Any ladies with wavy hair out there? In all my life I've never figured out how to deal with it and wear it wavy. It's definitely NOT curly, it's like a messy, uneven wave. I usually blow it out or straighten it, or throw it up in a bun and straighten/shape my bangs. I've let it get pretty long (almost shoulderblade) and it finally has enough length that it doesn't just stick in whatever direction it wants, so I'm wondering if I can try wavy. Any styling tips for me?
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Wavy hair
Originally posted by MsSassyBaskets View PostAny ladies with wavy hair out there? In all my life I've never figured out how to deal with it and wear it wavy. It's definitely NOT curly, it's like a messy, uneven wave. I usually blow it out or straighten it, or throw it up in a bun and straighten/shape my bangs. I've let it get pretty long (almost shoulderblade) and it finally has enough length that it doesn't just stick in whatever direction it wants, so I'm wondering if I can try wavy. Any styling tips for me?Sandy
Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty
Mine's wavy but short now. I have some luck with spiraling my hair in big strands after a shower and then just letting it dry. It makes any body/wave more organized. (All rolling back and beachy-waves instead of random poufing and frizzing.)
I'll also look here for tips! I usually blow mine out on a rounded brush, but like I've said, it's short now, so less wave to deal with.Angie
Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)
"Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
So braiding would leave my hair looking kinky and insane, it takes on whatever shape it's put in x 100. But here's what I tried today... I washed & conditioned as usual, and used some light foam (Aveda Phomollient) after I towel-dried. Then I scrunched it up like crazy and let it air dry completely. So then it was some pretty separated, piecey waves. Then I coated my hands in shine spray/leave in conditioner and finger-combed it thoroughly. Worked out pretty well... it feels a little crispy and fluffy though, definitely open to suggestions.Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.
I have weirdly wavy (but fine) hair, too. I use Matrix smoothing shampoo and conditioner, but once or twice a week mix it up and wash/condition with Nioxin for Fine Hair. I then towel dry gently and spritz the ends with No. 4 Prep and Protect spray. When my hair is REALLY uncontrollable, I also use a dab of KMS smoothing balm before the spray. Blow dry upside down and I'm done.
I used to think I had wavy hair, until I started using the Curly Girl method. I have nice easy curls now. Seriously, if I could, I'd do infomercials for the Jessicurl line. I always get coupon codes emailed to me if anyone wants to try it. I bought the trial pack and I'm hooked. I've been using the line exclusively for over 2 years and her newest gel is AWESOME.
I use 4 products total ("shampoo", conditioner, potion and gel). Apply it all in the shower, scrunch, plop and then when it's time to leave the house, I take it down and leave. No frizz, no crunch, just soft curls that hold their shape in hot humid Florida. I get slightly less curl definition if I forget to deep condition in the winter. My hair is very very dry apparently.
I laugh when I see the "curly hair problems" lists floating around, because my curls are so easy to handle now. The newer iMSN members and lurkers are probably like, who is this crazy sales troll....
Mom of 3, Veterinarian
Wavy hair
I have a similar issue with mine too, so I am probably not much help. (mine is super thick, and really holds moisture. It takes 4-6 hours to air dry.... Not a great option when it's cold out!). I think I should probably try a keratin treatment, but can't bring myself to do it ($$$$$).
Probably the best advice a stylist gave me (if I'm leaving it curly) was to brush it out before I shower and then no brushing/combing after shampooing. It helps the wavy curls stay more intact. I also really saw a difference from Moroccan oil shampoo/conditioner. And I don't wash it too often. kiehl's cream with silk groom also did pretty awesome things for my hair.Last edited by JDAZ11; 12-11-2013, 01:05 AM.
What is your weather like? In a dry climate (where I was before my recent move) it took a lot of product for my curls to look nice. No humidity (so no frizz) but my hair would half curl and half wave/straight. Now, with humidity, I get lots more volume but have to tame it down. I go the "no poo" route using a thick conditioner, apply It's a 10 to comb out the hair (wide tooth comb) and have gone back to using bed head control freak to define curls. While still damp, I scrunch up chunks of hair and clip on top of my head, air dry, unclip and go. Lately, with 20 degree weather, I have been using a diffuser to dry faster.
One thing I have noticed is that the more I wear it "curly" the curlier it gets. Every time I straighten it, I start the process over again. Maybe if you keep it up for a while your waves may get more defined?Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!
One of the keys for making my hair go from wavy to curly was to stop shampooing. I wash it once or twice a week right now. I do condition it every day and scrub my scalp with my fingertips to help redistribute the natural oils. But, that alone has made a huge difference. I also use argan oil daily but not much for holding power unless I am dressing up. Again, less product, less need to wash.Kris