I'm overwhelmed here! There are several new faces and...well..so much has been going on with everyone. I've been unable to get online very often or for much time with the start of school and trying to pack the house/move the contents into the new house. I've been reading through posts...but...lazy me
...let's do a roll call and say what's been going on!
We went on vacation to WI camping and after that have just had a whirlwind of activity. Right before we left, we found out that the builder was going to buy our house in exchange for us purchasing theirs. We were told that we would be closing on Sept. 9 (That obviously hasn't happened!) so we got the kids started in the new Charter school here and I got busy packing boxes and moving furniture to the garage of the new house. I literally moved our entire living room/dining room/kitchen to the new garage in a matter of days.
After a series of family conversations and a breaking point for me, we switched the kids back to the public schools. I was really feeling the stress of packing up and struggling with all of the changes so I was a real basket case. Imagine that :>
We've finally settled in to the new school routine and Andrew is happiest of all. He's in the band (Saxophone...and he really, really loves it) and his 'girlfriend' is in his class. They ride bikes to school together every morning and then do their homework together after school too. :md: We were very fortunate with our teacher choice for him. I had a meeting with the principal that included an indepth discussion of what happened last year and my clearly outlined expectations for him and his teaching staff for this year.
I am mommy..hear me roar!
Amanda and Alex are adjusting to being in a diff. elementary school in the school district that our new house is in....things have been up and down for them both but they are finally beginning to be more up than down. Amanda is in class with our new nextdoor neighbor and they had a sleepover over there last night. I was able to hand pick their teachers, so I made sure that they were in the same class and could get to know each other.
I've become nazi mom though, insisting that the kids where their kaki pants/polo style shirts M-R and that they can wear what they want (within reason) on Fridays only. I'm appalled by the girl's fashions around here. I can't find anything that will actually sit above my daugther's hips or isn't gathered at the chest.
It's outrageous.
So in a nutshell...we're basically still living here in our old house...with almost no furniture to speak of
and we're anxiously awaiting our move to our 'dream' house. Hopefully it will be done in 2 weeks and we'll be able to get settled in!
The new semester started at the U and I honestly...don't miss it right now. I'm sure that is all subject to change, but I feel content with just taking care of all of us right now....life is good!
So...fill me in

We went on vacation to WI camping and after that have just had a whirlwind of activity. Right before we left, we found out that the builder was going to buy our house in exchange for us purchasing theirs. We were told that we would be closing on Sept. 9 (That obviously hasn't happened!) so we got the kids started in the new Charter school here and I got busy packing boxes and moving furniture to the garage of the new house. I literally moved our entire living room/dining room/kitchen to the new garage in a matter of days.
After a series of family conversations and a breaking point for me, we switched the kids back to the public schools. I was really feeling the stress of packing up and struggling with all of the changes so I was a real basket case. Imagine that :>
We've finally settled in to the new school routine and Andrew is happiest of all. He's in the band (Saxophone...and he really, really loves it) and his 'girlfriend' is in his class. They ride bikes to school together every morning and then do their homework together after school too. :md: We were very fortunate with our teacher choice for him. I had a meeting with the principal that included an indepth discussion of what happened last year and my clearly outlined expectations for him and his teaching staff for this year.

Amanda and Alex are adjusting to being in a diff. elementary school in the school district that our new house is in....things have been up and down for them both but they are finally beginning to be more up than down. Amanda is in class with our new nextdoor neighbor and they had a sleepover over there last night. I was able to hand pick their teachers, so I made sure that they were in the same class and could get to know each other.
I've become nazi mom though, insisting that the kids where their kaki pants/polo style shirts M-R and that they can wear what they want (within reason) on Fridays only. I'm appalled by the girl's fashions around here. I can't find anything that will actually sit above my daugther's hips or isn't gathered at the chest.

So in a nutshell...we're basically still living here in our old house...with almost no furniture to speak of

The new semester started at the U and I honestly...don't miss it right now. I'm sure that is all subject to change, but I feel content with just taking care of all of us right now....life is good!
So...fill me in
