid the apartment when possible. You're already doing what I do with other cases -- ignore and try to not look like you're having a seizure while attempting to keep your eyes from rolling every time they open their yap.


    • #3
      That's a tough out, smile & nod? I feel like most people have NO idea what goes into it, what the profession is actually like and how it will affect you and your career (which may or may not be funding things while a MS or Residency salary is meager or non-existent). People around you won't be as struck by it, but new people you meet may still oooh and ahhh over it.


      • #4
        Sounds like your basic catty girl who is probably jealous of you! I agree with diggitydot - just try to be at the apartment when she is NOT there! lol

        As far as the "omg your gonna be a doctor line" I usually smile and nod. I'm very proud of my husband and it makes me even prouder to see others proud or impressed of him as well. And if gets too much, he is usually quick to jump in and tell them he wouldn't be where he is today without me. Then I find more people become interested in us as a couple instead of just him and his future career.
        High school sweetheart and wife to an MS4 cutie, and mom to pretty baby J, silly Siamese kitty, crazy Weim, and funny ferret.


        • #5
          She's definitely an odd duck. She did mention once that she was interested in going to med school someday, so some of it could be genuine interest. But it's hard to know if it's genuine interest or it's, like I used to say when I was seven, "I wanna be a dolphin trainer, a veterinarian, a teacher, and an astronaut. And have lots of babies"...just random blabbering. She's two years into a PhD program that has NOTHING to do with science or medicine or anything. Whatever. Sometimes I feel like my eyes are going to roll out of my head.

          The random people I meet are normal. They think it's interesting for like 10 minutes, and then the thrill wears off or something.
          I'm just trying to make it out alive!


          • #6
            Random peeps are easy. Just don't mention it.


            • #7
              or you can just reply that you can't wait utnil he's done because you'll be rolling in heaps of money. and then burst out loud laughing. We here refer to the attending years as champagne, bonbons and orgasm years.

              and I'm still waiting...



              • #8
                Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
                or you can just reply that you can't wait utnil he's done because you'll be rolling in heaps of money. and then burst out loud laughing. We here refer to the attending years as champagne, bonbons and orgasm years.

                and I'm still waiting...

                Don't forget the cabana boys Jenn.
                Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                • #9

                  SOOOOO tempted to say that to her. But my BF gets mad at me when I'm "sassy".

                  I actually said something similar to a guy I went to HS with. He said something like, "I knew you'd end up with a doctor. You always struck me as the gold-digging type". I politely informed him that it'll take a few years, but when I have a giant swimming pool full of gold coins, that he will not be invited to my pool parties.
                  I'm just trying to make it out alive!


                  • #10
                    What a douchenozzle.

                    ETA: How sad is it that my iPhone's auto-fill/auto-correct recognizes "douchenozzle" and finishes it for me?


                    • #11
                      People have the weirdest reaction to the fact DH is a neurosurgeon. I think I may be a freak-of-nature target for it, but I've gotten some doozies.

                      I've stopped telling people. I mean, I don't lie, but I don't volunteer, "Oh, he's a neurosurgeon." Because, despite the fact that it is just HIS JOB, it is a major conversation-turner. I have yet to figure out why. It's not like he's an astronaut or a movie star or a Senator or something.

                      I tell people he is housestaff at [the] Hospital. They think he is a janitor or administrator or tech or something.


                      • #12
                        When people are impressed, I usually say something disparaging like "Oh, the more you hang around people in medicine, the less impressive it becomes." Or "Yeah, it's great. We're 5 years out of training and will only THIS year have less than $100K left to pay on his brain."


                        • #13
                          I just tell them that he's in the Army and leave it at that.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by corn poffi View Post
                            I actually said something similar to a guy I went to HS with. He said something like, "I knew you'd end up with a doctor. You always struck me as the gold-digging type". I politely informed him that it'll take a few years, but when I have a giant swimming pool full of gold coins, that he will not be invited to my pool parties.
                            LOL, that's a great comeback. And please. If you were a true gold-digger, you'd be with someone in business. How long will you BF be living with his roommate?

                            I remember when DH and I were dating, I was buying a car in DH's city. (we had a LDR for a while) Stupid salesman was asking me about the boyfriend, and upon learning his job, his eyebrows shot up and he exclaimed over how I was moving up in the world. What?! Idiot.


                            • #15
                              Yep, I too have stopped telling people what he does. He works at the hospital and leave it at that. I tell people we're moving to Portland because DH has a one year appointment at OHSU. I don't say what it is unless we're trying to get a rental then I use it to my full advantage because who WOULDN'T want to rent to a nice young surgeon family.
                              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

