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  • #16
    Well, I was a little premature about our oldest getting better anyway--she had a temp of 105 last night!!! I paged our ped. and he told me to give her tylenol (she already had motrin on board) and if she didn't go down in an hour to take her to the ER. Luckily her temp did go down, but she is still running a fever today. Her little sister isn't luckily, and hasn't had a dose of motrin in almost 2 days!!!
    I hope everyone is getting better soon, Kris I was wondering how your baby was doing. I guess a positive thing about not taking him in is not exposing him to all the germs lurking in the clinic (though I guess since he is so little you could keep him shielded pretty easily). I can't remember the temp rules for newborns--is his cough and runny nose clearing up?
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #17
      No flu shot? He's ID! 8O Sorry...since I'm working on this pediatric flu project, I couldn't resist.

      My understanding about newborns and temperature is that if they have one at all they need to be seen. I thought that 2 months and under plus much of a fever was cause for concern and typically results in a spinal tap. 8O This is from my conservative-approach pediatrician neighbor, but I don't think he is that far off. After 2 months (or at least 6 weeks), I thought it was much looser -- more along the lines of what you were told.

      I know that pediatrician's offices are just swamped right now. Our peds office wasn't going to see Bryn. Luckily, Eric was home to talk to to the nurse but he had to pull the physician card to get an appointment for her. They were sure she just had flu but he insisted on a strep test. Good thing!


      • #18
        No flu shot? He's ID! Sorry...since I'm working on this pediatric flu project, I couldn't resist.
        I meant to respond to this before, Nellie. Thomas actually never had influenza, btw, just a cold....but when the ID docs aren't getting the flu shot you have to wonder what's up, right? They all have access to special, insider CDC information that from the very beginning suggested that the flu vaccine would be of little/no value this year....and yet it was so heavily advertised and pushed. He and his partner had a little bet going on it. His partner got immunized and he did not. His partner ended up missing almost 2 weeks of work thanks to a real case of influenza. Thomas missed 1/2 of a day and was back at work..definately not influenza!

        I think it is interesting though that the CDC knew from the very beginning that the vaccine would not provide immunity from the fujian (spelling?) strain but advocated it see if it would provide some measure of immunity. Half of the patients that my husband has seen in the hospital for influenza did, indeed get a flu vaccine this year.

        It's hit or takes so much time to produce the flu vaccine that researchers kind of have to...guess on the strains for the next year. This year they guessed wrong

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #19
          It is really hit or miss. Being pregnant and having a history of asthma I did get the shot but was worried about still getting sick. One of the IM residents here *broke a rib* from coughing so much with the flu (she had a shot) -- and she was 9 months pregnant! 8O (Note to self: my pregnancy complaints are minor in comparison).

          It is a crap shoot from year to year. Maybe what happened this year will lead to some changes in the flu vaccine policies. There were quite a few children in Colorado who died of flu this year. I think that some of them had received a flu shot (though only one or soon enough to build up enough immunity).

          It is interesting what the CDC knows, isn't it? Maybe I shouldn't post too much in a public forum....we met with some people from CDC (funding our study) a few months ago.....interesting.


          • #20
            It is interesting what the CDC knows, isn't it? Maybe I shouldn't post too much in a public forum....we met with some people from CDC (funding our study) a few months ago.....interesting.
            NO KIDDING...the politics of science I was all freaked out by the whole thing about getting the kids immunized, etc. and my husband showed me some of his 'insider' info and it was so surprising to me.

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #21
              From what I learned, I guess I feel like it was still worth it for me to get the shot -- that I would be provided some amount of immunity and if I did get the flu that perhaps it wouldn't be as severe.
              The harder decision was with Bryn -- subject her to an immunization that might not really help? And then have to do another one 30 days later? But there are all these kids getting really sick and some dying?

              It seems that the flu has passed through Colorado. Well, the other one (B strain??) is showing up but that is much less severe.


              • #22
                I debated it too...simply for the fact that if one of us did get it the baby would be at a terrible risk.

                What did you decide with Bryn?

                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #23
                  Since both Eric and I got immunized, we decided not to have Bryn get the shot. Of course, there are plenty of places she could have picked it up other than from us, but at least if she did get sick we would be less likely to get sick and still be able to care for her. And I was having some residual guilt about the penicillin shot we chose (over oral antibiotics) for the strep she had in September. She talked about that for months later! I think she will have to get immunizations at her 4 yo well child visit (or is it 5 yo?).....and I'm a big weenie about that sort of thing (subjecting her to painful but necessary experiences).

                  That and she really was not part of the recommended age group --- no chronic conditions and over 24 months of age.

