...let's talk about some of the basics. How would you all like to run this?
Are these truly meant to be "secret" in that you send something off without disclosing your identity?
Price parameters: $10 max. Homemade items, prescription samples, and/or drug company paraphenelia lying around your house that you attempt to regift does not factor into this amount. As a helpful hint, may I suggest student loan payment book remittance slips for wrapping paper? They might as well go for something good.
Any other thoughts on how to run this show?
Are these truly meant to be "secret" in that you send something off without disclosing your identity?
Price parameters: $10 max. Homemade items, prescription samples, and/or drug company paraphenelia lying around your house that you attempt to regift does not factor into this amount. As a helpful hint, may I suggest student loan payment book remittance slips for wrapping paper? They might as well go for something good.
Any other thoughts on how to run this show?