My whole life and house is an ongoing unfinished project!! The one's currently bugging me at the moment are the unfinished hardwood floor that DH is laying in the family room. He is doing about a strip a day. We might have it done by Christmas. I have been "working" on a decorative screen for my formal living room. My theme of the room is Henri Matisse. I just got around to ordering a Matisse calender to use the pictures to decoupage 6 panels for the front. The wood is cut in the garage waiting to be staained and molding applied. I need to find 1/4" wood trim for the top of my Kitchen backsplash that I put in 3 months ago. By the time the deck and deck furniture are stripped and restained, summer will be over and it will be too late to enjoy. I need to go though about six huge tubs of baby clothes and either sell, give away or toss.
I did get around to painting and shingling the dog house this week. Now the little pain in the rear has a little house that matches ours
What a spoiled brat!
Yet here I am on my but eating pizza and surfing the net. Oh I need some motivation!!!
I did get around to painting and shingling the dog house this week. Now the little pain in the rear has a little house that matches ours

Yet here I am on my but eating pizza and surfing the net. Oh I need some motivation!!!