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For Fun: I bet I'm the only...

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  • Originally posted by medwife517 View Post
    Had chickenpox on the underside of my eyelid
    I had one on my eyelid -- right on my lash line! That's why I prefer to wear mascara -- helps fix the gap in my lashes!

    I'm the granddaughter and sister of James Brown. LOL

    Made it through 9 years of med school with only a mortgage and car loans (and a couple of credit cards -- less than $6K).

    Live on the same street as 3 public schools (can see one from our house) and our kids have never attended one (other than PPCD preschool for a year and speech therapy).
    Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


    • I had a lash line one, too! I still remember how awful that one itched! Fortunately the scar is gone now, but it lasted into my late teens.
      My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


      • Originally posted by Rapunzel
        I bet I am the only medical spouse who...

        ...had squirrels living in her home's ceiling as a child (it was a styrofoam ceiling under a corrugated metal roof- the squirrels nested in-between).

        I had squirrels living in my ceiling as a child! It was horrible, they would scratch at the ceiling while I was trying to sleep and little bugs would fall on me (I guess they were from the squirrels, I don't know). Twice a baby squirrel fell down from the ceiling. One of them was never retrieved so I tried to take care of it but it died.

        I bet I'm the only one who has made all of my dishes out of clay!
        Wife to Anesthesia PGY4


        • Speaking of squirrels my dad had one as a pet as a child.


          • I have lost track of a lot of these, but I:
            -learned to read music/started playing piano at age four
            -didn't fly until I was 19
            -have never smoked anything

            I might be the only one who:

            -grew up in a house with all girls and now lives in a house with all boys
            -grew up with a severely handicapped sibling
            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • ...has never had manicure or pedicure because i never liked my nails painted. I love natural healthy nails
              ...has caffeine jitters when she drinks one tall cup of starbucks coffee
              ...tried her first cup of starbucks just 6 months my country it was simply too expensive.. lattes and frapps start from 12-16 imagine that on a measly salary of 1200 per month
              ...uses antiseptic alcohol (70%) to wipe down countertops after meat cutting. Because it simply has no residues, no chemicals and evaporates away =)
              ...loves chocolate animal crackers
              ...hates receiving flowers as presents or stuffed animals. I am a practical gal.
              Match Day was the happiest day of my life... followed by my wedding day...


              • ... hasn't had any type of caffeine for 16 years. That includes chocolate.
                ... spent a week for four summers of her life going to space camp. (yes I am a nerd and I LOVED camp)
                ... has listened to all the harry potter books on CD at least twice, the fifth and seventh books, at least five times... most likely more.. I didn't keep track. (used them to fall asleep to and on cross country drives.)

                Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                • I also hate stuffed animals. One or two are fine but beyond that, they're clutter. Now I'm buried in them because people keep sending them to my kids. I especially hate singing stuffed animals. MIL loves them. So far, BabyK has a teddy bear that recites nursery rhymes, a bear that sings "Dredel Dredel" loudly in a obnoxious child's voice, a dog that sings "Twist and Shout", and a duck that sings "Splish Splash".
                  Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                  • Originally posted by L.Jane View Post
                    ... has listened to all the harry potter books on CD at least twice, the fifth and seventh books, at least five times... most likely more.. I didn't keep track. (used them to fall asleep to and on cross country drives.)
                    that's pretty much the whole reason I signed up for, and HP wasn't available. I don't feel right buying them (they're PRICEY) b/c I've read them all, but I may still do it some day.


                    • I walked into work this morning with 2 20 ounce coffees.



                      • Originally posted by Shakti View Post
                        that's pretty much the whole reason I signed up for, and HP wasn't available. I don't feel right buying them (they're PRICEY) b/c I've read them all, but I may still do it some day.
                        Half price book store is my best friend. My sister bought me my first one (HP5) from half price. The rest I rented from the library and maybe I copied them onto cds from my itunes after I returned them to the library...Libraries have online digital downloads now. Thats how I get all my books to listen to on my ipod now.

                        Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                        Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                        Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                        • Caffeine is an official food group in our home. DH's absolute most favorite gift ever? His Keurig. Part of the reason he picked the program he did for residency was because they have a Starbucks in the hospital and the residents can use their cafeteria card for it. So, free Starbucks was his tipping point.

                          As a kid i attended OMSI camps almost every summer. Loved it. My PDX peeps, definitely look into them. They're amazing.


                          • Originally posted by diggitydot View Post
                            As a kid i attended OMSI camps almost every summer. Loved it. My PDX peeps, definitely look into them. They're amazing.
                            Married to a peds surgeon attending


                            • I bet I'm the only med spouse who:

                              - Almost became a professional bowler.

                              - Ran away from home at 16 and never went back.

                              - Allergic to all melons. Cantelope, honey dew and watermelon. DD unfortunately inherited this from me.

                              - Has double jointed fingers. I can bend my thumb all the way back until it touches my wrist. I never lost a game of mercy as a kid.

                              - Bought my first home at 18 by myself.

                              - Attended the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas.

                              - Won a jackpot in Las Vegas at 13, got caught, and was banned from the state for a year.

                              -Became an aunt when I was 1.

                              That's all I can think of right now.
                              Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                              • These are so wildly interesting. I'm feeling so ordinary. LOL
                                In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

