The post about school fundraisers in the parenting section reminded me of other ways people want you to spend your money. Women in our neighborhood have lots of "parties". Since moving here I have been invited to parties for people selling toys, scrapbooking, kitchen utensils, home decor and jewelry. I understand that these in-home parties are legitimate ways for people to earn extra income or support a hobby like scrapbooking. A jewelry party I just got invited to is being hosted by a female my DH attended graduate school with. This friend of my husband is selling this line of jewerly because it is a biblical company and this will probably be a way for her to work a little and earn money while staying home with her kids. The flyer says the jewelry starts at $30. Seems expensive to me. I feel strange about being invited because I have only met this woman once before and she lives 45 minutes away.
These parties are kind of a catch 22 because although they are a way for me to meet people in my neighborhood, but I don't like feeling pressured to buy something I don't need or can't afford.
These parties are kind of a catch 22 because although they are a way for me to meet people in my neighborhood, but I don't like feeling pressured to buy something I don't need or can't afford.