Lord, a child neurologist is totally useless to me...
So, in today's what's wrong with the dog story- it's Kennel Cough. Apparently a nasty outbreak of kennel cough has overtaken Captiol Hill. and since we boarded Petey at the kennel on the Hill, he's got the cough. So, now I'm stuck with a herding dog, inside, for 3 weeks.
Plus, according to the vet, there's also this nasty thing called canine influenza to be on the look-out for, as they have similar symptoms.
Michelle, leave Russ and marry me, please?
This, after Petey was just at the vet for his stupid allergies which required prednisone, an anti-histamine and some other drug AND I had to take Trouble in her her annual appointment and because she keeps running away from home, she had to get all of the outdoor kitty shots.
So, in today's what's wrong with the dog story- it's Kennel Cough. Apparently a nasty outbreak of kennel cough has overtaken Captiol Hill. and since we boarded Petey at the kennel on the Hill, he's got the cough. So, now I'm stuck with a herding dog, inside, for 3 weeks.
Plus, according to the vet, there's also this nasty thing called canine influenza to be on the look-out for, as they have similar symptoms.
Michelle, leave Russ and marry me, please?
This, after Petey was just at the vet for his stupid allergies which required prednisone, an anti-histamine and some other drug AND I had to take Trouble in her her annual appointment and because she keeps running away from home, she had to get all of the outdoor kitty shots.