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A window with a view....

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  • A window with a view....

    ...too bad there is no sound!

    Just think in about 6mths, this could be my backyard-along with hurricanes, jellyfish, and sand in places it shouldn't be!

    ....but no yard to mow!!!

  • #2


    • #3
      Matt, that is AWESOME!!!! I have heard that Destin is very, very nice. It sure looks it!

      So...when is the MSN party taking place at your new house?


      • #4
        Awesome, Matt....I miss the beach.

        You forgot one animal though...

        Palmetto Bugs....

        If you don't know what they are, you will soon

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          should I be scared?!

          Right now, the plans for a Medspouse getaway are for next Feb, when winter is never ending it seems....


          • #6
            Nice! 8)

            Hope you have a spacious guestroom for that February retreat.


            • #7
              Palmetto Bugs....he he.....

              I forget that they're a Floridian thing...

              he he....

              Here's an exerpt from a website about them:
              Odds on, if you live in South Florida, you have already encountered a Palmetto Bug or two. What are they? Simply stated, a Cockroach. But not your ordinary run of the mill cockroach. No, they are nothing like the cute little creepy crawlies you see in Orkin commercials.

              For one thing, Palmetto Bugs tend to be a bit larger then your average roach. I'm not kidding when I say that I have seen them grow to three inches or more. You may think cockroaches are gross, but the experience is much more vivid when all the gory details are magnified. As if that wasn't enough, Palmetto Bugs can fly! Yes, fly. You have never been creeped out, until you see a three inch roach fly up and land on the table next to you. And it gets worse, Palmetto Bugs aren't afraid of the light. You're just as likely to encounter one during the day as at night. The last little detail to distinguish the Palmetto Bug from your average cockroach is that they are armored. Step on one and you're lucky if you get its attention. You don't even get the pleasure of squishing one.

              Usually what you see are the long...long....long antennae sticking out of the crack and holes in your walls....
              Mom of 3, Veterinarian


              • #8
                Oh man, I will be having nightmares for a week. I think those bugs may be the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. We have those june bug beetle things here in Wisconsin and I am terrified of them. I cringe and take cover when I hear the clicking of their wings when they fly. Sticky little gross beetles. A giant flying invincible coackroach? 8O 8O 8O No way. No thank you!


                • #9
                  Oh crap....

                  don't tell DW, she HATES all much for her going outside while we are here.


                  • #10
                    View of beach: very nice
                    view of bug: not very nice
                    reserving room at Matt's next winter: free?

                    Just kidding. Good luck with your move. Lots of people in my town went to Destin for spring break this year.



                    • #11
                      don't tell DW, she HATES all much for her going outside while we are here.
                      They're usually found inside the house.....I think I've only seen baby roaches outside....and only when I'm digging in the garden.

                      I love's really too bad that Russ and I aren't anywhere near a beach....closest is 1.5 hrs away! The breeze off the ocean, or Gulf in your case's beautiful...being able to head out to jog on the sand in the morning, or to pick shells...Ugh! I can't wait to get out of Gainesville!
                      Mom of 3, Veterinarian

