The warm weather happened. Yesterday! Hahahahaha
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summer dreams?
Two visits from the ILKS are already scheduled and I'm doing my best to avoid going on vacation with them. My mom decided to postpone her visit until the Fall and the cousins trip with my family was canceled due to my brother's moving plans.
The kids are attending Camp Mom, swimming lessons, and OT for K1. I'm looking forward to a more relaxed schedule but a little worried that the boys will need more structure. I'm a bit intimidated by the idea of spending so much entertaining the kids on my own because it's a juggling act with three under 6. Hoping K2 will be out of diapers soon (which I've been saying since last summer). DrK plans to take a week off this summer. The boys are hoping he'll have a more relaxed schedule too.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
The kids will be in their preschool summer program 5 mornings a week. I'll take them out for some fun stuff as often as I can think of things, but it was so nice having them in it last summer. DH has a week of vacation at the end of June and the end of July. We're taking a weekend + Monday trip to Napa in June, and we're considering selling his July week if they'll guarantee he'll still be off the weekend of the iMSN conference.Laurie
My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)
summer dreams?
*ahem* if anyone is interested in staying at a brand new kickass Jamaican all inclusive for $300 or less a night, let me know! is fantastic and we got such a deal. The rack rate for our room is $1200
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkMarried to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.
We are crazy busy this summer. I miss the days that I was the mom who refused to sign up for anything and we spent the summers swimming, going to movies, having hermit crab races. Such fun times!!!
We are dropping dd21 off at ND this weekend. Ds18 is working as much as possible to save up for spending money for college. Ds15 will have football everyday so that is a 90 min round trip 2x/day for me (and then there will be 2 a days later in the summer). Then a LAX camp in town and one in Annapolis. Dd13 is easy since she will be going away for her summer intensive. Dd6 has swim lessons all summer and her own little dance intensive (which I would have never let her older sibs do), 9-4 everyday for two weeks. And dd2 is riding in the car a lot and taking swim.
And of course we need to get DS18 ready to go to college. Dd6 is having a really hard time with the idea of another sibling going away
Honestly our summer is busier than the school year.Tara
Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.
My sister and I are taking my 83 y.o. Dad to Key West (he's never been and has always wanted to go) June 8-13. The next weekend, all of us are going to KS to celebrate fil...he is stepping down as Dean of the Vet School at KSU. It is also mil's 70th bday that weekend. DH and I go to Turks & Caicos for a week in July to celebrate our 25th anniversary (which isn't until mid-August, but I will be back at school by then). We may try for a random long-weekend trip as a family, but between the call schedule, swim schedule, and our oldest's work schedule, I'm not sure it will happen. DS # 1 is working as an EMT this summer...10+ hour shifts on a rotating schedule that includes Saturdays. He's making good money!He will be a junior in college this fall. DS # 2 is doing 2 and 3 swim practices a day all of June and July. Thank God he can drive himself! He will be a HS senior in the fall. DS # 3 will have a basketball camp the week I am in FL, but other than that, his schedule is still pretty light. He will be an 8th grader in the fall. The older two boys will be on a mission trip to Nicaragua while DH & I are on our anniversary trip, and the youngest will be at church camp. I'm sure the summer will fly by like it always does!
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.
"I don't know when Dad will be home."
I'm planning for the kids to do maybe one two-week session of morning swim lessons, and one week of soccer day camp. I still haven't signed them up though. DH is off for a week in June and a week in July. He has the Fourth off and we might be throwing a party and spending lots of money on stuff to blow up and stuff to drink. He also has a week off in August. We'll probably head to the mountains for both the July and August breaks.
I'm looking at a puppy that's available in two weeks, but if that doesn't happen, we will remain dogless all summer which will improve our flexibility. It's super easy to drop everything and leave the cat with a bowl of food for 2-3 days.Alison
Seems like we may have the young adult version of an old fashioned summer. My daughter has a cycling program she needs to complete this summer for credit - it requires that she ride five days a week for 45 minutes. I'll try to tag along because fitness.My son wants to play golf; he hasn't really done much, and he's asked me to tag along when I can. I don't know golf, but maybe we can learn together.
We have a roadtrip planned for ten days with no clear destination. Everyone is psyched to just get out of here. We plan to end up in Florida to see my dad.
Very old school, with big kids.
Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)
"Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
My twins have about 8 days of summer break lol. Year round school ends June 26 then they have a 3 week summer school PE class then about 1.5 weeks off and they start high school. School starts back up the end of July here for everyone, and dh can't take leave June, July or August. We get a break in October so we are going to go visit family and my dd19 at college. Not really looking forward to that trip so much. (Family visits are so stressful usually-- too much drama).
Other plans: ds11 is doing nothing, except for his regular swim. We will have some meet and greets at the new charter school so hopefully that will go well. I'd love for him to make a friend...
Dd6 is insanely social and active. She can't be alone for more than 5 min unless she has a new Lego set which she will build within 2 hours and then we are back to square 1. I signed her up for a summer school program in her school- STEM camp every day 8-12. Other than that swim lessons for her and she's dying to take piano, ukulele, and hula. Oh and drama classes. 😒
Dd19 is working at camps all summe and has no break from moving out of dorms to going to her first job. She wants to come visit us in August, which will be good.
We are about to embark on a kitchen remodel and that project occupies me. It's tedious and interesting at the same time, until I get a quote from our contractor or something!! Then it's just nauseating.Peggy
Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!
Originally posted by MsSassyBaskets View PostGraduation for DH, moving the first week of June, and then just lots of settling in, unpacking, and hopefully some decorating, gardening, and grilling. Just looking forward to a new place and meeting some new people.wife of a PGY-2 anesthesiology resident & mother of one adorable baby girl
Looking forward to a lot this summer! End of intern year is a big one but even bigger is the hopefully safe arrival of our first born in less than a month. My mom comes into town around 39 weeks and it will be really nice to have her here to help finish last minute things and to assist with laundry, cleaning, and cooking. Mama to be is swollen and tired these days!
After BabyB's arrival will be an onslaught of grandparents visiting but I'm happy about that. I love my in laws and I know DrB misses them.
July BabyB and I will make the trek back to Pittsburgh to see the rest of my family and friends and August will just be settling into mommyhood and enjoying the state fair and a friend's pool.
I'm really excited about this year's summer!wife of a PGY-2 anesthesiology resident & mother of one adorable baby girl
Bump! Yesterday was DD7's last day of first grade, so we're on summer break now. I'm pretty wrung out from all the wrenching goodbyes, mostly for DD5--she's just finished preschool and is leaving behind a number of activities and classes and teachers that she's had for years, now that she's entering kindergarten this fall. Plus, for me, saying goodbye to the past seven and a half years of parenting little ones at home. Deep breaths.
We had a great summer last summer, followed by what has been a pretty wobbly school yearfor each of us, so I'm hoping we get our good summer mojo back this year, and launch into a better school year for all of us in the fall. We have most of the same stuff planned this summer. We joined the pool again, which I felt was a real boon for us last year, and the kids are signed up for a number of week-long day camps at various places--mostly half-day ones. (Swim, art, cooking, theater, and maker, plus a sprinkling of mornings at the My Gym.) Camp time is my freelance work time. Plus I'm hoping to get a couple of house projects done, like painting the bathroom and purging our baby stuff.
Also on my summer wish list are roller skating rink, splash pad, bowling, trampoline place, peach picking, and the amusement park. It's already getting hot here, though, so a lot of outdoor activities are actually autumn activities.
I have some loose reading goals for both girls, and DD5 will be on a very short leash (sorry, Lenore Skenazy!) since she's pretty much been practicing to be a miniature juvenile delinquent all spring. Did I mention it's been a wobbly school year?Let the summer games begin!
Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.
“That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
― Lev Grossman, The Magician King