Originally posted by spaz
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Reflecting on your other post about weekend away spaz, I realize that your household has developed to the point where it runs like a well oiled machine. You are efficient! Ours too. I think when you get very busy, it overwhelms you but eventually you figure out a system that works. Then, you stick to that system. Years later, it seems like you're stuck on some treadmill but it's hard to step off it because it keeps the system moving smoothly.
I often wonder if this isn't why "keeping the Sabbath" rules are built in to Orthodox Judaism. When we lived in Brookline MA in a heavily Orthodox area, I was always a little curious how turning away from lots of types of "work" one day a week would affect our family. Seems to me that scheduled UNscheduled time or enforced day of rest might be very very wise. We all spend too much time being efficient and we don't realize that there are intangible benefits we are losing through that very efficiency.