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Waking-up-in-the-morning Issues!

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  • Waking-up-in-the-morning Issues!

    I wonder if any of you have advice!

    My SO and I are having a hard time with our morning routine. She has to get up early for work (of course!), and I usually don't have anything I need to wake up that early for... but I've chosen to get up at the same time as her each day, so that A) we can eat breakfast together, since I then won't be seeing her for about 12 hours; and B) I can make coffee and breakfast, and make/pack her lunch, while she showers and gets ready for work. She has never asked me to do that, but I do it because I want to help her. There's so much stress in her life due to her job that I just can't help her with, but one thing I can do is send her off with nutritious food each day to help her get through it! On the rare mornings where I continue sleeping while she gets ready for work, she's in such a rush to get out the door that she'll either just have coffee for breakfast, or eat something like a banana, and pack maybe nothing but cheese and crackers for her lunch and then come home starving.

    SO, the problem is that sometimes it's really, really hard for me to wake up that early in the morning, especially if I'm already short on sleep. It's a damn good thing I'M not a doctor, because I seriously can't function without adequate sleep. I stumble around like an idiot, and if I'm really, REALLY sleep-deprived, I cry. It's pathetic but it is what it is. Before SO and I were living together, my morning strategy was to put an annoyingly-loud and obnoxious alarm clock across the room, so that I had to get out of bed in order to turn it off. Then once I was up, I was up. My SO, however, is the complete opposite - obnoxious and loud alarm clocks really bother her, and she needs to wake up slowly. Thus, she sets her alarm clock to wake her up with a CD of, for instance, gentle piano music. The alarm clock is within arm's reach on the bedside table. So when the gentle, soft piano music turns on, usually it's so NICE AND SOOTHING that we just continue sleeping... or we lie there for another 20-40 minutes drifting in and out of sleep, trying to wake up.

    I don't know what to do about this, because we seem to have opposite morning styles and needs - she needs to wake up slowly and gently, and if I keep hitting the snooze button to make my loud alarm clock go off repeatedly and turn on all the bright lights, she gets irritable. I need to wake up and get up quickly, because if I continue to lie there listening to nice piano music in the cozy darkness, I sleep and sleep and sleep and then get so irritable. My feeling is, if the alarm goes off at 5:45 AM but we lie there half-sleeping until 6:20 ANYWAY, I'd much rather just get that solid 35 mins of sleep and SET the alarm for 6:20 and get up immediately when it goes off. That doesn't work for SO. If the alarm went off at 6:20, then she'd stay in bed till 6:40.

    I guess the logical solution would be for me to set my alarm across the room for whatever time I want to get out of bed, then get out of bed when it goes off, and let SO continue sleeping/dozing until she's ready to get out of bed. But then we have absolutely no time to snuggle in the mornings, and morning snuggles are important for starting the day off right. We rarely get out of bed without snuggling first, and to do so feels sad. Am I just being a baby?? Do I have to just suck it up and give up the morning snuggle time?? Arrghhhh.

  • #2
    No advice here. Our mornings are basically him getting out of bed at 5am and me sleeping right through it. He comes in to kiss me good-bye before he leaves and if he's riding his bike, I remind him to not get squished.



    • #3
      Personally, I never drug my ass out of bed for that time in the morning. I did make sure that a lunch was put together for him and all he had to do was pull it from the fridge and throw it in his bag.


      • #4
        I'm terrible at waking up in the morning too. If I don't get up immediately I can easily sleep for another hour or more.

        What if instead of letting her sleep in, she sort of lets you sleep in. So let's say she sets her alarm at 5:30, you sort of drowsily wake up and snuggle for 20-30 minutes. By 6:00, she should be good and awake, so what if you set your loud obnoxious alarm to go off at 6:00 that way she's already had a chance to wake up slowly and you've already gotten your sleepy cuddles in for the morning, then you can hop up and be awake as well?

        ETA: Take my suggestions with the knowledge that there's no way in hell I'd wake up at the ass crack of dawn with my DH every morning -- I pack his lunch and put it in the fridge the night before
        Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


        • #5
          We get up at about the same time most mornings, but it takes me about twice as long to get ready. I wake up easily, so my alarm is just a quiet radio (NPR, nerd). I get up and shower, then come back to wake him up for some morning snuggle time. Then he can lounge in bed for as long as he wants. That works for us.

          I like niener's suggestion, if that's an option.
          Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


          • #6
            You guys really make their lunches? Damn, that's nice! I figure he's 45 years old- he can make his own lunch.



            • #7
              Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
              You guys really make their lunches? Damn, that's nice! I figure he's 45 years old- he can make his own lunch.

              Yeah, I'm with you there. He's on his own for breakfast and lunch.
              Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


              • #8
                Lunch usually consisted of leftovers from the night before, so it was easy to pack up leftover in lunch sized quantities that HE could grab and pack up for himself.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by niener View Post
                  I'm terrible at waking up in the morning too. If I don't get up immediately I can easily sleep for another hour or more.

                  What if instead of letting her sleep in, she sort of lets you sleep in. So let's say she sets her alarm at 5:30, you sort of drowsily wake up and snuggle for 20-30 minutes. By 6:00, she should be good and awake, so what if you set your loud obnoxious alarm to go off at 6:00 that way she's already had a chance to wake up slowly and you've already gotten your sleepy cuddles in for the morning, then you can hop up and be awake as well?

                  ETA: Take my suggestions with the knowledge that there's no way in hell I'd wake up at the ass crack of dawn with my DH every morning -- I pack his lunch and put it in the fridge the night before
                  This is what I was going to suggest. Either that or pack her lunch the night before and put it in the fridge for her to just grab on her way out? Maybe even breakfast, too? That way IF you stay in bed, she's at least not suffering food-wise?
                  Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                  • #10
                    Um, count me in the group that doesn't make a lunch for anyone but myself. Even the kids make their own damn lunches.

                    Our mornings aren't as early as they were during residency, thank gawd. I get up around 6:30 to help referee/light a fire under the kids. DH gets up around 7ish and is out the door about 15 minutes later. Sometimes he grabs something to eat, but he typically doesn't have breakfast right away. He has healthy snacks in his desk that he grazes in throughout the day.

                    None of us are happy morning people so conversations are usually at a minimum and we just trudge through.


                    • #11
                      Haha I got up with him once just because we hadn't seen each other much. His response: "what are you, crazy?!? Go back to bed, it's 4 am!"

                      I happily obliged. No way in hell I'd make him lunch. He has hands. Then again, i don't have a nurturing bone in my body. I don't feel the need to be awake just because he is!
                      I'm just trying to make it out alive!


                      • #12
                        I don't get up. That's madness. However if he keeps hitting snooze it annoys the hell out of me because then I can't sleep because it keeps waking me up. Dh is a horrible horrible waker uper. I do pack him lunch at night. If I didn't he would buy lunch and I don't want to spend the money on eating out for lunch every day. For breakfast he gulps down a bowl of cereal and out the door he goes. I like neiners suggestion as a compromise if you must do all those things for her.
                        Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


                        • #13
                          I got up with DH on the first day of residency as a send off and that was it. I don't wake up when DH does and he better turn the hall light back off as to not disturb my sleep. He's on his own for everything, but dinner. I think he eats breakfast at the hospital. I really have no idea. I applaud you all who do wake up with your SO's.


                          • #14
                            You guys really make their lunches? Damn, that's nice! I figure he's 45 years old- he can make his own lunch.
                            I did until we had N. Now I make her lunch and mine. 2 is enough

                            Otherwise, no advice. I set 3-5 iPhone alarms in the morning and still manage to sleep through many. This morning it fell off the cord and I was digging under the bed at 6 am while it belted out "Someone left a cake out in the rain"
                            Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                            • #15
                              Not to point out the obvious, but getting to bed earlier can help. I usually find I can get up and moving without problems if I've got a good 7-8 hours under my belt.

                              If DH has to be at work at 7, I usually don't get up until he's about to leave. He eats cereal, makes his own coffee in the Keurig, and has lunch at the hospital (yay free food -- for dues-paying staff, anyway!) If he starts at 1pm, I do like to make him some lunch and see him off. I also invariably stay up till he gets home, painful as it can be to stay up until the wee hours and still get up with the kids. So I feel your pain with keeping uncomfortable hours in the pursuit of being a nice partner and spending time with your best friend! I'm going to miss seeing DH off today, so I have offered to leave a salad in the fridge for him.

