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Roll Call

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  • Roll Call

    I'm overwhelmed here! There are several new faces much has been going on with everyone. I've been unable to get online very often or for much time with the start of school and trying to pack the house/move the contents into the new house. I've been reading through posts...but...lazy me ...let's do a roll call and say what's been going on!

    We went on vacation to WI camping and after that have just had a whirlwind of activity. Right before we left, we found out that the builder was going to buy our house in exchange for us purchasing theirs. We were told that we would be closing on Sept. 9 (That obviously hasn't happened!) so we got the kids started in the new Charter school here and I got busy packing boxes and moving furniture to the garage of the new house. I literally moved our entire living room/dining room/kitchen to the new garage in a matter of days.

    After a series of family conversations and a breaking point for me, we switched the kids back to the public schools. I was really feeling the stress of packing up and struggling with all of the changes so I was a real basket case. Imagine that :>

    We've finally settled in to the new school routine and Andrew is happiest of all. He's in the band (Saxophone...and he really, really loves it) and his 'girlfriend' is in his class. They ride bikes to school together every morning and then do their homework together after school too. :md: We were very fortunate with our teacher choice for him. I had a meeting with the principal that included an indepth discussion of what happened last year and my clearly outlined expectations for him and his teaching staff for this year. I am mommy..hear me roar!

    Amanda and Alex are adjusting to being in a diff. elementary school in the school district that our new house is in....things have been up and down for them both but they are finally beginning to be more up than down. Amanda is in class with our new nextdoor neighbor and they had a sleepover over there last night. I was able to hand pick their teachers, so I made sure that they were in the same class and could get to know each other.

    I've become nazi mom though, insisting that the kids where their kaki pants/polo style shirts M-R and that they can wear what they want (within reason) on Fridays only. I'm appalled by the girl's fashions around here. I can't find anything that will actually sit above my daugther's hips or isn't gathered at the chest. It's outrageous.

    So in a nutshell...we're basically still living here in our old house...with almost no furniture to speak of and we're anxiously awaiting our move to our 'dream' house. Hopefully it will be done in 2 weeks and we'll be able to get settled in!

    The new semester started at the U and I honestly...don't miss it right now. I'm sure that is all subject to change, but I feel content with just taking care of all of us right is good!

    So...fill me in
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    OK, here's my story right now:

    Five children is HARD. No doubt about it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here, though, because all of my friends have this mistaken impression that I'm doing 'great' with five now and it's 'easy' for me. Ummmm..... NO!

    So, I reached a point last month where I though I might have a bit of PPD and I was going batty. I immediately bought airline tickets for the kids and me to fly to visit my mom. We're still here (we've been here almost all of September).

    My husband flew down and we drove down to San Antonio for a real vacation. We took the kids to the SA zoo, the Riverwalk, Sea World (10 1/2 hours at Sea Word!!!), etc. in 100+ degree heat (no precipitation). It was very hard, but for some reason now that we're back I feel rested and.... HAPPY! I feel like I can go back and be superwoman again - at least for a few more weeks. I'm looking forward to helping the kids with their educations when we get home. We canceled the maid service (after she SMOKED IN OUR HOUSE ) and I'm not panicking at the added work I'll have of keeping the house ship-shape.

    We had the baby blessed last night at my parents' house with a bunch of very close friends and family (LDS thing) and that was so great. It was like Christmas with everyone you love nearby doing something together and just enjoying each others' company.

    So, I'm feeling good and looking forward to getting on with life (we leave for Boston tomorrow am).

    Oh, and the baby is HUGE. She's 3 months old and currently weighs in at 19 lbs!!!!! She's also very loooong (don't know her length at this time). She got sick last week and I'm glad my mom was around to help out with her. But, all seems well now. She's happy and healthy and beautiful.

    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
    With fingernails that shine like justice
    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


    • #3
      Kris, I am glad you did this. I tried to start a thread just like this last week b/c it seems SOOO quiet on the boards lately, but never got it done b/c of the "bug problem.....

      We are all doing well. DH is still on a "reading" rotation and studying alot for boards but is home every night at a decent hour and eats with us, hangs out, helps with putting kids to bed etc. It's great! I have even been on a girls night out! :ra: I am excited for him to take Step II ( I want it over for him already ) and then he starts back with an optho rotation. We also sent in his applications and are awaiting the interview process. I so wish we knew already where we were going to live next year!!!

      The kids are all doing well in school and back on a routine. We are celebrating our two year olds b'day tonight (it was Fri) with her favorite... a CARE BEAR cake! I can't believe my baby is already two. And last but not least, I am leaving for Portland on Thurs for a four day weekend without kids or hubby! I am SOOOOOO excited! That sounds bad, I love my family but haven't had any time by myself in ten years and we figure it isn't going to happen come intern year. So I am off to visit a dear friend. Life is good. I will cherish these memories for next year when we are probably in a new city and dh is gone all the time.


      • #4
        Well, we are slowly but surely getting settled here. DH loves his new practice setting, but has found it hard to NOT be busy, since he and his partner are building a practice from scratch. They are actually in a multi-specialty group, and most of the rest of the group are FPs who do not do OB, so the referrals are coming, but he is definitely MUCH less busy than any time since he started med school. Surprisingly, it has made him grumpy, of all things, but as they start getting busier, he is happier. He is spending one morning a week doing ultrasounds at a crisis pregnancy center, which has been fulfilling for him. His practice accepts Medicaid, so some of the women he has seen at the center have become patients. He still hasn't gotten a delivery yet.....I know that will be a happy day for him. He sure doesn't miss the military! He resigned his commission when his Air Force committment was up, and STILL got a letter a month ago that started with the words "welcome to the Air Force Reserves....". He about had a stroke. Apparently, you have to resign your reserve commission as well, which he did immediately.

        The boys are settling in well. My middle son (second grade) has had the hardest time at a new school, but I have been volunteering in his classroom, and DH had lunch with him one day, and things are lots better. My oldest son has settled right in, and Nathan (my youngest) has had no qualms about being in a new place at all. I am volunteering in the older two boys' classrooms about once a week, and subbing whenever the principal asks me. I am a little concerned about my oldest son's class.....there are 11 boys in it currently. I *think* that some of the boys will leave after 6th grade, and I don't know that I will keep Luke there if the class size is less than 10. So, we will have to see what happens there. Luke (10) and Joel (7) are both playing soccer on school teams. Luke practices every day except Friday until 4:45, unless he has a game, and Joel just practices on Wednesdays from 6:15 to 7:00, and has one game a week, on Saturday morning. There are about 3 weeks of soccer left, and I am sure basketball will start soon after that. I am really appreciating being away from the Texas sports mentality!!!

        I am still trying to find a routine! Nathan is in school Tuesdays and Thursdays, yet I feel like I NEVER have time to myself. I had a long talk with DH about it over the weekend and I am really going to try to protect my time a little more. I go to my Aunt's (about 45 minutes away) every other Thursday, to help her clean out her apartment, take her shopping, and spend time with her. (She is 87 and has lived alone for most of her life.....we are very close.) I enjoy doing that, but it does cut into my "free" time. Nathan is in a Kindermusik class on Wednesday mornings, and that has been a great thing to share with him. He turned 4 about three weeks ago, which was bittersweet, to say the least! I am enjoying being in Indiana and catching up with old friends....BUT I really would like a routine, instead of meeting friends at various places around Indianapolis all week and then dashing around trying to pick up kids, get to soccer games/practices, and get housework done during the little chunks of time I have left. Things will calm down in time, I'm sure. I am thinking about going back to school...there are six hours of pre-reqs I will have to take before I can get into the master's program I'm interested in, so I may start those in the next year. DH and I have also been looking into international adoption, and although we aren't ready to do anything about it yet, we are definitely interested and open to it.....we'll see.

        So, life is good! I am SO glad DH is done with the military. The leaves are starting to turn here, and I am just giddy about seeing my first fall in 8 years. (Not so excited about the first winter, though. ) It feels weird (but nice!) to finally be able to "exhale" after all of these years of training and military service. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it is really okay to relax, take my time, put down roots.....after all, we won't be moving away from here! DH and I went to Chicago Friday and saw the Chicago production of "Wicked", with Ana Gasteyer as one of the leads. We had a GREAT time, and the musical was fabulous, much better than we thought it would be.....and we had high expectations to begin with. I love Chicago and am familiar enough with it that finding my way around doesn't wear me out. We came home on Saturday afternoon. I would like to take the older two boys and go see it again, but we'll see if we can work that out.

        I am anxious to read everyone's update!

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          It has seemed pretty busy around here.
          We are liking being done with training, though we don't have as much dinero as we thought we would. I'm pleased as punch to be able to pay all of the bills for once, but my dh is bummed that he can't have a new car and a plama TV immediately. There is money in the budget for semi-regular dates which is really great. I'm still wrapping up my business (I've been saying that for months now...when will it ever end??? :c ). Maya goes to Kindergarten from 9-4 everyday and Syd is in preschool T and Th. I've been going out for coffee at least once a week with the girls (and the kids) which is quite a treat. Aside from the fact that I've been totally neglecting my business, I'm thrilled to death to finally feel like a full-fledged SAHM. Taking the kids to the park, library, or zoo is a pretty nice gig. I'm trying to get into a good routine which involves doing fun stuff with the kids AND keeping up with domestic tasks, but it's a work in progress. I'm running in the AM 4-5 mornings a week with friends, and we are training for a November half-marathon. Several of the girls have never run that far before, so it will be fun watching them meet their goals.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            We are FINISHING what I'm told is one of my DH's worst quarters (thank GOD). Saturday I will be on a plane to CA for 9 days and my DH will finally be on a nicer rotation. He got both Thanksgiving and Christmas off
            so we are very excited! Of course we're also having 15 people at our house for Thanksgiving including all siblings and both sets of parents so we've probably signed our own death wish with that one! :cook:

            In other news we've decided to try to start a family (if you live near me and know me or my DH personally, please don't say anything) - we're keeping it as quiet as possible so that we don't have the added stress of our family bugging us. Other than my really weird cycles its going okay and we're keeping our fingers crossed for a summer or fall of '06 baby.

            Our dog, Molly, is finally outgrowing most of her puppy stages and I am so excited that Fall is finally here, though I'm sure most people would say we didn't have much of a summer in Minnesota. Other than that, not a lot exciting going on here - just the usual go to work and come home. I'm ready for a break!
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #7
              It has been really fun reading what you all have been up to!

              We're staying busy here preparing for the baby's arrival (only 12 weeks to go - eek!), I'm slowly getting the nursery together and we're in the midst of a couple of other house projects (bathroom remodel, landscape project). I have my first of 3 baby showers this weekend and I'm *so* excited. :=

              I'm feeling ok (although I suspect my nights of 8 full hours' of sleep are behind me for a while, I just can't get comfy!) and am still working full-time, I *plan* to stop working around 38-1/2 weeks (this may be ambitious of me, though - we'll see). DH is enjoying his master's classes and research, although it's been a bit more stressful than he anticipated. He's trying to be really productive and is hoping to get a couple of articles published in some high-profile journals, so I think most of the pressure is self-induced. Overall, though, this has been 1000% better than clinicals and we're both dreading July 1, 2006.

              So, not too much going on with us either, things are going well and life is good!

              -Wife of urology attending.
              -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


              • #8
                The boards have been quiet lately. Whats that all about? I've missed everybody's chatter!

                We are doing well here. After a full year out of training and in our new location we are just starting to feel settled. I still think about moving every few weeks - mostly because I'm just so tired of being "the new kid" after all the moves over the last 10 years. I don't know why I'd consider moving AGAIN!! I've just started a girl's night out group here with neighbors, but DHs social life seems more rich. Seems the dads think they get a boys night out for each girls night out. What's that all about?

                Both my kids are in school full time this year. They are struggling to adapt - one to first grade, the other to fourth. I didn't realize fourth grade would be so different. Here, fourth grade comes with lots of homework, more resposibilities and the start of changing classes (although limited and in one big group). My son had just gotten used to the new town and now this. He says he's doing fine, but he is clingy as all get out around the house. It is hard to grow up. Meanwhile ....DD has made a few friends in her class. She's happy, but I can see the beginning of girl politics. In first grade. Eeeww.

                I've got a full load of volunteering (2 schools and local library) and have been pegged as the cookie mom for the girl scout troop. (Thin Mints, anyone??) DS is on the town soccer team. I'm offically a suburban soccer mom, huh? :chat: I am also working on my freelance writing business. I have gotten a little work from local sources. I have also enjoyed working on MDFamily. I saw in the paper today that a new magazine called "Professional Sports Wives" just launched. Honestly, if they get a magazine, shouldn't we? I hope to continue working on that. A friend and I are working on a theme based travel book series for families. I'm also editing a medical memoir book for a doctor nearby. No profits, of course ---but I do have work.

                We are remodeling our house ourselves. We've ripped out two rooms down to the studs, but we are slow to put them back together. I need a plumber to come in and cuts some pipes, but I am loath to get involved in subcontracting. I think I'll be pulling the plug on our bank account!! :titanic:

                Meanwile, downstairs I am decorating and painting in preparation for our department holiday party. :christmas: I still haven't figured out how I'm parking 50-100 people in my two car driveway on a busy street with no parking. Otherwise, I'm a little more calm. Everyone is looking forward to a relaxed celebration. I can do relaxed. I think.

                I have completely fallen off the exercise wagon. At least, I'm not eating much. So....I'm still fitting in my clothes (after losing 40 lbs before we moved) but I'm getting flabby. I'm waiting for life to calm down so I can start running in the morning with our new puppy Cooper. I'm also planning on starting a yoga class one day a week. :weight:

                DH is STILL away a his boards course. His job is going well. He is very busy surgically - filling an OR several days a week. They even opened 2 rooms for him on one day. He is studying hard for OB boards in November. Then he has to study for Gyn Onc written boards in June followed by oral boards the next January. I guess I'll get lots of writing done while he reads and studies over the next few years!!!
                Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                • #9
                  This is really we're sitting around chatting over coffee!

         no particular order:

                  First, I'm running the Twin Cities Marathon this weekend. I'm fairly intimidated. I hope that I finish. After months of training it all comes down to one day. DH wrangled the morning off so he and the kids will come to cheer me on at various points.

                  My job share partner just got hired on full time as a prosecutor so this means that I will be going back to 32 hours a week the second week of October. This is a very bittersweet development for me. I have loved having this time with my kids and it is hard to see it come to an end. Fortunately, DD will be almost 14 months old and DS is in school all day until 3 everyday. Further, we could really use the money. I'm trying to take the attitude of gratefulness that I had the time when I needed it, but it is hard. Yes, I'm only adding one or two days a week, but I know how precious time is.

                  DS lost his first tooth this weekend. He is at an awesome stage--like he is standing on the precipice of everything: reading, riding his bike without training wheels, deeper understanding of how the world works, tying his shoes, more profound social relationships, etc. It is really cool to see. Also, he has developed a deep appreciation for irony in his humor. Even his teacher has noticed it...(I'm so proud...a chip off the old block! )

                  DD started walking this weekend. I get such a kick out of her. She is much more outgoing and fiestier than my first born. We send her down the big kids slide and she doesn't even flinch. Shereaches her little arms out to other children when they pass by in attempts to have them hold her. I just love her joie de vivre (sp?).

                  DH has found his groove. I hate to jinx us, but we are back into the groove after the angst of transition out of the lab. (Change is not either of our strong suits). We've been watching the Sopranos dvds together after the kids go to bed and have decided that there may be worse careers than medicine.

                  My mommy is flying up here for 11 days in two weeks. I'm so excited. We always have a ball together. I've reserved us tickets for the circus and for Sleeping Beauty.

                  Finally, DH and I are contemplating refinishing the floors in our house because the professional estimates.... :! However, unlike the fabled couples on HGTV who lovingly pass each other tools, DIY house projects go a tad more stressfully in our house. I'm still trying to get the professional estimates pushed down so that we can just be done with it, but I have an icky feeling that we are going to attempt to slay this beast ourselves. Two different real estate agents advised us to change out the flooring before putting it on the market. We want to enjoy our investment for our remaining two years rather than dump money in for someone else to enjoy.

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    I am all work and no play right now! My assistant at work left so I'm trying to hire a new one. (My assistants, they keep moving on and up in the world! I'll have to be more abusive to the next one so they don't develop such high self-esteem. ) This is the first time I've had to go through the whole process of hiring someone from the outside and the many resumes and many interviews, etc. So that's a bit a new challenge. I think I was absent the day God handed out all the natural business-y corporate management abilities. It's definitely more of a learned set of skills for me. It does get easier and easier, though, at least.

                    Then in my free time I've been taking on a lot of freelance, which is a blessing and a curse. It's nice to have the $work$ but . . . it's work! So right now it's role reversal at our house with my husband saying "Hey, let's do something this weekend!" and me saying "Oh, I can't, I have too much work to do." and him saying "Oh...well do you at least have time to catch a movie?" Poor guy.

                    This weekend, though, we're both taking the train up to Mass. so he can hang out with his brother while I go to his sister's baby shower, so that will be a good time. There's supposed to be 80 people invited just from the father's side alone, though, so it could be quite an event. I'm very excited to be getting a new little nephew in November--being an aunt is the best!

                    Oh, and we're still chugging through the residency application process, where I've managed to nudge my attitude from "unwarranted defeatist" to "cautiously optimistic."
                    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                    Lev Grossman, The Magician King


                    • #11
                      As most of you know we made the big move this year from fellow to attending. We also physically moved from Ohio to Kansas (although we're still the owners of a lovely house in Cleveland Heights with a highly negotiable price if anyone is looking).

                      My sons are now 3 and 4, and the older has started montessori preschool which I'm really liking thus far. We're settling into our new lives and surroundings, thanks in large part to the generosity of IMSN's very own SueC who has really been a wonderful friend.

                      Once I get DS#2 into a PDO program, I'll probably have more to report on the "me" front. So far it's just been all about keeping my head above water and dragging myself out of bed on a daily basis. I hope to resume a regular exercise plan and really improve my overall health in the coming year.


                      • #12
                        I'm not the most frequent poster, but I'll take this opportunity to update/introduce myself.

                        We're in my dh's last year of ophtho residency and in the middle of his job search. We're from the west coast, yet living on the east coast. His job search is geographically focused narrowly on Oregon/Washington, so that we can move home. We're finding that the opportunities in Oregon are limited, but he's managed to get an offer from a practice in his home town. We're thrilled about that. Additionally, we just returned from a visit to another wonderful practice in Oregon. We're hoping that it will pan out to an offer as well. If it does, then it will be a very tough decision. For me, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting much brighter now that I know We WILL be moving home!

                        Our dd is 19 months and her vocabulary has dramatically expanded in the last month. She is the joy of my life. We're expecting our second baby April 20. Although I had some initial concerns about the pregnancy, I've had two ultrasounds that show a wiggly and appropriately developing baby!!!! That was a relief. Once our second baby arrives, I will stop working to be home full time with my kids. I can't wait. Before I had my dd, I never thought being home with my kids would be so important to me. But, I suppose the birth of my dd and becoming a mother has made me realize quite a few things about myself that I never really knew before.

                        The closer I get to April, the more anxious I'm becoming about having a second child, caring for my dd, selling our current home, buying our next home and facilitating a move across that the country. But, we have a lot to look forward to right now.
                        Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


                        • #13
                          Okay, I am finally getting around to posting to this. It is such a big undertaking!

                          DH is finally off of the sports service, which is good. He has a smidge more free time (you know down from 110 hours to 95 hours a week). We still cannot manage to get caught up on everything that needs to be caught up.

                          I just got a new job doing transciption at home. I had to train clearn across town for 2 1/2 weeks to do it. The pay pretty much sucks. During training it was 5.15 per hour. Ugh. Now I will make .07 per line I type (also not great money).

                          The money situation is bad right now. Our cars are both dying. Dying!! We have had numberous expenses lately that could not be avoided. You know how bad things always happen at once? Anyway, between all of the car repairs, car insurance, gas (impacted more than expected due to new job coming right when gas is really high), new wardrobe for new job (dress code at office, haven't worked in 8 years), glasses for our son, babysitting, and the list goes on and on and on and on.

                          A few months ago we applied for a loan to help consolidate our debt. We don't qualify for the Sun Trust loan because dh went to too expensive of a med school and has too much in student loans! Shame on him. Doctor funds has said they would help us, but they have been slower than tar. It has been two months, and we have gotten nowhere. I am really, really feeling the crunch. In a few weeks we were supposed to go to Disney World for our first vacation as a family in EVER. Our IL's are going too (we cannot share the $$ problem thing with them, they would freak, and its too complicated to go into here, plus they already paid for the hotel and are going because we said we were, AAAAACK), but we cannot afford the tickets right now, but we also cannot back out. I don't have enough room on my credit cards to put the tickets on!

                          So, I am totally stressed out right now. I am probably going to ask my parents for some money soon. If we don't hear an answer back from the lender we are working with by Friday, I will call my dad and ask for some money, or at least an advance on Christmas (they always give us cash). I don't know if they will give us money, but I am fairly certain they will. I hate to ask for it though, and it probably won't be enough to really help us.

                          Is there a way for doctors to moonlight over the internet? Seriously, I am desperate here.

                          My new job is hard. Not in the brain waves needed or physical sense, but in a time sense. As if I didn't have enough to do being the spouse of a resident, I am trying to work from home. I do all my transciption early in the morning before she wakes up or during her nap time or after she goes to bed. I have no time left. I am totally frazzled. I'd like an advance on our attending paycheck too!

                          My daughter is a tornado. I can't keep anything clean, and I am not the neatest person in the world myself, and it all ends up with a giant pool of crap everywhere. I swear I just cleaned this crap up! She is way more demanding than my son ever was. She also is running a fever, but she has no other symptoms. You would think that my dawkter husband could just take a peek at her ears. There are bones in the ears after all! Grrr. Our son has a hearing aid and we have to be really careful about infections in our kids.

                          My dad is popping by for a suprise visit (just found out) on Friday, so I have to clean the house (how, exactly?), launder, and try to get my work done, keep the kids happy, and figure out the money thing. There are lots of other things in there too, but you get the picture. Dh is on call tonight, so that is a huge help as well.

                          :@ If I get in, I am never coming out.
                          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                          • #14
                            DH and I are finally in the same household again. He transfered from an OB/Gyn residency in the midwest to one in PA so that we could be together and I could finish up my dissertation. There are more opportunities in my field on the east cost. So he made a huge sacrifice for both of our careers. He likes his new program a lot. The hours are much better than his last program and there is a lot more Gyn which he likes a lot.

                            We bought our first house this summer and we love it. It is the perfect transition house from an apartment to a house. It is just right. We are also expecting our first child Nov 8th, so I have been busy trying to move my dissertation forward so that I can graduate by May 06 .

                            My best friend has organized a surprise baby shower for me and I have no idea as to when it is....but I hope that it is soon so that I can start to get the baby's room all organized.

                            My inlaws are coming up to the US (they live in Trinidad & Tobgao) for a couple months to get to know their first grandaughter. I am looking forward to my father in law, mother in law can be a bit demanding. My mother is so excited since this is her first grandchild, she lives in NY and so will be making the 3 hour drive to PA quite frequently. So I suspect that we will have a very full house when this baby arrives.

                            In the midst of all of this anticipation, I have been spending a lot of time infront of the computer doing data analysis for my dissertation, trying to write an abstract to submit to a meeting that is due later next month and also trying to work on a grant proposal. Busy Busy! and Happy! Happy!


                            • #15
                              Wow, everyone has had busy summers! It has been fun catching up with everyone. I haven't been able to post much lately, but I do pop in every now and then.

                              DH and I spent the summer adjusting to parenthood and getting to know our son. He will be 3 months old, life is just moving too fast! I feel like we really lucked out in the baby department because Andrew is such a sweet and easygoing little boy. Motherhood has been more wonderful & fulfilling than I ever could have imagined. I try to not take a single second for granted. Andrew is growing and changing so fast that I find myself trying to memorize every single thing about him....from the rolls in his thighs to the way he giggles in his sleep. I just wish he wouldn't grow up so fast!

                              My mom and sister were here for a visit this past week and they just left on Wednesday. I really enjoyed having them here and was so sad when they left that I bawled my eyes out after I dropped them off at the airport. I thought living so far away from family would get easier as time rolls on, but it just seems to be getting harder....especially since my son was born. While here, my mom was able to get Andrew to laugh for the first time. It sounds sappy, but the day my son laughed for the first time was one of the best days of my life so far. I am so happy that my mom was a part of that wonderful moment.

                              This summer my husband began his second year out of residency. He truly loves his job which is something I am very thankful for. He will be taking his Orals in Chicago in a little over a week. I cannot tell you how happy I will be when those are over!

                              We are really starting to feel comfortable in our town. We live in a small village and it has gotten to the point where I can't go anywhere without running into at least 3 people I know (quite a bit different from our life in LA!). We have become good friends with many of DH's colleagues over the past year and I am excited about Andrew growing up with their children. Now that I am no longer pregnant I am really looking forward to focusing on getting our house together. I am in the middle of a few decorating projects and our house is finally starting to feel like our home. I'm also starting to plan out our first Thanksgiving in our home. DH was at work and I was in bed with morning sickness last Thanksgiving so we didn't really have much of a celebration last year. This year, though, DH has the day off and my family will be visiting so we will get to have a true Thankgiving dinner. I can't wait...although I'm sure I will be a nervous wreck the day before!

                              Other than that I have started jogging 5 miles a day. It is amazing what jogging while pushing a 30 lb stroller plus a 14 lb baby uphill will do for you! I feel like I am in the best shape of my life. I have muscles in my legs now that I never knew existed!

