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Our Lambventure!

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  • Our Lambventure!

    Easter is Thomas' day to cook the family meal...we decided that this would be our new tradition this year and so he tackled the lamb and the recipe that he found with fervor! I was not allowed in the kitchen all day, nor was I allowed to even take a peek at the leg of lamb marinating for two days....

    The kitchen smelled all day of..well, how can I say this? Lamb in the oven sort of smelled like...vomit...a smell that soon took over our whole house 8O We were all trying to be really optimistic for Thomas though!

    Dinner went like this though:

    Amanda was yelling "I'm not eating in the same room as you...if you want to eat a poor helpless lamb, fine, but I won't watch" which was met with a resounding "you will stay here, young lady!" So she sat and pouted.

    Andrew took one bite of his lamb and pronounced "If I ever have to eat lamb again, I will puke"

    Alex simply avoided the lamb altogether "Andrew, you wanna play Zelda...let's play the game with the three hearts".

    This left Thomas and I staring up at each other and then down at our plates. We tried our lamb at the same time....I started gagging and had to spit it into my hand and he got through one bite and then in unison we all began putting our plates on the floor.

    Molly was the happiest dog in the neighborhood yesterday. She literally ate a leg of lamb!

    I cracked out the mac and cheese and made some for the kids...

    In the meantime, we had promised the kids that they could go and see some cartoon movie about three cows that save their farm. Alex went off into the cul-de-sac on his bike and fell off and hurt his arm....but insisted he was fine for the movie.

    To make a long story short: He didn't use his arm for the rest of the day, so we took him to the urgent care visible break, but concern that he may have injured the growth plate....which meant....a sling, appt. with orthopod if he isnt' using his arm in 2 days, etc......

    Wow...we had a National Lampoons Easter!

    How about y'all?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Wow, that could almost go under the crazy stories thread Kris! I hope Andrew's arm (or Alex's--I can't remember now) is OK! Maybe you could get a refund on that lamb? I like your new tradition idea--we kind of did that yesterday, though my husband didn't cook anything elaborate. He fixed panini's for lunch (with his panini maker of course) and for dinner, he fried a bunch of food in his deep fryer (mozz sticks, fish sticks, fries, onion rings)--we're such healthy people!
    BTW, did you guys like that movie? It looks really cute!
    Our Easter was good--the girls were a couple of nuts after OD'ing on Easter candy, we went to church, and spent the rest of the day outside because it was absolutely gorgeous here yesterday!
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      Too funny Kris. Sorry the lamb turned out so always looks tasty in magazines! I haven't had it in years, and our kids were WAY against having it this Easter. You may have just sealed the deal on the family opinion of lamb. Smelled like vomit???? Yikes. I always like a good mac and cheese anyway. Hope your son's arm is ok. Sounds weird that he's not using it, but good that there is no break. Good luck with that and Happy Easter

      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • #4
        Kris, that is a very funny story. I have only ever had lamb once and I did not care for it at all. DH grew up with a veterinarian father who also fancied himself a farmer, so he has had lots of lamb ("lamburger stroganoff" apparently was a favorite recipe of my MIL's back then) prepared lots of different ways and he won't touch it. His theory is that the meat tastes like the animal smells.......anyway, no lamb at our house.

        I taught 2nd/3rd grade children's church at the early service at our church, like always. I usually have 7 or 8 kids in my class, most of them boys. Yesterday I had 17 kids! 12 of them were boys! That wasn't so bad, but one of the kids (who usually attends) has CP and although he can walk, that is about it.....I don't know that he understands too much, although he is always smiling. Sometimes he decides to vocalize quite loudly, though, and although my "regulars" are used to him, the others definitely were NOT. In addition, I had a kid who had to be autistic or close to it. All his mother said when she dropped him off was that he wasn't a big fan of the song time (all the kids K-6th together for about 10 minutes) and I just thought, "Well, what 8 year old is?" and went on......turns out he HATES crowds and spent most of the lesson trying to hide under a metal folding chair. I really felt for him. But it was quite a scene.....I am trying to get the kids through the lesson and help them look up Bible verses, while in one corner, Coulter is clanging a metal chair against the wall as he attempts to hide, and in another corner, Daniel is trying to eat everything within reach while vocalizing at the top of his lungs. At one point, most of the kids were looking down at their papers and I looked over at DH (who was there, thank God!) and we both almost lost it. We laughed our heads off about it last night, recalling the scene.

        I was exhausted after that.....went home, made scrambled eggs and ham, which turned out too salty, but the kids liked it anyway, and then we had our own little Easter egg hunt, and gave them their baskets. Nathan took his nap, and I ended up taking one too, which is rare.

        It was a pretty uneventful day!

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          Kris- I like the tradition of Thomas cooking on Easter. You should try and make it a tradition for other holidays too minus the lamb. I haven't ever tried Lamb, but I don't think I am missing anything. Macaroni and Cheese sounds much better.

          We had two families of coworkers of DH over for brunch since we are all without family nearby. The kids had an Easter egg hunt outside and later we all napped and went to the park. Avery proceeded to eat nothing but candy yesterday.



          • #6
            I've never tried cooking lamb--a friend of mine did it for dinner one time with fresh rosemary from her garden and it was lovely, and I like it in Irish stew and however they do it in Middle Eastern restaurants, but I've heard it's fussy and takes some skill to make it really well. Maybe ham next year? (with Coca-Cola sauce!)

            No Easter here, but Passover ends tommorrow, which means pizza for dinner tomorrow night!! I'm seriously craving everything I can't have and have lost about 8lbs due to the forced low-carb diet (breakfast is the worst--no cereal, no bagels, no breakfast burritos ). I love charoset (a concoction of nuts, apples, wine, cinnamon and sugar) but after 8 days of eating it (I'm on batch #3) I never want to see it again. And matzoh really does taste like ceiling tiles...

