I swear, I have never seen the time DRAG so much!! Is there anyone else out there in the "Match day Waiting Game??" How are you getting through these final 2 weeks?? For me, I decided that I wanted to have the house ready to sell in case we move, so my project today was refinishing the tub to make it shiny and new-looking. Unfortunately, that means the only tub/shower in our house will be closed until next Wednesday 8O . I gave the kids baths this morning to get them ready for the 'drought', and then as luck would have it, Sarah decided to strip in her crib during her 'nap' and by the time I found her, the deed had been done (the poopy deed, that is!). She was covered in it, as well as having it all over the sheet/blanket. All she wanted to do when I walked in was get picked up and snuggle 8O .
Ahhh, the joys of motherhood!!
14 days and counting!!!
Jen B.
Ahhh, the joys of motherhood!!
14 days and counting!!!
Jen B.