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Speaking of Selling

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  • Speaking of Selling

    The post about school fundraisers in the parenting section reminded me of other ways people want you to spend your money. Women in our neighborhood have lots of "parties". Since moving here I have been invited to parties for people selling toys, scrapbooking, kitchen utensils, home decor and jewelry. I understand that these in-home parties are legitimate ways for people to earn extra income or support a hobby like scrapbooking. A jewelry party I just got invited to is being hosted by a female my DH attended graduate school with. This friend of my husband is selling this line of jewerly because it is a biblical company and this will probably be a way for her to work a little and earn money while staying home with her kids. The flyer says the jewelry starts at $30. Seems expensive to me. I feel strange about being invited because I have only met this woman once before and she lives 45 minutes away.

    These parties are kind of a catch 22 because although they are a way for me to meet people in my neighborhood, but I don't like feeling pressured to buy something I don't need or can't afford.


  • #2
    I know what you mean about this Jennifer. The parties are fun to go to, primarily because they give women (and a lot of times, the attendees are mostly SAHMs) a chance to get out of the house and socialize. I don't know why people don't just be hospitable and have some women over for dessert or something, instead of having to include a sales pitch. I like the Pampered Chef parties because there is always something really cheap to buy, but unless I am interested in the products, I usually don't go to these unless someone begs me and expressly tells me I don't need to buy anything.

    BTW, we are looking pretty hard at a job opportunity in Frankfort that is through the hospital there, which is owned by St. V's. It isn't Indy, but it would be closer! Wouldn't that be cool?

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      I can't stand those parties either! Actually, I don't mind Pampered Chef, because I like the stuff, but I just recently went to a jewelry party--everything was pricey and I don't wear any jewelry but my wedding ring and a necklace my husband gave me. I still felt obligated to buy something, though I suppose I could have left without buying. I have a handful of friends that are notorious for inviting me to these things (I guess I'm a sucker!).
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        When Jon finished medical school we suddenly got a call from someone we regarded as a very good friend. We hadn't heard from him in over a year so Jon was pleasantly surprised to hear from him. The conversation turned sour very quickly, though, when this friend immediately made a sales pitch for his part-time insurance business over the phone. In fact, it turned out the entire point of the phone call was to sell something. He had found out my husband was done with school (now officially "Doctor") and expected he could get some money selling an insurance plan we didn't need from a company we really don't trust. Jon was hurt to say the least. He had thought this friend was interested in friendship - not "working an angle" to make a profit.

        At my mother's old job her supervisor was continually throwing these profit-making "parties". She had ones for candles, baskets, even ornaments. This supervisor put heavy pressure on all "under" her to go to these things - and then buy something so the supervisor could get her discounts and/or free gifts. It was very political in their office. My mom ended up with stuff she could neither afford nor needed along with quite a bit of anxiety.

        I have told my friends that I do not mix business with friendship. It is not good for a business and it is not good for a friendship. I have gone to these parties in the past but I have left without purchasing anything because the prices were outrageous and/or I simply did not want or need the trinkets sold. Pampered Chef products are nice, but I can go to William-Sonoma and buy similar items at a similar price (or I can go to Target or a local homegoods store and buy them cheaper or on sale - much more sensible). I have one acquaintance who I haven't seen in about eight months. She sent me what I *thought* was a Christmas card. When I opened the envelope it turned out to be an invitation to a jewelrey "party". A sales pitch, how nice.

        I avoid people who use my friendship in such a manner.

        Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
        With fingernails that shine like justice
        And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


        • #5
          Sorry, I accidentally posted twice. I erased the redundant post.

          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
          With fingernails that shine like justice
          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


          • #6
            The Longaberger(sp) baskets are the worst! I went to one of those and ended up spending $60 on a small basket! Of course, nobody held a gun to my head and made me buy the stupid thing, so its really my fault, but I now steer clear of those parties!
            Awake is the new sleep!


            • #7
              He had found out my husband was done with school (now officially "Doctor") and expected he could get some money selling an insurance plan we didn't need from a company we really don't trust.
              I know....they hear doctor and think ka-ching! Not that it's any of their business, but I want to say, "Do you have any idea how much medical school costs? What he took out in loans? What a resident makes?" Because if they did, they would probably leave us alone!

              The Longaberger baskets are the worst, Sue. And once you buy the basket you can spend lots more on all the liners, etc. They are pretty baskets, but pricey. The person I know who sells them does so to get a discount on them.

              While I understand that people want to find a way to make some extra $$$, and at the risk of offending anyone who has these parties , I think that the sales work largely on that feeling of friendship obligation. As long as someone isn't pushy about these, I don't mind at all, honest!

              I agree about keeping friendship and business separate. I think I'm going to be dealing with a related situation sometime soon. The mom of one of Bryn's preschool buddies is a real estate agent. I wouldn't really say we are friends, but our kids have been in preschool together for a few years and swim lessons last summer. She knows we are moving and sometimes works in our area. I think she might be upset that we didn't ask her to list our house (she has dropped a few hints). I'm sure she is great at what she does, I just don't think it would be a good idea to have such a significant business relationship with her. I'm just waiting for her to ask me about it....


              • #8
                Just tell her your husband already promised the listing to his friend!!!!
                wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                • #9
                  Sally- Frankfort would be awesome! How far away is it?

                  Pampered Chef is one party I don't mind attending. All these people in our playgroup do scrapbooking which is costly using Creative Memories. I am not sure I would be committed enough to make the investment. The stuff looks cool though. Luckily I got out of the party due to a prior engagement.



                  • #10

                    Good idea, Luanne!
                    Too bad I didn't see that before I had to call one of the agents we interviewed to tell her we picked someone else....

