How is your spouse or partner (sorry med students!) similar to the stereotype of his/her speciality?
First, state the stereotype as you believe it to be true and say how your doc falls into that "rut"
Then, tell us a way he/she is different from the stereotype!
My DH -- Cardio/Thoracic Surgeon
Stereotype--- Confidant to the point of untouchable, can be scary and intimidating, never lacks opinions, classic Type A to the Nth degree, LOVES heart surgery to the point of having a real problem balancing lifestyle issues
DH falls into all descriptions but is better than ever with a "team" approach at work. His people skills are awesome if you are smart and work hard, if not, watch out. :! He is 6'5" with a low booming voice too so that doesn't help in the "approachable" department. He's Type A at work but not so much at home. He IS VERY opinionated. When we were married I tried to maximize his time (he was working 110 hours a week for goodness sakes!) by checking out all the China/silver/crystal patterns -- picking my top 4 and letting him make the final decision. He didn't want my top 4 and wanted to see everything so he could make the best decision. :argue: Yeah, that went over REAL well.
Does not fall into stereotype:
DH is NOT like a typical CT surgeon because he desires balance in his life post training. He has no desire to publish or do talks in addition to his clinical duties. He really wants to commit a large portion of his life to his family.
First, state the stereotype as you believe it to be true and say how your doc falls into that "rut"

Then, tell us a way he/she is different from the stereotype!
My DH -- Cardio/Thoracic Surgeon
Stereotype--- Confidant to the point of untouchable, can be scary and intimidating, never lacks opinions, classic Type A to the Nth degree, LOVES heart surgery to the point of having a real problem balancing lifestyle issues
DH falls into all descriptions but is better than ever with a "team" approach at work. His people skills are awesome if you are smart and work hard, if not, watch out. :! He is 6'5" with a low booming voice too so that doesn't help in the "approachable" department. He's Type A at work but not so much at home. He IS VERY opinionated. When we were married I tried to maximize his time (he was working 110 hours a week for goodness sakes!) by checking out all the China/silver/crystal patterns -- picking my top 4 and letting him make the final decision. He didn't want my top 4 and wanted to see everything so he could make the best decision. :argue: Yeah, that went over REAL well.
Does not fall into stereotype:
DH is NOT like a typical CT surgeon because he desires balance in his life post training. He has no desire to publish or do talks in addition to his clinical duties. He really wants to commit a large portion of his life to his family.