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Pet peeves

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  • #31
    I can relate to so many of these!

    Ladymoreta, I didn't know there was a NAME for what I hate - Vague-booking! Thank you!

    - The rampant use of "it's" when you mean "its," or vice versa. I swear I see these used incorrectly more frequently than I see them used correctly, even in newspapers and magazines, and it makes me feel like I'm the crazy one.
    - The phone. I rarely answer it. It's so intrusive. Just because the person calling me is available for a phone call at the time they're calling, doesn't automatically mean that I'M available for it.
    - People knocking on my door unannounced. I rarely respond. Sometimes even if I know the person, I still ignore him/her.
    - Endless construction in the summer.
    - Kids receiving awards and certificates for every.single.little.thing, such as breathing. Awards and certificates are no longer special, when kids now get graduation certificates at the end of daycare, the end of preschool, the end of elementary school or even each grade, the end of middle school, etc., along with all of the random Special Helper of the Day, Purplest Socks of the Year, etc. awards. What should be a one-hour strings concert in elementary school becomes a 2.5-hour event when every single kid that even touched a violin goes up to the stage one at a time to receive a Certificate of Participation.
    - Pets with names that are ill-fitting and too human. (e.g. the greyhound I once met named Tina Marie.)
    - The fact that all office furniture - chairs, desks, conference tables, etc. - are designed for the height of the average male and take NO other body types into consideration. It's sexist. And it means that I end up with Repetitive Stress Injury from working at workstations that never fit me/short people.
    - The ice cream truck that drives up my street at least twice a week, playing its tinny, repetitive music, making our dog howl and bay. Go peddle your frozen high fructose corn syrup somewhere else!


    • #32
      Repairmen/contractors who think they can take advantage of you because you're female and don't know any better. Was infortunately just reminded of that one.
      Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


      • #33
        I'm curious as to what my husband's pet peeves are. I know a few but I wonder what the rest are:

        -when I leave a hair tool plugged in and it blocks both outlets

        -hair in the sink

        -slow drivers. He's unfortunately gotten really aggressive and annoying when traffic is bad. Sort of like my father. Which is horrifying.
        Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


        • #34
          When I get a bagel and they just smear the cream cheese over the hole. Then, when you take a bite, all the goo squirts out.

          Loud crunching. Do not know why it bothers me so. DH can crunch louder than anyone I know - yes, mouth is closed!! I can still hear it and sometimes have to leave the room because it sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me.

          Unsocialized/disobedient dogs. People who carry their little dogs around everywhere. If my well behaved 80 pounders are not allowed, your high pitched barking/growling fur ball should not be allowed either.

          The 12 days of Christmas happen AFTER Dec 25th - NOT before.

          Wal-Mart. It is just an all around horrible experience. Once when coming back from overseas, I sat next to a German foreign exchange kid who asked me about where to get certain supplies, etc. I told him about Wal-Mart and warned him about the type of people he may encounter there. He emailed me weeks later and said "wow, I did not believe you - I thought you were exaggerating - I was wrong" Why does Wal-Mart attract the weirdoes, very large people wearing very small clothing and parents with children screaming and running around unsupervised?

          Always having your car radio on. It is one thing if you are on a road trip and are not talking. However, I hate it when you get into a car with someone and have to compete with the radio to talk or to hear them.

          Speaking of competing with sound...I try to make my stay as short as possible if I walk into a home where the tv is blaring. I am ok with it if they are actually watching a show or invited me over to watch with them. It drives me crazy when the tv is only on for noise (as my ILs have it all day long). It irks me to have to raise my voice to talk and have to hear others raise their voice so they can be heard over the tv.
          Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


          • #35
            Originally posted by medpedspouse View Post
            When I get a bagel and they just smear the cream cheese over the hole. Then, when you take a bite, all the goo squirts out.

            Loud crunching. Do not know why it bothers me so. DH can crunch louder than anyone I know - yes, mouth is closed!! I can still hear it and sometimes have to leave the room because it sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me.

            Unsocialized/disobedient dogs. People who carry their little dogs around everywhere. If my well behaved 80 pounders are not allowed, your high pitched barking/growling fur ball should not be allowed either.

            The 12 days of Christmas happen AFTER Dec 25th - NOT before.

            Wal-Mart. It is just an all around horrible experience. Once when coming back from overseas, I sat next to a German foreign exchange kid who asked me about where to get certain supplies, etc. I told him about Wal-Mart and warned him about the type of people he may encounter there. He emailed me weeks later and said "wow, I did not believe you - I thought you were exaggerating - I was wrong" Why does Wal-Mart attract the weirdoes, very large people wearing very small clothing and parents with children screaming and running around unsupervised?

            Always having your car radio on. It is one thing if you are on a road trip and are not talking. However, I hate it when you get into a car with someone and have to compete with the radio to talk or to hear them.

            Speaking of competing with sound...I try to make my stay as short as possible if I walk into a home where the tv is blaring. I am ok with it if they are actually watching a show or invited me over to watch with them. It drives me crazy when the tv is only on for noise (as my ILs have it all day long). It irks me to have to raise my voice to talk and have to hear others raise their voice so they can be heard over the tv.
            Ooh! I like the dog one. (My kids are naughty, but not that naughty). Another example: People who bring their 5 lb. "moorkie-poo," or whatever it is, into the LARGE DOG YARD at the dog park, and then proceed to complain that MY LARGE DOGS are scaring it.
            "He usually likes big dogs."

            I didn't come here with the intention of protecting your tiny, tiny dog from being played with.
            Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
            Professional Relocation Specialist &
            "The Official IMSN Enabler"


            • #36
              I'm on board with not liking yappy dogs and yappy owners. And on the other side of the spectrum, people who don't take care of their dogs. I lost count of how many I found wandering on the street and when returned, their owners are like whatever.


              • #37
                Yes, to the untrained dogs! I think my in-laws' dogs are the reason DS is mildly afraid of dogs. They are sweet dogs, and I know one of them wouldn't bite (I think the other one would), but they bark uncontrollably, and they jump up on him. They're medium sized, so it's manageable, but now they're considering getting a large breed.
                My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Curegirl View Post
                  I'm on board with not liking yappy dogs and yappy owners. And on the other side of the spectrum, people who don't take care of their dogs. I lost count of how many I found wandering on the street and when returned, their owners are like whatever.
                  I started a thread here somewhere complaining about my neighbor. THe cliff-notes are that I found his dog with no collar/ID that looked like he had been on the streets for a looooong time. We fed him, took him to the vet etc. A month later, I find out it belongs to him. We return him. They do not even say thank you. For the last three years, people keep returning the dog to us because they are so shitty that they have not bought the dog a new collar or taken it to get new rabies tags at the vet. So, every time the dog gets out, the tags are associated with us. They are not ignorant bastards - he is the head of peds at one of the hospitals and she is a pharmacist. Last time, DH had him paged and made him meet him at the vets office to get his dog. I hate them. Wish I had never given the dog back to them - I feel so sorry for it.
                  Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                  • #39
                    Egads, please tell us these people do not have children or the ability to procreate! Can you imagine? A child roaming around along with the dog.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by medpedspouse View Post

                      Loud crunching. Do not know why it bothers me so. DH can crunch louder than anyone I know - yes, mouth is closed!! I can still hear it and sometimes have to leave the room because it sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me.
                      He must be related to DH.
                      Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                      • #41
                        Reviving an old thread, because I have more pet peeves:

                        - People who expect you to immediately drop all of your plans to hang out with them, just because they drove so far to see you, but didn't tell you they were coming. Last night I got a random call from my stepmom, who lives 3.5 hours away, but was now visiting her friend one street over from me and SO and wanted us to have dinner with them, or coffee in the morning. We didn't get the message until well after dinner. I left a voicemail last night saying yes to coffee, asking what time she wanted to come over this morning. No reply. I called again at 8 AM, and left another voicemail asking when she was coming over for coffee. No reply. So I waited and waited, got hungry, ate breakfast... then at 10 AM, she calls - "Oh, my cell phone wasn't getting service! Meet us at the diner for breakfast in 20 minutes??" Grrrr!

                        - Products with carcinogenic ingredients in them suddenly being painted pink in October. That's called pinkwashing.

                        - People who meddle and try to force people together. e.g. Person A says to me, "You MUST go see Person B's house! You MUST get together!", while Person B, who is sitting at the same table with us, has not personally extended that invitation and it's awkward.

