Hey Everybody,
I know this is a bit off topic but I really need some help and advice. I'm not one to be very open with my parents, never had a really good relationship, but I told my mom that my current bf and I are talking about getting married and that I'll probably be engaged by the end of the semester. I was caught off-guard when she TOLD me that my bf had to talk to my father first. I was floored that she told me but also by the fact that they're expecting it.
I was going to leave that decision up to my bf but now I'm forced to let him know that it's required of him. I'm not even sure if I agree with my mother because honestly my father is nothing but a pain and always putting me down, like nothing is ever good enough and I don't feel as if I need his approval. I know that it's tradition and a really nice respectful gesture. My father is very hard to approach, and highly demanding and I know it will be difficult for my bf to do this and will make him highly uncomfortable. What do I do?
I know this is a bit off topic but I really need some help and advice. I'm not one to be very open with my parents, never had a really good relationship, but I told my mom that my current bf and I are talking about getting married and that I'll probably be engaged by the end of the semester. I was caught off-guard when she TOLD me that my bf had to talk to my father first. I was floored that she told me but also by the fact that they're expecting it.
I was going to leave that decision up to my bf but now I'm forced to let him know that it's required of him. I'm not even sure if I agree with my mother because honestly my father is nothing but a pain and always putting me down, like nothing is ever good enough and I don't feel as if I need his approval. I know that it's tradition and a really nice respectful gesture. My father is very hard to approach, and highly demanding and I know it will be difficult for my bf to do this and will make him highly uncomfortable. What do I do?