Easter is Thomas' day to cook the family meal...we decided that this would be our new tradition this year and so he tackled the lamb and the recipe that he found with fervor! I was not allowed in the kitchen all day, nor was I allowed to even take a peek at the leg of lamb marinating for two days....
The kitchen smelled all day of..well, how can I say this? Lamb in the oven sort of smelled like...vomit...a smell that soon took over our whole house 8O We were all trying to be really optimistic for Thomas though!
Dinner went like this though:
Amanda was yelling "I'm not eating in the same room as you...if you want to eat a poor helpless lamb, fine, but I won't watch" which was met with a resounding "you will stay here, young lady!" So she sat and pouted.
Andrew took one bite of his lamb and pronounced "If I ever have to eat lamb again, I will puke"
Alex simply avoided the lamb altogether "Andrew, you wanna play Zelda...let's play the game with the three hearts".
This left Thomas and I staring up at each other and then down at our plates. We tried our lamb at the same time....I started gagging and had to spit it into my hand
and he got through one bite and then in unison we all began putting our plates on the floor.
Molly was the happiest dog in the neighborhood yesterday. She literally ate a leg of lamb!
I cracked out the mac and cheese and made some for the kids...
In the meantime, we had promised the kids that they could go and see some cartoon movie about three cows that save their farm. Alex went off into the cul-de-sac on his bike and fell off and hurt his arm....but insisted he was fine for the movie.
To make a long story short: He didn't use his arm for the rest of the day, so we took him to the urgent care clinic...no visible break, but concern that he may have injured the growth plate....which meant....a sling, appt. with orthopod if he isnt' using his arm in 2 days, etc......
Wow...we had a National Lampoons Easter!
How about y'all?
The kitchen smelled all day of..well, how can I say this? Lamb in the oven sort of smelled like...vomit...a smell that soon took over our whole house 8O We were all trying to be really optimistic for Thomas though!
Dinner went like this though:
Amanda was yelling "I'm not eating in the same room as you...if you want to eat a poor helpless lamb, fine, but I won't watch" which was met with a resounding "you will stay here, young lady!" So she sat and pouted.
Andrew took one bite of his lamb and pronounced "If I ever have to eat lamb again, I will puke"
Alex simply avoided the lamb altogether "Andrew, you wanna play Zelda...let's play the game with the three hearts".
This left Thomas and I staring up at each other and then down at our plates. We tried our lamb at the same time....I started gagging and had to spit it into my hand

Molly was the happiest dog in the neighborhood yesterday. She literally ate a leg of lamb!
I cracked out the mac and cheese and made some for the kids...
In the meantime, we had promised the kids that they could go and see some cartoon movie about three cows that save their farm. Alex went off into the cul-de-sac on his bike and fell off and hurt his arm....but insisted he was fine for the movie.
To make a long story short: He didn't use his arm for the rest of the day, so we took him to the urgent care clinic...no visible break, but concern that he may have injured the growth plate....which meant....a sling, appt. with orthopod if he isnt' using his arm in 2 days, etc......
Wow...we had a National Lampoons Easter!

How about y'all?