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  • #46
    Mine gets mad when I'm on this site and laughing, too. He always wants to know what it's about, and when it's something along these lines he gets all huffy.

    Particularly funny that he was actually reading it and still got all pissy - you'd think he'd at least cool his jets for 5 minutes to avoid proving us right!

    Thank him for us, will you?


    • #47
      OK, this thread now has well over a thousand views!

      I'll add one more:

      When you speak to me about my child's illness please realize 1) I actually have more experience than you do treating mild childhood illnesses (you being a radiologist - or insert other non-pediatric specialty here - and all AND having never really been home to take care of a sick child!!!) and 2) Using "medical-ese" to speak to me does NOT make your opinion on any ailment or malady more valid than my own.
      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
      With fingernails that shine like justice
      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


      • #48
        Oh, and a variation on the above reference to "Medical-ese":

        When you speak to me about any medical condition please use plain English. Your use of Latin terminology and up-to-date medical slang makes you look like a pompous windbag AND renders your opinion invalid because nobody understood what you just said.

        Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
        With fingernails that shine like justice
        And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


        • #49
          and medical words don't count in scrabble. or - if you want your words to count, than words from MY job count too:

          Mic-an-a-heer (cement mixer)
          Bull-da-zeer (bulldozer)
          Reguleer (regular)

          and on, and on, and on ...


          • #50
            Hi! I'm new here--SAHM of three (8, 10, 14; my oldest son is autistic). My husband is an anesthesiologist who is leaving tomorrow to spend six days at the Ritz Carlton in Naples, FL, attending a seminar on Corporate Compliance. Meanwhile, it's 24 degrees here, this is the second vacation he's taken by himself in six months, and he expects me to be thrilled I'm being left to hold down the fort. Bitter, moi?

            Here's my list:

            Do not invite your family members (who dislike me) to visit us, then spend their entire visit working, so that I'm left to entertain them.

            Do not agree to take someone else's weekend call just because they tell you they don't want to work any weekends in December. Why is it you can't say no to your co-workers but you have no problem disappointing your kids?

            Do not DARE to take personal trips, use your days off getting your Porsche serviced, plug every hole in the schedule with your name, and then call me selfish for objecting when you want to spend your weekend rehearsing for your optional role in the hospital charity follies.

            Do not, the one time in more than fifteen years of marriage that I go away for the weekend, secretly book a babysitter and go to a party, then pretend you were home the whole time. If I can stay with the kids 24/7, you can do it for one weekend--plus it looks bad when one of the nurses from the party sees me at the grocery store and asks me why I didn't come with you.

            Mrs. Dr. Ditchy McAbandonpants


            • #51
              Welcome Mrs. Dr. McAbandonpants...

              Post away! and I'd be bitter about Naples vs. Western PA, too. Heck I'm bitter about the Epilepsy conference going on right now that is 7 blocks from my house...



              • #52
                Welcome. Where in Pa are you? I'm 10 mile across the state line from Washington Crossing, in New Jersey.
                wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Sings in the Car
                  Do not invite your family members (who dislike me) to visit us, then spend their entire visit working, so that I'm left to entertain them.

                  Ohhhh, I think you struck a common chord among many members on this site, Mrs. Dr. Ditchy McAbandonpants!


                  Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                  With fingernails that shine like justice
                  And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                  • #54
                    Too funny! DH was reading some comments too and said that he thinks we're just a bunch of confused women who don't know what we want. "When we're not home, you compain that we're gone, when we're home, you compain that we're there. I don't get it, what are we supposed to do?" Um, not insist that our lives revolve around your schedule. That'd be a good start.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Luanne123
                      Welcome. Where in Pa are you? I'm 10 mile across the state line from Washington Crossing, in New Jersey.
                      I'm in northwestern PA, about two hours north of Pittsburgh. It's a pretty rural part of Pennsylvania. Last week, the kids had the day off school because it was the opening of buck hunting season.

                      Mrs. McAbandonpants


                      • #56
                        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Sings in the Car
                          I'm in northwestern PA, about two hours north of Pittsburgh. It's a pretty rural part of Pennsylvania. Last week, the kids had the day off school because it was the opening of buck hunting season.

                          Mrs. McAbandonpants
                          I actually think all of PA gets the 1st day of buck season off -- at least my cousins always did when they were in school, in a suburb of Pittsburgh.

                          I have a good friend / dawkters wife in Erie if you're near there. Her husband is a cardiologist - 1st year out and making INSANE $$. She's a lot of fun and has 2 little boys. They just moved there, so I know she's in the meeting people phase.

                          Welcome, Mrs. McAbandonpants! You've found your kindred spirits.


                          • #58
                            What? We still have school here in WI, even though 3/4 of the boys in 6th -12th grades are using the deer hunting permission slips to get out of classes.

